Remove the Auto-Hiding Dock Delay in Mac OS X

Mar 27, 2012 - 39 Comments

OS X Dock

Want to access the Dock faster on the Mac? If you use a hidden Dock in Mac OS X, you can speed up the time it takes to show the Dock with a defaults write command. This command removes the delay from when a cursor is hovered near the Dock location and to when the Dock is displayed, making it show faster when a mouse is hovered at the bottom of the screen. This trick does does not change the animation speed of the Dock sliding in and out itself.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 39 Comments

Improve iPad Picture Frame with a Custom Photo Album

Mar 26, 2012 - 9 Comments

Picture Frame for iPad

Picture Frame is a great feature of iOS on iPad that turns the device into a rotating gallery of images. The iPad Picture Frame app defaults to flipping through all images contained in the Photos camera roll album, but you can improve the experience by creating a custom photo album and setting that as the only source for the gallery, here’s how:
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, Tips & Tricks - 9 Comments

Disable “Top Sites” in Safari for Mac OS X

Mar 26, 2012 - 8 Comments

Top Sites in Safari

New windows and tabs in Safari default to displaying a 3×4 grid of “Top Sites”, representing the web sites you visit the most often with Safari. This can make for a nice home page, but sometimes it will display sites you don’t want showing up, and it can also slow down Safari on older computers.

We’ll show you how to disable Top Sites in Safari, hiding it completely, and also how to reset the previews in the feature.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

Easily Create Beautiful iOS App Icons with this DIY Retina Icon Kit

Mar 26, 2012 - 6 Comments

iOS Retina icon template 1

It’s rare that app developers and web developers double as graphic designers, leaving some apps and websites to include fairly hideous iOS icons. As we’ve said before, icons matter, however superficial they may be, so instead of shipping an app or site with an ugly icon do yourself a favor and download this do-it-yourself retina icon kit.

The DIY template from KillerIcons comes as a deeply layered and easily workable PSD file containing a 512×512 app icon, letting you easily create a very attractive icon just by switching on or off some layers, adding an element or two, and adjusting as necessary. PSD’s are best opened with Photoshop, but if you don’t have it go ahead and download CS6 beta for free and use it until the final version comes out, the template works fine.

These icon templates are useful website owners as well, use them to create an Apple touch icon PNG file to set as a custom bookmark icon for iOS home screens.

Shown below are the base template styles, but the possibilities are practically endless just by changing colors, borders, or hiding and showing certain layers.

Free iOS DIY Retina Icon Kit

You can see several sample retina icons I made quickly for OSXDaily below.
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How to “Find On Page” on an iPhone with Safari on iOS 6 and iOS 5

Mar 26, 2012 - 8 Comments

Safari It’s easy to find text on a page with a desktop browser, with just a keyboard shortcut you’ll have a search field. This is a bit different in the world of smaller mobile screens though, and if you need to find text on a current web page with Safari for iPhone or iPod touch you’ll need to do the following instead:

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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

Transfer .mobi & ePub eBook Files to an iPad for Easier Reading & Viewing

Mar 25, 2012 - 16 Comments

Have some ePub and mobi ebooks that you want transferred over from a Mac or PC to an iPad for easier mobile reading? The quickest way to transfer the ebooks is through email sent from the computer to iOS device, but you will discover that a few additional apps are necessary so that you can read the files and to insure compatibility with not only the epub and mobi format, but just about every other ebook filetype that you may come across. Don’t worry, the apps are free and are excellent to have around anyway. Read on to follow the entire process of getting ebooks to the iPad from start to finish.

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By William Pearson - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 16 Comments

Send AirPlay Video from an iPhone or iPad to a Mac, PC, or TV with XBMC

Mar 25, 2012 - 9 Comments

AirPlay video XBMC

XBMC is a powerful free app that turns any Mac or PC into a full fledged media center. The newest version has been updated with a slew of improvements, but most interesting for iPhone and iPad users is the addition of AirPlay video support. This means you’ll be able to wirelessly transmit video from an iOS device to anything running XBMC, whether it’s a Mac hooked up to a TV or an old PC, here is how to set that up and get AirPlay video working.
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By William Pearson - iPad, iPhone, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 9 Comments

13 Beautiful High Resolution Retina Wallpapers for the New iPad

Mar 24, 2012 - 11 Comments

Retina iPad wallpapers

Looking for some gorgeous high resolution images for your new iPad? Here are a handful of gorgeous retina wallpapers, each measuring 2048×2048 pixels.

Click on any of the images below for a full sized version, though some of the links go to InterfaceLift and the iPad 2048×2048 version must be selected manually from their drop-down download menu, labeled as “new iPad (3rd gen)”. Enjoy!

