View All Different Weather Graphics in Dashboard Weather Widget of OS X
Hey look it’s raining out of the snow! That’s something I don’t see everyday. But the Dashboard Weather widget in OS X has plenty of unique weather conditions that can be shown, and if you want to see them all you don’t need to wait until the seasons change.
Instead, you can cycle through all the possible weather graphics in the Dashboard Weather Widget by hitting the Command+Option keys and clicking on the main weather icon.
This changes the location to ‘nowhere’, and if you keep clicking you will see different weather graphics representative of the myriad of conditions that can exist out there in the world.
Some of them look pretty awful, and there’s no real point to this as far as I can see except perhaps curiosity or for troubleshooting purposes when creating the Mac weather widget to begin with, but it could be funny to add Nowhere to the list of weather to watch if you wanted to play a prank on someone.
You have to let go of the keys and re-open dashboard.
I tried that and saw all the neat pictures, but now my widget will NOT display the proper measurements for my location. :-(