Mac Theme for Windows 7

Aug 22, 2010 - 162 Comments

Mac Theme Windows 7
If you’re using a Windows 7 machine, why not make it look like Mac OS X? This task is made very easy with a theme/skin set called the Snow Transformation Pack, it turns your Windows 7 theme into a very convincing near complete Mac OS X interface including icons, wallpapers, the Dock, sounds, dialogue boxes, login screen, window skin, and more.

The Snow Transformation pack is freeware and available to download here

Of course if you’re this obsessed with Mac OS, you should probably just buy a Mac and save yourself from the burden of Windows 7 and trying to skin it to look like a Mac, right?
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By Manish Patel - Fun, Mac OS - 162 Comments

Install Watch Command on Mac OS X

Aug 22, 2010 - 17 Comments

Terminal in OS X If there was one command I would really complain about not being on Mac OS X, it would be “watch”. Watch is one of those great pieces of software that is tiny and completely out of the way, but when needed it will be a life saver. We’re going to show you three different ways to install the watch command; through a precompiled binary, with HomeBrew, and with MacPorts. Plus, we’ll show you a little about how to use watch and why it’s useful.

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MacBook Touch? Apple patent shows touch screen MacBook

Aug 21, 2010 - 8 Comments

macbook touch

Apple may be working on a MacBook Touch, and will integrate high resolution touch screens into future Apple hardware, according to a recently discovered Apple patent. The information is pretty straightforward, as Patently Apple puts it “There’s no wishy-washy lingo about it” since the patent specifically names a MacBook, MacBook Pro, and the MacBook Air:

one of the prime target products for such a new display is a touchscreen based MacBook as shown below in patent FIG.3. Later in the patent under patent point 46, Apple clarifies that FIG. 3 could be a MacBook, MacBook Pro and/or MacBook Air.

The patent also suggests that the MacBook and MacBook Pro will soon have the same high-resolution IPS display that is featured on the iPad, iPhone 4, and the latest iMac. Upgrading the screens seems like a no brainer to me, but it’s the touch screen and it’s applications that make this news. Perhaps even more interesting than just a MacBook Touch (yes I just made up this name), the patent also indicates that the touchscreen technology could apply to a television and gaming system.

Of course this is all speculative and should certainly be branded as a rumor for now, but it sounds like Apple has a lot up there sleeves! You have to imagine something like this is quite a ways off from release (if ever) considering the current versions of Mac OS X are not nearly as touch friendly as iOS. Maybe we’ll start to see touch features in Mac OS X 10.7?

If you’re a patent geek or you just want to see the full scoop, head over to Patently Apple where you can see all the details, some more drawings, and all the abstract patent application details.

By William Pearson - Mac, News, Rumor - 8 Comments

Mac Setups: MacBook, iMac, and an iPad

Aug 21, 2010 - 5 Comments

macbook imac and ipad

Here’s a Mac setup I wouldn’t mind to have: a 13″ MacBook, 24″ iMac, a couple of iPod’s, and an iPad.

[ via Flickr ]

By William Pearson - Mac Setups - 5 Comments

What Song is Playing? You Can Find Out with Shazam App

Aug 20, 2010 - 7 Comments

what song is playing Do you want to know what song is playing? Don’t be left wondering, you can find out for sure thanks to an awesome app called Shazam. The app first came to the iPhone some time ago and has made it easier than ever to discover what song is playing regardless of where you are. It works flawlessly in loud bars, clubs, restaurants, stores, cars, just about anywhere music is playing, it handles background noise remarkably well and is nearly always able to identify music. Once a song is identified, Shazam will provide links to buy it via iTunes or watch the related music video from YouTube.

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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone - 7 Comments

Software update to fix iOS 4 performance on iPhone 3G coming soon

Aug 20, 2010 - Leave a Comment

iphone 3g performance update According to an email exchange between a customer and Apple CEO Steve Jobs, a software update will be released soon to address the widespread complaints of iPhone 3G slowness running iOS 4.