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By Paul Horowitz - Customize, iPad - 11 Comments

Mac Setups: MacBook Air 11″ & Mac Mini Web Development Workstation

Mar 24, 2012 - 5 Comments

Web Developers Desk

This weeks great Mac setup comes to us from Eddie B who uses his Apple gear for web design and development. The MacBook Air serves as the primary work machine and the Mac Mini, resting below it, functions as a web server. Here’s the full hardware list:

  • MacBook Air 11″ (2011)
  • MacMini (Late 2009) used as a web development server (Git repo, test server, etc)
  • Dual Apple Cinema 20″ Displays (second screen powered by an EVGA UV Plus 19)
  • Apple Wired Aluminum Keyboard
  • Magic Mouse
  • iPad 2
  • iPhone 4
  • Griffin Elevator Laptop Stand

I’m a big fan of the Apple Cinema Displays, both old and new models have classic designs, even the later model 20″ displays shown don’t look aged whatsoever. It’s also pretty amazing that an ultra-portable Mac like the 11″ Air is powerful enough to function as a primary workstation, they really do provide the best of both worlds to users looking for portability and power.

For those in the market for a laptop stand, the Griffin Elevator laptop stand shown in the shot is hard to beat. I have the same stand for a MacBook Pro and it’s highly recommended for those who use an external monitor with a Mac laptop, it raises a laptop to eye level while providing for huge amounts of airflow underneath.

Want your Mac setup featured? Send in pictures of Apple & Mac setups to and include some brief hardware details and what you use it for.

By William Pearson - Mac Setups - 5 Comments

Quickly Get a Router IP Address from the Command Line

Mar 23, 2012 - 8 Comments

Router IP Address

If you need to quickly retrieve the IP address of the router you are connected to or through, you can find this information immediately in the Terminal of Mac OS X.

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By William Pearson - Command Line, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

Solution to the iPad 3 Heat Problem [Humor]

Mar 23, 2012 - 13 Comments

iPad 3 in the snow

If your iPad 3 is getting too hot to handle, the solution is to use the iPad outdoors in three feet of snow. Three feet of snow is required because there is a direct correlation between the iPad generation and the amount of snow required to cool the device, thus iPad 3 requires 3 feet of snow. For those of you who don’t have access to three feet of snow, try placing the iPad 3 in a freezer at least three feet under ground, while holding three fingers in the air for at least three seconds while counting backwards from three.

This is obviously a joke, and you’ll notice we haven’t mentioned anything about the mythical iPad 3 heat problem, mostly because it doesn’t exist and we don’t want to reward manufactured controversy. This was funny enough to post on a Friday though, so enjoy a tip that’s about as useless as the original Consumer Reports BS that started it all.

Thanks to Ryan for the picture

By Paul Horowitz - Fun, iPad - 13 Comments

Convert MKV to M4V for Free with Subler

Mar 23, 2012 - 25 Comments

MKV to M4V

If you have MKV movie files you’ve probably noticed they can’t be played on an iPad, iPhone, Apple TV, or a variety of other players. Not to worry though, because MKV video can be easily converted to the compatible M4V format using a free tool called Subler. If you want to get technical, this isn’t actually converting the video because MKV files are packages, basically Subler just repackages the MKV into an M4V, which can then be played in iOS and elsewhere. Anyway, it’s easy to use and very fast, we’ll walk you through the entire process.

Converting MKV Video to M4V with Subler

Subler relies on Perian to work properly, if you don’t have Perian yet be sure to download that before beginning.

  1. Download and install Perian (QuickTime component)
  2. Download and unzip Subler (get the latest beta)
  3. Drag the MKV into Subler that you wish to turn into an M4V
  4. Converting an MKV movie to M4V video with Subler

  5. Optionally, add metadata as appropriate
  6. Hit Command+S to save the M4V file and select a destination
  7. Save MKV as M4V

You’ll see a “Saving” progress but Subler works very quickly, you shouldn’t have to wait long for the repackage regardless of the origin MKV video size. The resulting M4V video can now be synced through iTunes to an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch, played directly on an Apple TV, or watched on any other device or app that supports M4V.

On a side note, converting MKV to M4V isn’t necessary if you want to watch the movie directly on your computer, in that case, check out a handful of free MKV video players for Mac. If you need to convert other video types to iOS compatible format, Handbrake works great for that.

Thanks to Anthony and others who recommended Subler in the comments.

By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 25 Comments

How to Check How Much Storage Space is Used & Available on iPhone or iPad

Mar 22, 2012 - 10 Comments

How to check how much storage space used in iOS

Knowing how much space you have used on an iOS device and, maybe even more useful and more relevant, knowing how much storage you have remaining, are two important things for any iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch owner.

