Mac OS

Mac OS, Mac OS X, or macOS, is the operating system that resides on Apple’s desktop and portable computer lineup. Built upon a Unix core, it is easy to use yet highly advanced, extremely stable, and an excellent OS for productivity and creation. Browse through our articles or use the search feature to look for something specific that is pertinent to the Mac operating system.

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How to Change the MacOS High Sierra System Font to Lucida Grande

Nov 19, 2017 - 21 Comments
Change the MacOS System Font to Lucida Grande

Do you wish you had Lucida Grande as the system font in macOS High Sierra? Wish no more, it’s possible to easily change the system font away from San Francisco and to the fan favorite Lucida Grande again in macOS 10.13.

How to Access iCloud Drive from Command Line in Mac OS

Nov 16, 2017 - 9 Comments
Access iCloud Drive from Terminal in Mac OS

Some Mac users may need to access iCloud Drive from the Terminal in Mac OS. But if you have tried to access iCloud Drive via command line on your own, you may have noticed it does not appear in the user Home directory. This is because iCloud Drive is actually locate elsewhere in Mac OS, … Read More

Resolving Wi-Fi Issues in macOS High Sierra

Nov 13, 2017 - 74 Comments
Fix Wi-Fi issues in macOS High Sierra

Some MacOS High Sierra users have reported issues with wireless networking after updating their Mac to the latest system software version. The problems may range from difficulties connecting to wi-fi networks, dropping wi-fi connections (particularly after waking from sleep), sluggish wireless speeds, and other frustrating connectivity problems with wi-fi networks. This article will attempt to … Read More

How to Open Zip Files on Mac OS

Nov 5, 2017 - 11 Comments
How to Open Zip Files on a Mac

Zip files are archives that function as a single compressed package of a either multiple files, a folder, or a single item. Zip files are frequently encountered when downloading stuff from the web or elsewhere to a Mac, and while the Zip format used to be widely limited to the Windows world, .zip archives are … Read More

MacOS High Sierra 10.13.2 Beta 1 Released for Testing

Oct 31, 2017 - 10 Comments
Downloads of beta 1 for macOS High Sierra and iOS 11

Apple has released the first beta build of macOS High Sierra 10.13.2 to users enrolled in the Mac system software beta testing programs.

MacOS High Sierra 10.13.1 Update Available to Download Now

Oct 31, 2017 - 41 Comments
macOS 10.13.1 Update for High Sierra

Apple has released macOS High Sierra 10.13.1 to all Mac users running High Sierra. The MacOS High Siera 10.13.1 update includes bug fixes, security improvements, and feature enhancements, and also includes over 70 new emoji icons.

How to Move eMail from Junk to Inbox on Mail for Mac

Oct 28, 2017 - 13 Comments
Move a group of emails from Junk to Mail inbox on Mac

The Mail app for Mac has a built in junk filter which attempts to identify and isolate spam mail from the rest of your emails. For the most part, the Mail Junk filter is pretty good on the Mac, but sometimes it’s a little too good, and some users may find that Mail on the … Read More

How to Change Full Name of a User Account on Mac

Oct 27, 2017 - 7 Comments
Full name has changed

When you setup a Mac or create a new Mac user account, you’ll be asked for a full name during the setup process, and that full name gets associated with the user account. But what if you want to change the full name associated with a user account in Mac OS? Perhaps you had a … Read More

MacOS High Sierra 10.13.1 Beta 5 Released for Testing

Oct 26, 2017 - 10 Comments
iOS 11.1 and macOS High Sierra 10.13.1 beta

MacOS High Sierra 10.13.1 beta 5 has been released by Apple for Mac users participating in the beta testing programs.

How to Set All Mac Apps to Prefer Tabs with New Document and Windows

Oct 24, 2017 - 6 Comments
Other tab preference settings for Mac apps

Tabs are useful and ubiquitous, whether for web browsing, the Finder, text editing and word processing, Mail, or any other apps they may appear, tabs help to reduce window and document clutter by bringing many different documents or windows into a single window with a tab bar. Many modern Mac apps support tabs nowadays, but … Read More

How to Disable the Junk Filter in Mail for Mac

Oct 20, 2017 - 10 Comments
Mail app icon

Mail for Mac includes an optional Junk mail filter, which attempts to filter out and isolate spam messages so that they don’t clutter your email inbox. The junk filter can be helpful for some users, but it can also be overzealous from time to time, and you may find yourself with erroneously flagged emails appearing … Read More

How to Restore Missing Downloads Folder to Dock on Mac

Oct 19, 2017 - 41 Comments
Restore an accidentally deleted Downloads folder to Dock on Mac

Having the user Downloads folder in the Dock for Mac OS is undeniably convenient for quick access to downloaded files, so if you have accidentally deleted the Downloads folder from the Dock, or the Downloads folder is missing from the Mac Dock for some other reason, you may want to restore it back to it’s … Read More

How to Skip Converting to APFS When Installing macOS High Sierra

Oct 17, 2017 - 44 Comments
How to skip APFS when installing macOS High Sierra

MacOS High Sierra includes the all new APFS file system, which is arguably one of the most significant new features introduced in the new Mac operating system update. Nonetheless it’s possible that some Mac owners with SSD volumes will want to not convert the existing HFS+ file system to APFS file system when installing macOS … Read More

Troubleshooting macOS High Sierra Problems

Oct 14, 2017 - 175 Comments
Troubleshooting macOS High Sierra problems

Are you having difficulties with macOS High Sierra? While most Mac users who update to macOS High Sierra have no issues with the system software, there are small groups of users who have experienced a variety of problems with the software update. This tends to happen with every major system software release, either due to … Read More

How to Downgrade macOS High Sierra

Oct 12, 2017 - 17 Comments
How to Downgrade macOS High Sierra

Some MacOS High Sierra 10.13.x users may wish to downgrade back to macOS Sierra 10.12.x or even Mac OS X El Capitan. Mac users can downgrade from High Sierra to a prior Mac OS release, either by formatting the hard drive and clean installing Sierra or another prior system release, or by relying on a … Read More

How to Open All Images Into One Window in Preview for Mac

Oct 11, 2017 - 30 Comments
Preview windows separate

If you open multiple images into Preview on a Mac with some regularity, you may notice that sometimes pictures are grouped into single windows, and sometimes images are opened independently each into separate unique windows. If you’d rather all images be opened into a single window of Preview app on the Mac (or into unique … Read More

macOS High Sierra Supplemental Update Released for Mac Users

Oct 5, 2017 - 10 Comments
macOS High Sierra supplemental update

Apple has released the first supplemental update to macOS High Sierra 10.13, complete with bug fixes, improvements, and security fixes.

How to Clean Install MacOS High Sierra

Oct 2, 2017 - 24 Comments
Clean install macOS High Sierra

Some Mac users like to perform a clean install when a new operating system is released. Usually this is reserved for more advanced users, as a clean install means the hard drive is formatted and completely erased, removing the existing Mac operating system, and erasing all contents, data, files, applications – everything from the Mac … Read More

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