Adjust Moving Wallpapers in iOS with Perspective Zoom

Mar 12, 2014 - 3 Comments

Adjust moving wallpapers in iOS

iPhone and iPad users can now directly control whether their iOS wallpaper moves around dramatically, thanks to a setting called “Perspective Zoom” that was added in iOS 7.1. The toggle is separate from the general reduce motion setting, and is selected when choosing a wallpaper, offering a separate control for some of the more exaggerated movements that are seen in parallax effects of iOS.

In order to use wallpapers Perspective Zoom, you’ll need iOS 7.1 (or later…) and be sure that general motion effects are enabled. Thus if you opted to use the fading transitions, you’d have to turn motion reduction off to get the effects back, an easy task:
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 3 Comments

Send an SMS Text Message from the Command Line

Mar 12, 2014 - 55 Comments

Send a text message from the command line When you think of sending out text messages you probably think of the iPhone or an Android, and the command line doesn’t cross your mind, but thanks to the ever-useful curl command, you can send out a SMS text message to any phone number right from the Terminal.

Yes, curl, the same command line tool for transferring data to and from URL’s, downloading files, getting HTTP header details, and so much more, can send text messages. This is done through a POST request sent to the TextBelt service, a free outgoing SMS API. Sure there are limits, but they’re fairly generous at 75 texts per day (per IP), and you can’t send a number more than 3 texts in three minutes to prevent abuse. Aside from that, keep in mind that you’ll be charged for incoming texts at the regular SMS / texting rate from your cell provider – this does not use the iMessage service – so don’t overuse this if you don’t have an unlimited traditional texting plan.
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How to Make FaceTime Audio Calls from Mac to Mac or iOS

Mar 11, 2014 - 5 Comments

FaceTime Audio The Mac can now make outbound voice calls to other Apple users that have an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or another Mac, using nothing but the native FaceTime Audio service. Built into Mac OS X, FaceTime Audio can be used to call any other FaceTime user, free, anywhere in the world, and it provides excellent audio quality for the voice conversation.

Using FaceTime Audio in Mac OS requires MacOS or OS X 10.9.2 or later to be installed on the Mac, both on the caller and recipients end. If calling an iOS device, the iPhone or iPad will need to be running iOS 7.0 or newer to receive the call.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 5 Comments

Clean Installing iOS 7.1 May Fix iPad Air Low Memory Crashes

Mar 11, 2014 - 20 Comments

iPad Air with iOS 7.1 Some iPad Air owners have been impacted by a persistent crashing issue, where either the entire device crashes and reboots, or, more commonly, where the Safari browser crashes and randomly quits. The Safari crashing issue is often repeatable by pointing Safari at several Javascript heavy web pages with numerous tabs open, or by opening a PDF within a browser window with many tabs open. Upon investigating the iPad Air crash logs, the issue is almost always shown as a low memory error, signifying that available system resources are insufficient for the Safari actions.

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Tag Files in Mac OS X with a Keyboard Shortcut

Mar 10, 2014 - 47 Comments

Tag files in OS X with a keyboard shortcut Have you ever wished you could tag files on the Mac with a simple keystroke? You’re almost certainly not alone. Tagging files and folders in Mac OS X can be a handy way to help manage and organize the contents of the Finder, even if only used on a limited basis for specific projects. To get the most out of file tags though, you’ll want to get quick access to the feature. One way to do that is with the drag and drop tagging method, but an even quicker way for Mac users who are primarily keyboard focused is to use a keyboard shortcut for the purpose. Mac OS X doesn’t come with a file tagging keystroke by default, but with a few steps you can create your own keyboard shortcut which brings about the tag option anywhere in the Finder.

