How to Add Logins & Passwords to Safari Autofill on Mac

Sep 7, 2020 - 3 Comments

How to Add Passwords to Safari on Mac

Many Mac users might already be aware that Safari requests to automatically save your password information when you log in to a website for the first time. But even if you ignored that initial request to save login information, you can manually enter those details into Safari autofill, and never have to remember your logins and passwords again.

Most of us visit several websites on a daily basis, logging into things like email, banks, social networks, shopping, etc, and as a result, we have many online accounts for a variety of services. While Safari does a great job at keeping a record of your login information when you sign in to a specific website, you wouldn’t necessarily want to visit each website individually just to save your password details. Instead, you can add and save the data for all of your accounts from one place within Safari on the Mac.

Trying to configure Safari’s built-in password manager all by yourself? Look no further, as we’ll guide you through the necessary steps to manually add user names and passwords to Safari on Mac.

How to Add Logins & Passwords to Safari on Mac

Manually adding login credentials and passwords to Safari is a pretty simple and straightforward procedure on macOS systems. Just follow the steps below to get started.

  1. Open “Safari” on your Mac from the Dock.

    How to Add Passwords to Safari on Mac
  2. Head over to Safari’s settings by clicking on “Safari” in the menu bar and choosing “Preferences” from the dropdown menu.

    How to Add Passwords to Safari on Mac
  3. This will open a new settings window on your screen. Click on the “Passwords” tab as shown below.

    How to Add Passwords to Safari on Mac
  4. You’ll need to enter your Mac’s user password to access the stored data.

    How to Add Passwords to Safari on Mac
  5. Here, you’ll be able to see a list of website passwords that have been already added to Safari. Click on “Add” to manually enter password details for any website.

    How to Add Passwords to Safari on Mac
  6. Now, type in the website URL, enter your username & password details and then click “Add Password” to save the data.

    How to Add Passwords to Safari on Mac
  7. Now, if you head over to the specific website, you’ll have the option to use the login information that you just saved.

    How to Add Passwords to Safari on Mac

Now you know how easy it is to manually add authentication details like user names and passwords to Safari on Mac.

Thanks to this, you can enter password details for all of your online accounts in one place. All the passwords you enter in Safari are securely stored in the keychain. Furthermore, all the web passwords that Safari save to Keychain will be synced across all your other Apple devices with the help of iCloud, assuming you use iCloud Keychain anyway.

Depending on which Keychain you use and some other variables, if you’ve changed the password for one of your online accounts, the password data that’s stored in Safari may no longer be used to sign in to the website (particularly if it fails to update after a password change, and that happens with some regularity). Therefore, you might want to learn how you can edit the passwords stored in Safari to make sure they’re not outdated too.

There’s one other way to manually add passwords to Safari and that’s using Keychain Access. There, you’ll be able to view password information for all the sign-ins you’ve made from your Mac and not just Safari. Either way, you can use either Safari or Keychain access to recover any of the passwords you’ve lost or forgotten within a matter of seconds.

For what it’s worth, this capability has been around in Safari for Mac OS for quite a while, so even if you’re running an earlier system software release you should be able to access this handy login and password feature in Safari.

Were you able to manually add user login details and passwords for your online accounts to Safari on the Mac? What do you think of Safari’s built-in password management solution? Or do you rely on a third party solution? Share your valuable opinions and experience below in the comments.


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Posted by: Hamlin Rozario in Mac OS, Tips & Tricks


» Comments RSS Feed

  1. Shirley says:

    One of the best things about keychain password in Safari is that it tells you if you have used the same password twice, which is a “no, no.”

  2. al says:

    Now that I have a couple of usernames and passwords entered, how do I use them? So far everything I have tried has failed.

  3. Kassandra Box says:

    But, when your computer is hacked, as mine was, all the saved info shall be lost/stolen/used for nefarious purposes.

    Save ALL info you want to keep to external hard drives.
    Removable ones for sensitive stuff attached for not so.

    Cloud storage is the latest bottled “tap” water con job.
    “If you value it keep it next to you”

    Good luck.

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