A frustrated iPhone 3G owner apparently wrote the following email to Steve Jobs complaining about the abysmal performance of iOS 4 on his iPhone 3G:

I’ve waited patiently through 4.0.1 and 4.0.2, looking for a fix that will make my phone work again. I’ve read the forums that advise me to jailbreak my phone or use some other method so I can downgrade back to a version of iPhone 3, however I’m not prepared to use a method that is not supported by Apple.

To which Steve Jobs replies:

Software update coming soon.

Sent from my iPhone

This latest email exchange comes to us from MacRumors. Sending emails to Steve Jobs and publishing responses online is growing in popularity, although the authenticity of many of the email exchanges is questionable. As the owner of an iPhone 3G suffering under iOS 4 I really hope this particular email exchange is real and that we’ll get a software update soon.

By Paul Horowitz - iPhone, News - Leave a Comment

Google Tablet coming soon as iPad competitor

Aug 20, 2010 - 1 Comment

google tablet

The tablet wars are about to heat up. The iPad is currently the only meaningful tablet device around, but that may change as soon as November when Google is rumored to release their Chrome OS Tablet. According to MacRumors, the Google Tablet may be released as soon as November 26 in order to fit into the holiday shopping season.

Running Google’s Chrome OS and attached to data plans through Verizon, the hardware specs of the Google Tablet are anticipated to be impressive so that the device doesn’t “disappoint its early adopters”:

It’ll likely be based on NVidia’s Tegra 2 platform and sport a 1280×720 multitouch display, 2GB of RAM, minimum 32GB SSD, WiFi/Bluetooth/3G connectivity, GPS, webcam, and possibly expandable storage via a multi-card reader. Expect it to be every bit as geek-tastic as the Nexus One

Google will likely aggressively price the Chrome Tablet against the iPad, although the pricing structures for the device and accompanying data services are currently unknown. Data plan contracts are expected to subsidize the consumers cost of the tablet dramatically, similar to the manner of cell phone contracts.

Apple’s iPad is the dominant tablet computer at the moment, and thus far all other attempts at competing in the marketplace have flopped. Microsoft has already floundered, leaving Google to be the only foreseeable threat to the iPads dominance. Google hopes to replicate Androids success against the iPhone with their entry into the tablet market, creating yet another head-to-head battle between Apple and Google.

Not much is known about the touch interface of Chrome OS, or the appearance of the Google Tablet itself, the above image is nothing but a speculative mockup. You can run Chrome OS in Mac OS X, but the current version floating around really isn’t that exciting, it’s basically the Chrome browser running in a virtual machine. It’s highly unlikely the released version of the tablets Chrome OS will be as boring.

By Manish Patel - iPad, News, Rumor - 1 Comment

Improve iPhone Battery Life

Aug 19, 2010 - 8 Comments


The iPhone battery is designed to provide a significant amount of talk time, internet/app use, and data consumption. By using the phone properly and customizing a few settings you can dramatically improve how long your iPhone battery lasts.

Here is a comprehensive list of tips to improve the health and battery life of your iPhone.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

Simple Stopwatch & Timer for Mac OS X Menu Bar: Thyme

Aug 19, 2010 - 7 Comments

timer stopwatch mac

If you’re looking for a simple stopwatch menubar timer for Mac OS X, look no further than a little utility called Thyme. No, not the herb, Thyme is a very simple Mac app that sits in your menubar and allows you to quickly start and stop a timer.

Wondering how long it takes you to perform a certain task? No problem, use Thyme and figure it out. Or perhaps you’re thinking of using it for a DIY Pomodoro technique, that works too. Whatever the reason you need for a simple timer in the Mac menu bar, Thyme does the trick.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Utilities - 7 Comments

What is the iPad 1 Commercial Song from “iPad is Electric” TV Ad?

