Flash is Broken on the Mac: The Flash Wall of Shame

Apr 2, 2010 - 33 Comments

epic flash fail

Flash on the Mac is broken

Steve Jobs is now famously purported to have called Flash a “CPU hog” and “old technology”, something I’d have to agree with based on my experience. Flash is simply broken on the Mac, there is just no denying it. I don’t know what the problem is and I’m not going to pretend to know, but I do know that it makes for a generally miserable experience to encounter a Flash website when you’re on a Mac.

Apple’s problems with the Adobe Flash plugin have been in tech news a lot recently, so we’re going to show what the complaints are about. It doesn’t matter how good your browser is, the Flash plugin will probably screw it up by taking over every possible CPU cycle. Load a Flash-based site and your MacBook Pro will sound like it’s preparing to enter Earths orbit. This is what people are complaining about, and this is exactly why Apple doesn’t want Flash on their touch devices.
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By Manish Patel - Mac OS - 33 Comments

The Update “iTunes” Can’t Be Saved Error and a Simple Fix

Apr 1, 2010 - Leave a Comment

update itunes cant be saved

This is an unusual iTunes error that you shouldn’t see too often:

The update “iTunes” can’t be saved.

The file “iTunesAccess.tar” couldn’t be found on the server “swcdn.apple.com”.

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By Paul Horowitz - Troubleshooting - Leave a Comment

Mac April Fools jokes and pranks

Apr 1, 2010 - 6 Comments

Mac Finder

Today is April Fools Day in the USA, which makes the internet as a whole generally pretty ridiculous because there’s so many pranks with fake and silly news stories floating around. Keeping with the goofy spirit, here’s some easy and funny pranks to play on a fellow Mac user:

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS - 6 Comments

Dock.prefPane error loading in Snow Leopard

Apr 1, 2010 - 2 Comments



“The document ‘Dock.prefPane’ could not be opened. System Preferences cannot open files in the ‘Mac OS X Preference Pane’ format.”

Oh that makes perfect sense, a default preference pane can’t be opened by the System Preferences? What??

Maybe this is an April Fools joke from System Preferences… but a reboot fixed it.

By William Pearson - Mac OS - 2 Comments

Hackintosh 10.6.3 – Resources for the Update

Mar 31, 2010 - 4 Comments

hackintosh logo If you have a Hackintosh desktop or Netbook, you may want to do a bit of research before jumping into the Mac OS X 10.6.3 system update. Users around the web are reporting everything from easy success to catastrophic failure, which isn’t too surprising considering the hardware diversity of Hackintosh systems.

Simplest advice: Follow the path of someone who has done the update on a machine that is either identical or closely mimics your own build. For anyone that uses sleep, if you want to minimize the likelihood of troubles when updating to 10.6.3 it’s a good idea to move the old SleepEnabler.kext since it will almost certainly cause a kernel panic on reboot when it butts heads with the new kernel.

It is absolutely essential that you backup your existing Hackintosh Mac OS X 10.6.2 install before attempting to 10.6.3 update!

Resources for updating your Hackintosh to 10.6.3:

Prasys: Straight Forward 10.6.3 Upgrade Guide – a nice and easy to follow step-by-step walkthrough with screenshots on updating to 10.6.3

TonyMacX86: Mac OS X 10.6.3 update – Great general advice and information on the 10.6.3 update, what has been problematic, what works, and more importantly: SOLUTIONS to known problems. Highly recommended resource.

Google Spreadsheet: 10.6.3 update and hardware – this is a great spreadsheet maintained by TonyMacX86 that shows hardware and known problems. Definitely worth a look.

LifeHacker: Update a charm to 10.6.3 – for Desktop Hackintosh users who followed the LifeHacker guide in particular. Not particularly informative other than a ‘it worked for me!’ so a strong YMMV, read the comments for a slew of user problems (and successes too).

TonyMacX86 Forums – if you’re banging your head into the wall to figure out what went wrong on your desktop Hackintosh update, this is a great forum to check out.

InsanelyMac Forums – another good resource for questions and answers to various Hackintosh install problems, less personal than TonyMacX86 though.