This guide will show you how to find out just how much storage space is available and used within iOS, whether on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. You’ll simply look no further than the Settings application on the iPhone or iPad, though how you find the information can vary per iOS version. Here’s what you’ll want to do to find the device Storage usage details:
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By William Pearson - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 10 Comments

Run Windows & Microsoft Office on the iPad for Free with OnLive Desktop

Mar 22, 2012 - 17 Comments

Windows on iPad with OnLive Desktop

Want to run Windows 7 right on an iPad? OnLive Desktop does exactly that, letting you access a cloud-based Windows 7 PC directly from iOS. Complete with the full Microsoft Office 2010 suite, you can use Word, Excel, and Powerpoint with full touch controls, and believe it or not it’s actually really fast and fluid.

Amazingly, this is free for the first 2GB of virtual storage space on the cloud PC, though additional storage and paid plans are available. The paid plans start at $4.99 and include up to 50GB of storage, provide access to more Windows applications, add DropBox support, and also bring full Internet Explorer access with Flash (useful for web developers who don’t want to run IE in virtual machines).

Using OnLive Desktop is easy, here’s all you need to do:

The account signup process requires an email but is otherwise quick and painless. Enter that ID into the app, and you’ll immediately find yourself on the desktop of a Windows 7 machine, right on the iPad.

Windows and Microsoft Office on iPad

Try this service out and get it while you can, because there is some question as to how long OnLive Desktop will be around. Microsoft is actively complaining that the service violates their Windows 7 licensing agreements, though OnLive is adamant that it’s supported and is willing to fight for it. Hopefully the two can come to an agreement and keep the OnLive service alive, because frankly it’s a cool technical feat and also has some very useful applications for the real world. Better yet, Microsoft should just buy them and offer the service directly with Windows 8 Metro, which is optimized for touch and may well be a significant competitor to iOS down the road… who knows. Anyway, check it out, even if you don’t like Windows it’s impressive to try out the free service.

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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, Tips & Tricks - 17 Comments

Adobe Photoshop CS6 Beta Released as Free Download

Mar 22, 2012 - 18 Comments

Adobe Photoshop CS6

A free public beta of Photoshop CS6 has been released by Adobe. The beta features some pretty major changes to Photoshop, including a new graphics engine that dramatically speeds up performance of some tools and an all new darkened user interface.

In terms of features, Photoshop CS6 includes a new content-aware patch, blur gallery, type styles, custom strokes to shapes, layer searching, video editing tools, a new crop tool, auto-select interpolation, and improved camera RAW support.

Anyone is free to download and install Adobe Photoshop CS6 Beta and no serial number is needed, although you will be required to enter an Adobe ID and activate online within seven days of first launching the application. From then on, the software is free to use until the final release of Photoshop CS6, which is due out sometime later this year.

If you’re at all interested in Photoshop or image editing, it’s worth a look. Free downloads are available for Mac OS X and Windows, with the Mac version requiring at least 2.5GB of available disk space to install.

Watch the video below for a demonstration, or check out Adobe Labs for more info.

Pricing hasn’t been announced, but typically Photoshop is the same price as a new iPad or more. For that reason, many alternatives like Pixelmator or even iPhoto can be good enough for many users photo editing needs.

By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, News - 18 Comments

Next iPhone to Feature 4.6″ Screen?

Mar 22, 2012 - 12 Comments

iPhone 4 and Galaxy S2

The next iPhone will feature a significantly larger 4.6″ display, according to a report from Reuters.

The brief report cites an unspecified source who claims that Apple has already placed orders for the larger screen with component suppliers. Display suppliers for the iPhone could be LG and Samsung, with Samsung currently producing 4.6″ displays for their own Galaxy SII Android phone, shown alongside an iPhone 4S above.

If true, the next iPhone screen would be over an inch larger than the current iPhone display, which is measured at 3.5″ diagonally. A larger screen has long been anticipated for the next generation iPhone release, though most speculation focuses on a 4″ display, marking this as the first rumor of a 4.6″ display.

Virtually nothing is known about the next iPhone, though it is expected to follow the release schedule set by the iPhone 4S, which debuted in early October of last year.

By Matt Chan - iPhone, News, Rumor - 12 Comments

Automatically Add Songs & Movies to iTunes

Mar 21, 2012 - 19 Comments

iTunes icon Using a little known folder buried within the iTunes directory, you can automatically add any compatible media to iTunes, be it songs, music, movies, just by placing files into the directory. This gets even better when you point downloads to that directory, because all downloaded media is then immediately synced to iTunes with no user interaction.

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By William Pearson - iTunes, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 19 Comments

Change the Shell in Mac OS X Terminal

Mar 21, 2012 - 12 Comments

Change the Shell in Mac OS X

Tired of bash? Prefer zsh, ksh, tcsh, fish, or sh? You can quickly change the default shell in Terminal app, in addition to changing a users default login shell for when logging in remotely with SSH or otherwise. Here’s how to do both.
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By William Pearson - Command Line, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 12 Comments

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