MacPorts 2.0 for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Released
MacPorts 2.0 has been released, the new version includes full OS X 10.7 compatibility. For those who are unfamiliar, MacPorts is a popular package management utility used to easily install thousands of open-source applications and utilities for the command line, X11, and even some Aqua apps. Because MacPorts handles the retrieval and building of dependencies in addition to the bundle you are looking for, it’s easier than finding and compiling a variety of packages yourself.
To install MacPorts 2, you will also need to have downloaded XCode 4.1, which is now a free download from the Mac App Store for OS X Lion users.
Get MacPorts 2.0
You can read the 2.0 update page or just download the DMG directly. If you already have MacPorts installed you can just run the selfupdate command:
sudo port selfupdate
This will update whatever version you are currently running to 2.0.
Using MacPorts
After MacPorts is installed, you can searching for and start installing a variety of command line software with the port command.
To search for a port use:
port search port_name
To install a port (some apps require sudo):
port install port_name
Enjoy your open source software!
my mail is danztensai[at]gmail[dot]com
hi there i’m wanna uninstall my macport on lion…i wanna use homebrew.. but it say i must uninstall macport first…can someone help me??
You can use this command in MacPorts to uninstall the packages:
sudo port -fp uninstall –follow-dependents installed
Other traces are left at:
/opt/local \
/Applications/DarwinPorts \
/Applications/MacPorts \
/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.* \
/Library/Receipts/DarwinPorts*.pkg \
/Library/Receipts/MacPorts*.pkg \
/Library/StartupItems/DarwinPortsStartup \
/Library/Tcl/darwinports1.0 \
/Library/Tcl/macports1.0 \
You can read more here if you would like to:
[…] MacPorts 2.0 – this was recently updated for Lion […]
[…] 記事元: MacPorts 2.0 for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Released. […]
It’s worth pointing out that, despite the release, there’s still a number of ports that won’t compile on Lion. The biggest culprit I’ve found is atlas, one of the dependencies for NumPy*.
*Lion also comes with NumPy, not the latest but the latest as of the first DP release (1.5.1), but like many things MacPorts won’t use the system versions of packages, so getting a non-included package like matplotlib requires it’s own separate install of everything.
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Aftas using Homebrew I’d never come back to MacPorts.
Homebrew is way better than MacPorts.
I’m with you man, Homebrew is wicked simple, and much faster than MacPorts.