New iPhone 6S “Prince Oseph” Commercial Pokes Fun at Email Scams

Oct 28, 2015 - 5 Comments

Prince Oseph Hey Siri iPhone commercial eating a sandwich sign me up Bill Hader

Apple is running a new iPhone 6s advertisement featuring actor Bill Hader with an amusing focus on the “Hey Siri” feature and the type of whacky junkmail you usually find in your email spam folder.

In the commercial, actor Bill Hader asks Siri to check his email, for which an infamous Nigerian Prince email scam is presented from a “Prince Oseph” soliciting a typically absurd proposition in poorly written english about a “once in a lifetime opportunity if you please” with “the making of a millions of currency”. The dumbfounded actor is seemingly amazed at his luck, and excitedly tells Siri to write back and sign up for the scam, all the while simultaneously stuffing his face with a large sandwich.

The advertisement is embedded below for easy viewing.

Text accompanying the commercial on YouTube makes no mention of the joking email scam aspect of the ad:

“The iPhone 6s is here, and the only thing thatā€™s changed with Siri is everything. Because now you just say ā€œHey Siriā€ and Siriā€™s there, hands-free. Which can come in handy.”

This is one of many new Apple commercials running lately, others of which are also focused on Hey Siri and the iPhone 6s with actor Jamie Foxx and basketball star Stephen Curry.


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Posted by: Paul Horowitz in iPhone, News


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  1. Ful says:

    Well… If you reply to such emails they know that they sent one to a legit Recipient. Enjoy your extra Trashload of Spam.

  2. michael says:

    Bill Hader is not at all funny or realistic.
    If you want unfunny ā€“ bet they can get Bill Cosby real cheap.

  3. James says:

    It’s a funny commercial but inaccurately depicts the “Hey Siri” function. Bill’s iPhone is clearly not plugged in which is required for “Hey Siri” to work.

    • James says:

      I take that back…. apparently “Hey Siri” does work when the iPhone is unplugged now. I learned something from Bill. Who knew?

      • Typical Yuppie says:

        Hey Siri works without being plugged in on the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. I’ve had it activate in my pocket while talking to people multiple times already.

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