Aug 18, 2010 - 39 Comments

Apple released a new iPad commercial called “iPad is Delicious” that features the text “iPad is…” followed by images of someone browsing a pictured recipe book, playing games, reading books, writing on a virtual chalkboard, etc, the video is posted above if you haven’t seen it yet.

Playing in the background is a piano song with fingers snapping to a gradually increasing energy level and soon come handclaps, a bass line, and the whole shebang… of course since it’s an Apple commercial this song is about to get very popular and two people have already asked me what the song is.

Watch the commercial for iPad 1, and read on to hear the full song that soundtracks the commercial and to learn learn what it is.

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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iTunes - 39 Comments

Launch Mac VNC Screen Sharing Client from Safari or Finder

Aug 18, 2010 - 3 Comments

launch VNC from safari

Did you know that that Mac OS X includes a bundled VNC app? It’s called Screen Sharing, and you can quickly launch the bundled VNC client from either the OS X Finder, Safari by typing an address into the URL bar, or directly from the app itself.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 3 Comments

Download Snow Leopard Graphics Update

Aug 17, 2010 - 5 Comments

snow leopard graphics update

Apple has released a Graphics Update for Snow Leopard, and this is particularly good news to Mac gamers. Remember those pesky Starcraft 2 crashes I wrote about two weeks ago? This update specifically addresses some of the problems with Starcraft 2 for Mac as well as other issues with Team Fortress 2, Portal, and Aperture 3.

If you are a Mac gamer it is highly recommended to install this update. You can download the graphics update through the Software Update control panel, accessed through the Apple menu.

Here are the release notes from Apple:

The Snow Leopard Graphics Update contains stability and performance fixes for graphics applications and games:

Addresses frame rate issues occurring in Portal and Team Fortress 2 by Valve, on iMac (Late 2009 and Mid 2010), Mac mini (Early 2009 and Mid 2010), Mac Pro (Early 2009), MacBook (Early 2009 and Mid 2010) and MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2010) or MacBook Pro (17-inch, Mid 2010) models.

Resolves an issue that could cause Aperture 3, or StarCraft II by Blizzard, to unexpectedly quit or become unresponsive.

Resolves an image corruption issue that may occur when disconnecting and reconnecting external displays while the system is running.

The hardware and software affected by this performance update are the following: MacBook (13-inch, Early 2009), MacBook Pro (17-inch, Mid 2010), MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2010), MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2010), iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2009), Mac Pro (Early 2009), Mac mini (Early 2009), Mac OS X 10.6.4, Mac mini (Mid 2010), iMac (21.5-inch, Mid 2010), iMac (27-inch, Mid 2010), MacBook (13-inch, Mid 2010), Portal, StarCraft II, Team Fortress 2

By Paul Horowitz - Games, Mac OS, System Update - 5 Comments

iTunes Won’t Play a Song or Add MP3? Here’s a Simple Fix

Aug 17, 2010 - 26 Comments

itunes wont play song

I recently encountered a strange bug where iTunes refused to add a song to it’s playlist and wouldn’t play the original source MP3 file either. Interestingly enough, the mp3 file played fine with Quick Look and even was able to play within the Finder preview, but no matter what I did I could not add or import the mp3 file to my iTunes playlist.

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By William Pearson - iTunes, Mac OS, Troubleshooting - 26 Comments

iPad vs Kindle screen comparisons

Aug 17, 2010 - 2 Comments

ipad vs kindle screen

Have you ever wondered what an iPad and Kindle screen would look like up close? Not just to the naked eye, but really up close… say at 26x and 400x magnification. Despite the fact they are serving completely different markets, I know people compare the iPad and Kindle frequently so these shots are quite interesting.

These pictures were taken with a Veho USB Powered Microscope, which I had no idea you could even get a 400x USB powered microscope for $65, that’s amazing in and of itself. Anyway, more pictures:
ipad vs kindle screens

At 400x the iPad looks like any other close up of a LCD display, while the Kindle amazingly enough actually holds detail and, well, resembles ink.