This article will show you how to create a custom keyboard shortcut for tagging files in Mac OS, the resulting keystroke approach offers perhaps one of the fastest ways to tag files and folders on the Mac.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 47 Comments

iOS 7.1 Update Released [IPSW Download Links]

Mar 10, 2014 - 33 Comments

iOS 7.1

Apple has released iOS 7.1 for all compatible iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices, the first major system software update to iOS 7 since the launch last year. The update includes many bug fixes, feature enhancements, speed improvements, as well as a variety of updated user interface elements. Updating to iOS 7.1 is recommended for all users who are currently running any prior version of iOS 7 on their devices.

iOS 7.1 also includes some new features, with CarPlay support, an event overview for Month display in Calendar app, country specific holidays, improvements to Siri, additions to Accessibility including button shapes and further reduced motion effects, and much more. Full release notes are included at the bottom of this article for those interested in specific details.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, News - 33 Comments

How to Forget a Wi-Fi Network in Mac OS X

Mar 9, 2014 - 37 Comments

Forget a Wi-Fi Network in Mac OS X

Once a wi-fi network has been joined in Mac OS, the Mac will default to joining that network if it’s within range and available again. This is undeniably convenient for joining our home, work, and regular wireless networks, but it can be a nuisance when the Mac rejoins a network that you no longer want to connect to. While setting the wi-fi network priority is one option, another option is to have the Mac “forget” the network, preventing it from automatically rejoining again. This is particularly helpful if you live or work within an area that has open networks available that you do not accidentally want to join.

Forgetting a wi-fi network in Mac OS X is very easy, though the option is a bit more hidden than some users may expect. Fortunately, like the iOS counterpart, learn to drop a wireless network once on the Mac and you won’t have to wonder how to do it again in the future.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 37 Comments

Mac Setups: The Quad Display MacBook Pro Setup of a Programmer

Mar 8, 2014 - 22 Comments

Four display panels with a MacBook Pro Retina

This weeks featured Mac setup is the desk of Stephen G., a web programmer with a genuinely awesome quad display configuration. If you’re wondering how this great setup gets used, or if you’re just curious how on earth to drive three additional screens off of a MacBook Pro in a similarly sweet four-panel layout like this, read on to learn much more…

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By OSXDaily - Mac Setups - 22 Comments

How to Set a Screen Saver to Run at the Login Window of Mac OS X

Mar 7, 2014 - 10 Comments

Set a screen saver for the login window of Mac OS X

The Macs default boot login screen is fairly boring by default, and though it can be spruced up with custom wallpaper, another option is to set a screen saver to run at the login window of OS X. This requires using a defaults command string entered at the command line, which then makes the screen saver visible at the boot login window of OS X, as well as the general login screen if all users have logged out of the Mac.
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By Paul Horowitz - Customize, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 10 Comments

Get Confused with Android Kit Kat & Galaxy S5 Wallpapers for the iPhone

Mar 7, 2014 - 1 Comment

Nice Android wallpapers

Most smartphone owners are pretty set on their preference towards the iPhone or Android, but that doesn’t mean you can’t cross-pollinate a bit… at least with your device wallpaper. With the general bright-color trend, many of the Android wallpapers look absolutely fantastic on the iPhone and iPad too, and some of the KitKat wallpapers are even large enough to work on the desktop.

We’ll focus on my three personal favorites here; the infamously bright pink mountains from KitKat, and the multicolor craziness from the new S5. You can also opt to grab the full pack of 12 wallpapers too, which include seven from Android 4.4 Kitkat, and three wallpapers from the newly released Samsung Galaxy S5.

Click any of the thumbnails below to open the full sized wallpaper:
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By Paul Horowitz - Customize - 1 Comment

How to View and Re-Send an “Unsent Message” in Mail for iOS

Mar 6, 2014 - 25 Comments

"Unsent Messages" in Mail app for iOS

Ever launched the Mail app on your iPhone or iPad to discover an “Unsent Message” indicator at the bottom of the screen? An email usually goes unsent if you lose internet access while trying to send the message, a fairly common occurrence for those who live in areas with poor cellular reception or that have flaky internet access in general. While iOS will usually successfully send the message on it’s own once a signal has been found again, it doesn’t always work, which is why you may need to trigger a resend yourself to move it along as intended.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 25 Comments

Place the Cursor at the Mouse Position in Terminal with an Option+Click

Mar 6, 2014 - 6 Comments

Place a cursor anywhere in the Terminal by using Option+Click Most command line users rely heavily on Terminal keyboard navigation to move about within text files and get around within the Terminal, but Mac OS X has a super simple trick up its sleeve that lets you instantly position the mouse cursor anywhere in the Terminal.

