How to Disable Microsoft Defender SmartScreen in Edge

May 18, 2024 - 3 Comments

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Defender SmartScreen is a feature in the Microsoft Edge web browser for Mac, Windows, iPhone, iPad, and Android (and it’s also in the Windows operating system, in case you have a PC or run it in a virtual machine) that aims to protect your computer or device from malicious sites and downloads.

Because of the way that Microsoft Defender SmartScreen works, you may find that it occasionally interferes with trying to access certain websites or downloads, so there are some users that may with to disable Defender SmartScreen in the Edge browser.

How to Turn Off Microsoft Defender SmartScreen in Edge

Turning off Defender SmartScreen in the Microsoft Edge browser is simple:

  1. Go to edge://settings/privacy in the Microsoft Edge web browser by typing that into the URL/address bar
  2. Scroll down and locate the setting for “Microsoft Defender SmartScreen” and toggle it to the OFF position

Disable Microsoft Defender SmartScreen in Edge

Remember, with this disabled, the Defender SmartScreen security feature will no longer be active.

How does Microsoft Defender SmartScreen Work Anyway?

Microsoft Defender SmartScreen is a security feature of Microsoft Edge that helps protect your device from malicious websites, apps, and potentially unwanted downloads or apps.

Defender SmartScreen is reputation-based, meaning it screens your downloads and sites against known suspicious websites, developers, and resources. If something is recognized from the blacklists, it will block access to that download or website, and warn you of what happened. Additionally, it will automatically block unrecognized apps, downloads, and files.

Now that you’re more familiar with how it works, you can decide yourself if you want this feature enabled in Edge for your particular usages. You might also be interested in checking out more tips for Microsoft Edge.

What do you think of these type of security features in apps and web browsers? Do you appreciate them or find them annoying so you want to turn them off? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments.


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Posted by: Jamie Cuevas in Tips & Tricks


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  1. Expo Bill says:


    Yes I use edge on my Mac mini and MacBook Air both M1 only to for the extensions to download and save videos mostly 1990 and current euro cycling races from UTube and old TV shows I miss watching. Safari does not have a download feature.

    the program is annoying with suggestions and heavy with storage but works on most sites that safari blocks since i use strict browsing.

    I will probably delete or not use Edge after i run out of major cycling races to watch.

  2. Robert Hartle says:

    My solution… don’t use any Microsoft Products… Period. Easy peasy!

  3. Yyz says:

    Does anyone actually run Edge on MacOS or iOS/iPadOS?

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