Apple has released two notable iPhone 4S commercials that feature popular celebrities using Siri. The first TV ad shows Samuel L Jackson planning a special evening with his wife thanks to the help of Siri, and the second commercial shows Zooey Deschanel using Siri to manage a lazy rainy day. Both commercials can be viewed embedded below.
Apple has started to air two new iPhone 4S commercials, this time featuring actor John Malkovich speaking with Siri. The first ad, shown below, is titled "Life" and features Siri getting philosophical in response to a simple inquiry about life, replying with: "Try and be nice to people. Avoid eating…
Apple has started to air three new iPhone 4S TV commercials. The first, titled "Siri, Snow Today", is similar to the last Siri iPhone 4S commercial and features people asking Siri a variety of questions and getting responses. The next commercial is titled "iCloud" and shows an iPhone 4S automatically…
Apple has started to air a new Christmas themed TV ad for the iPhone 4S and Siri featuring none other than Santa Claus. The commercial is the most entertaining iPhone 4S ad yet and features Santa asking Siri for directions, what kind of weather to expect at various locations around…
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[…] commercials are roughly in the same theme as the other recent celebrity spots featuring Samuel L Jackson and Zooey Deschanel, but have otherwise veered away from Apple’s more traditional commercials. […]
On the Deschanel commecial, they don’t show Siri saying the name Zooey, and I suspect that is because it wouldn’t pronounce that first name correctly. How convenient, then, that Siri isn’t shown saying the name, even though it is plainly visible on the phone’s screen.
Eh, I and many other people I know have the 4S and it does NOT understand commands as flawlessly as this commercial would have you believe (shocker). Instead, Siri frequently asks for you to repeat yourself, or says “I didn’t understand that” and lets not forget the “I’m sorry I’m having trouble connecting right now.”
In any case, I regard it as more of a novelty feature that doesn’t take away from an otherwise excellent handset.
Siri is a cool new technology, impressive as to the programming, but to the user… a curiosity at this point. However, those commercials are really misleading, Siri does not work like that.
I have no idea what you guys are talking about! These are great commercials. It made me want to upgrade to an iPhone 4S just for Siri. I recently began using the Google App on my 3GS and while not as cool as Siri I am still very happy with it.
[…] commercials are roughly in the same theme as the other recent celebrity spots featuring Samuel L Jackson and Zooey Deschanel, but have otherwise veered away from Apple’s more traditional commercials. […]
“As” by Stevie Wonder
Got it! Thanks a lot Anna . .
On the Deschanel commecial, they don’t show Siri saying the name Zooey, and I suspect that is because it wouldn’t pronounce that first name correctly. How convenient, then, that Siri isn’t shown saying the name, even though it is plainly visible on the phone’s screen.
Siri doesn’t say your name every time, even if it’s showing on screen. I see you don’t own an iPhone. Hence, a hater.
What is the music at the very end of the date night commercial? thanks!
yeah . . . does anyone knows the song at the end of the “Dat night” ad?
Eh, I and many other people I know have the 4S and it does NOT understand commands as flawlessly as this commercial would have you believe (shocker). Instead, Siri frequently asks for you to repeat yourself, or says “I didn’t understand that” and lets not forget the “I’m sorry I’m having trouble connecting right now.”
In any case, I regard it as more of a novelty feature that doesn’t take away from an otherwise excellent handset.
I think the ads are OK. From most of the comments it looks like that they represent the end of the world.
I don’t understand the exact point of those comments. How ads with celebrities are bad for the company? They look fun and ..are ads.
She can’t tell it’s raining without asking Siri?
What’s the world come to?
We should have shotguns for this kind of deal.
Siri is a cool new technology, impressive as to the programming, but to the user… a curiosity at this point. However, those commercials are really misleading, Siri does not work like that.
I think they are both really fun and cute! I don’t have Siri yet so don’t really know how much I will talk to her.
Are you kidding me?
Samuel and Zooey?
Who’s next?
Justin Bieber?
Steve… Wherever you are… forgive those people.
I have no idea what you guys are talking about! These are great commercials. It made me want to upgrade to an iPhone 4S just for Siri. I recently began using the Google App on my 3GS and while not as cool as Siri I am still very happy with it.
We really need to live with this “thing” in the hand??
I agree. Steve would NEVER allow for this to happen.
Can picture him shouting at an ad exec for even suggesting the idea!!
Hope such wrong moves don’t worm their way to actual apple devices!!
Firmly filed under “Things at Apple that never would have passed under Steve Jobs.”