This means no more tabbing around or repeatedly tapping on the arrow keys, you can just point and click to focus the cursor in the Terminal, just like it was the GUI, and it works the same whether the cursor destination is at the beginning/end of a line or smack dab in the center of a text block.
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How to Play YouTube Audio / Video in the Background on iPhone with iOS 9 & iOS 8

Mar 5, 2014 - 10 Comments

Play YouTube video's audio in the background of iOS

Playing YouTube videos and audio in the background of iOS is an easy way to listen to a song or show that you want to stream to your iPhone, but the ability to play that stream in the background has changed a bit with the newest versions of iOS. As many recall, users on the iPhone and iPad with prior versions of iOS used to be able to start playing a video or music from YouTube and then just switch out of the app to keep the audio playing in the background of iOS, but it’s not quite the same anymore. While you can continue to listen to YouTube video and audio streams in the background, you’ll have to rely on a slightly different method.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 10 Comments

Watch File Download Progress Easily in Mac OS X from Dock or Finder Windows

Mar 5, 2014 - 8 Comments

Watch file download progress in Mac OS X

Mac OS includes many smaller details that can make digital life much easier, but because they’re fairly minor features, they can often go overlooked by Mac users. An excellent example of such a feature are the transfer progress indicators that are native throughout Mac OS, these make it extremely easy to keep an eye on the progress of files you’re downloading from anywhere, whether it’s from a website, SFTP, AirDrop, or even file transfers between Macs on the same network. The two most useful places to find these are right in the Dock and the Finder of Mac OS X.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

How to Show Holidays in the Calendar App for Mac OS X

Mar 4, 2014 - 20 Comments

Calendar app icon With so many holidays scattered throughout the year, it’s easy to lose track of when is what, and on which day the next falls. Fortunately, the Mac Calendar app makes it simple to toggle the display of all holidays directly in the Calendar app, so you’ll never lose track over what date Palm Sunday, Earth Day, Thanksgiving, or Cinco De Mayo (ok that one’s easy) is, whether it’s this year or the next.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 20 Comments

How to Turn Off the New Mail Alert Sound in iOS

Mar 3, 2014 - 9 Comments

Disable the new mail sound in iOS All iOS users know the familiar “ding” alert sound of a new email landing in the inbox of your iPhone or iPad. For those of us who live attached to technology, these alert sounds have basically trained our brain to stop what we’re doing and check our inbox, often relying only on the mute button or Do Not Disturb function to get a break.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 9 Comments

Ask Siri to Find You a 7-Eleven, The Response Is Unexpected

Mar 3, 2014 - 10 Comments

siri-logo-ios7 If you’re a regular reader here, you already know that Siri can be used for directions, and you know there’s plenty of funny commands to ask, but this one is an unexpected combination of both… Grab your iPhone (or iPad) and ask Siri to find you a 7-Eleven (yes the global 24 hour convenience store), you’ll get a rather unexpectedly hilarious response. For whatever reason, whether it’s intentional or Siri is trolling everyone, Siri turns your 7-11 inquiry into a math problem.
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By Paul Horowitz - Fun, iPhone - 10 Comments

How to Change a Game Center Nickname from the iPhone & iPad

Mar 2, 2014 - 21 Comments

Game Center in iOS Game Center is the online gaming basis for many games in iOS and OS X, letting users play online, track scores, play against friends, it’s also generally required to use for almost every game played on an iPhone or iPad. When signing up for Game Center for the first time, plenty of us chose a nickname or username that was either our real names, an online nickname, or perhaps some oddball nickname, not really thinking much of the naming choice.

Well, it turns out the Game Center nickname is entirely public, and it shows in games and in leaderboards, so once you realize that your fellow gamer friends, family, and coworkers can see that nickname too, you may decide “DrunkGuy69” or “IHateMyBoss420” wasn’t the best choice of usernames after all. But don’t freak out too bad, you can switch it out with something else!
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By Paul Horowitz - Games, iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 21 Comments

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