MyDellMini: Official Mac OS X 10.6.3 update thread for Dell Mini 9 and Dell Mini 10v – if you have a Dell Mini, go to the experts. An excellent guide on updating your Mini to 10.6.3, don’t miss it.

NetKas: Advice on updating to 10.6.3 with ATI cards

Meklort – a leader in the Hackintosh world, most relevant to Netbook users.

If you happened to have followed the LifeHacker guide to build a Hackintosh Desktop you may have the easiest update as a desktop user, although some users in their comments are reporting update troubles with identical systems. Various Hackintosh Netbook reports vary widely, but the Dell Mini 9 and 10v is fairing well thanks to the folks at MyDellMini forums.

If you’re a bit squeamish or don’t want a hassle, waiting a few weeks to update to 10.6.3 may well work in your favor as the Hackintosh community continues to refine and update their techniques.

By David Mendez - Hackintosh - 4 Comments

Can my Mac play HD video content?

Mar 31, 2010 - 3 Comments

mac hd video

“Will my Mac play HD video?”

If you have a new Mac, the answer is almost certainly yes. The ability for your Mac to play H.264 High Definition HD video content depends entirely on it’s hardware capabilities. Here are the hardware requirements for HD video per Apple’s guidelines, and my recommendations based on personal experience with smooth HD playback on Mac’s:

Playing 720p Content on your Mac:

To play 720p video at 1280×720 resolution and roughly 30 frames a second, your Mac will need at least the following:
* 1.8 GHz PowerMac G5 or a 1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo or faster processor (Intel Core Duo chip highly recommended)
* 256MB of RAM or more (1GB+ highly recommended)
* 64 MB or better video card

Playing 1080p Content on your Mac:

Playing 1080p is more hardware intensive since it runs at 1920×1080 resolution, you will need at least the following Mac configuration to get roughly 25 frames per second:
* Dual 2.0 GHz PowerMac G5 or a 2.0 GHz Intel Core Duo or faster processor (Intel 2 Core Duo chip highly recommended)
* 512MB of RAM or more (2GB+ highly recommended)
* 128MB or better video card

For the best high-def video playback experience, I’d recommend having only the HD video playing and not a bunch of background apps or processes if you can avoid it, this is particularly true if you have a less powerful machine. Having a dedicated machine like a Mac Mini as a media center makes for a particularly good Mac HD experience when hooked up to an external HDTV. Of course if you have a brand new Mac, or a fancy Mac Pro with 8 cores and 12GB of RAM, then you’ll have great playback as well.

Basically, the better the Mac’s hardware, the better your HD video performance will be, the higher the frame rates, and the smoother the video.

If you are interested, read more about creating a Mac Media Center, it’s a lot easier than you’d think.

By Manish Patel - Mac OS - 3 Comments

Awesome Galaxy Wallpaper

Mar 30, 2010 - 4 Comments

mac space galaxy background pic
[ Click for full resolution at 1920×1200 ]

I really like the Aurora spacey galactic themed wallpapers that come with Snow Leopard, so I was pretty excited when I came across this original background picture on one of our readers websites. It’s a great variation of the galaxy theme and looks completely at home on my Mac’s desktop.

Thanks for my new desktop picture Anton!

By Paul Horowitz - Customize, Fun - 4 Comments

Name Mangler is a Batch Rename File Utility for Mac OS X

Mar 30, 2010 - 10 Comments

iMac with Retina display

If you have a bunch of files you need renamed on your Mac, and the computer isn’t new enough to have the built-in batch rename feature, then Name Mangler is a decent solution in a fairly crowded field. With a good interface that is intuitive to use, you can easily batch rename tons and tons of files just by dragging and dropping them into the application.

