I love Mac OS X Lion like the rest of us, but I found this Joy of Tech comic strip hilarious, it touches on everything from natural scrolling, the lack of PPC support, new scrollbars, downloading from the App Store, and more.
The latest version of Preview app from OS X Mountain Lion onward feature a couple of fun menu items that let you quickly add comic book styled speech bubbles to any photo. It's extremely easy to use, but it's also easy to overlook, so here's how to use them to…
If you're not happy with the usage of Helvetica Neue as a system font in OS X Yosemite, why not go completely ridiculous and replace the Mac system font with Comic Sans? Yes Comic Sans, somewhere high on the list of worst fonts ever, can now be the universal system…
No this is not an April Fools joke. Select Apple customers are being sent email invitations to sign up to be testers for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. No developer account is required, but you'll have full access to the current developer releases of Lion. Free access to Mac OS…
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[…] provocan respuestas curiosas y es lo que se trata de reflejar en esta curiosa imagen que han creado Nitrozac y Snaggy, de las que me quedo con la “Respuesta natural al scroll natural” y la del freak con la […]
Ha ha ha! That’s fantastic! It’s like a summary of the Apple Lion Discussion boards right now.
Do most people want to “flip off” the natural scrolling? I think it’s ok (if not an unnecessary change) but it’s really going to screw me up when I go to work today and use Windows. LOL
LOL, love it
Had a good laugh, especially the natural response to “Natural” scrolling. hahah.
[…] provocan respuestas curiosas y es lo que se trata de reflejar en esta curiosa imagen que han creado Nitrozac y Snaggy, de las que me quedo con la “Respuesta natural al scroll natural” y la del freak con la […]
I am in love with the full screen terminal now !
Us too, it’s a great feature
Ha ha ha! That’s fantastic! It’s like a summary of the Apple Lion Discussion boards right now.
Do most people want to “flip off” the natural scrolling? I think it’s ok (if not an unnecessary change) but it’s really going to screw me up when I go to work today and use Windows. LOL
Yes – so-called “natural” scrolling is horrid. Even calling it “natural” is a passive-aggressive jab by Apple.