Admittedly this isn’t the most fair comparison considering the current iPad screen is using a traditional LCD display while the Kindle uses the wildly complex MIT creation known as E Ink. Of course, the Kindle also isn’t intended to compete against the iPad and vice versa (try playing games or browsing the web in a meaningful fashion on a Kindle), but it’s neat to see these detailed pictures. I’d really like to see this test done using the 326ppi iPhone 4 retina display, which is rumored to appear on iPod touch and iPad models in the near future.

These images confirm the opinions I’ve long held: if you’re looking to get a handheld device for only reading books, the Kindle takes the cake. If you want to do more like play games, browse the web, email, listen to music, watch movies, etc, the iPad is a no brainer.

The above pictures originated from microscope shots by Keith Peters at his website, Bit-101. There are several more pictures and also comparisons with real printed ink if you’re interested in seeing them.

By Paul Horowitz - iPad - 2 Comments

Drag or Paste Link in Safari Downloads Window to Download on Mac Immediately

Aug 17, 2010 - 2 Comments

Safari icon

Did you know you can download a file instead of opening it in Safari on the Mac, simply by dragging a link to the Downloads window of Safari? And did you know you can also start a download in Safari on Mac by pasting a copied download URL into the Safari downloads window?

This combo of download tips are little known tricks, but they’re quite useful, particularly if you have a direct download link stored in your clipboard, or a URL elsewhere, or maybe a link saved as a bookmark or even as a link from another webpage.

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By William Pearson - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 2 Comments

Photoshop for iPad

Aug 16, 2010 - 1 Comment

photoshop for ipad Adobe Photoshop for iPad has been released and it’s a free download. Technically called Photoshop Express, the Express moniker suggests a more full featured version may be in the works from Adobe to further utilize the power and screen size of the iPad. Photoshop Express is the as the Photoshop for iPhone version released last year, but the name has been updated and there is an iPad specific feature.

Photoshop for iPad exclusive feature set:
• Support for portrait and landscape orientations
• Redesigned Online, Edit, and Upload workflows
• Ability to work on multiple photos in sequence from within a single workflow
• Redesigned Organizer view with simplified album sharing
• Updated icons and visuals that make it easier to navigate and use the Editor
• Ability to upload to and Facebook simultaneously

Adobe says that Photoshop Express for iPad lets you use the simple touch gestures to make quick edits and share the photos from your mobile device. Personally I think the existing features leave something to be desired, as there are a significant lack of real photo editing abilities. This is especially amplified considering some of the other relatively more powerful photo editing and manipulation packages available for iPad and iPhone.

adobe photoshop for ipad

Despite the shortcomings, the Photoshop app is useful and the brand is strong. I’m sure future versions will have many more features even if in the form of a paid download, for now though you can get Photoshop Express for iPad as a free download via iTunes.

By William Pearson - iPad, News - 1 Comment

Macs in the classroom

Aug 16, 2010 - 4 Comments

macs in the classroom

You may recall the figure released last week by a research analyst saying that 70% of incoming college Freshmen use Macs, well, at some schools it’s already higher than that. Take this classroom at BCIT, where out of 17 computers in the classroom, 16 are Macs.

I’m not sure what the class is, and obviously certain majors could skew the Mac to PC ratio, but this image really captures the trend of Apple dominating in higher education. These pictures were taken by visiting lecturer Tod Maffin, who says he noticed “a lot of glowing white Apple logos staring back” and then asked the students to hold up their computers to take a picture.

By William Pearson - Mac - 4 Comments

Change the Screen Shot File Format in Mac OS X

Aug 16, 2010 - 19 Comments

Change the screenshot file format in Mac OS X All versions of Mac OS X default to saving captured screen shot files to PNG format, but if you’d rather have screenshots save as another file type, it’s actually quite easy to modify the file format and change the default to something new.

Whether the desired format output is JPG, TIFF, PDF, GIF, or back to PNG defaults, let’s walk through the process of changing the format of screenshots made on the Mac.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 19 Comments

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