Name Mangler goes beyond just renaming something from file1 to file2 though, there are many more advanced batch renaming capabilities including some of the following types of situations:
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac Apps, Mac OS - 10 Comments

Mac OS X 10.6.3 update released

Mar 29, 2010 - 27 Comments

mac os x 10.6.3 update

Check your Software Updates! Mac OS X 10.6.3 update has been released and is recommended to install for all Mac OS X Snow Leopard users. The amount of fixes is pretty substantial, here’s the main list provided in the Software Update panel:

* improve the reliability and compatibility of QuickTime X
* address compatibility issues with OpenGL-based applications
* address an issue that causes background message colors to display incorrectly in Mail
* resolve an issue that prevented files with the # or & characters in their names from opening in Rosetta applications
* resolve an issue that prevented files from copying to Windows file servers
* improve performance of Logic Pro 9 and Main Stage 2 when running in 64-bit mode
* improve sleep and wake reliability when using Bonjour wake on demand
* address a color issue in iMovie with HD content
* improve printing reliability
* resolve issues with recurring events in iCal when connected to an Exchange server
* improve the reliability of 3rd party USB input devices
* fix glowing, stuck, or dark pixels when viewing video from the iMac (Late 2009) built-in iSight camera

Looking through the full list of improvements I noticed a couple of Airport updates:

* general reliability for wireless connections.
* improvements to 802.1X reliability, including closed network connections, and WPA2.

These really caught my eye since there’s been a sizable amount of people (including myself and other OS X Daily writers) that have had various problems with Snow Leopard and wireless connectivity. I’m hoping these will help fix the dropped wireless connection problems in Snow Leopard completely.

You can see the full improvement and bug fix list at Apple.com’s 10.6.3 knowledge base article.

If you are having problems with airport connectivity, try this simple fix for wireless dropping after installing the 10.6.3 update

By Bill Ellis - Mac OS - 27 Comments

How to Disable the “Are you sure you want to open this file?” Warning Dialog in Mac OS X

Mar 29, 2010 - 15 Comments

“[Name] is an application downloaded from the internet. Are you sure you want to open it?”

mac os quarantine message Starting in new-ish versions of Mac OS X, you may have noticed that when you download a file from the web and go to open it, you will get a prompt saying something along these lines, warning that an application has been downloaded from the internet, and asking to confirm if you actually want to open it or not.

This is Mac OS X just being safe, which is generally a good thing for most users, but if you always know for sure what you’re downloading it could even be overly safe. For users who wish to stop those messages, you can turn off that warning dialog by turning to the command line and a defaults write string. We’ll show you how to turn this off (and back on) if you don’t want that message to appear.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 15 Comments

Steve Jobs car has no license plates

Mar 28, 2010 - 27 Comments

steve jobs car no license plates

Here’s a random fact of the day: Steve Jobs drives a Mercedes SL55 AMG, with no license plates. Instead there’s just a plate frame with a little barcode in the middle (apparently the bar code is standard on Mercedes). I guess Steve really doesn’t like the look of the license plate, his car has been spotted frequently around the Silicon Valley and for at least two years now it has been missing the front and rear plates. Failure to display license plates is a $250 fine in California, which makes you wonder how often he gets pulled over and ticketed for the infraction.

steve jobs mercedes no plates

steve jobs car no license plate

[ via Flickr 1 Flickr 2 & Gizmodo ]

By William Pearson - Fun - 27 Comments

How to Make a Mac Talk: Text to Speech

Mar 28, 2010 - 22 Comments

Mac text to speech lets a Mac speak on screen words and text

Want to have a Mac read text in a document or webpage to you? Text To Speech is an excellent feature which allows Mac users to have words on screen spoken aloud. You can make your Mac talk to you in various different ways, at different speeds, and even speaking with different voices, all by using the powerful built-in Text-to-Speech abilities of Mac OS X. With this feature, you can either speak a few words, phrases, or even an entire document.

We’ll cover the two quickest and easiest ways to use Text to Speech on a Mac from common apps like word processors, web browsers, and text editors, and also demonstrate the command line ‘say’ trick to speak text by way of the Terminal application. Finally, we’ll also show you how to change the voices used, and the rate of speech (meaning, how fast the words are spoken).

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By Paul Horowitz - How to, Mac OS - 22 Comments

Beta Test Steam and Team Fortress 2 for Mac

Mar 27, 2010 - Leave a Comment

team-fortress-2 for mac

Want to play Team Fortress 2, Half-Life, Counterstrike, and some of the other sweet Valve games on your Mac? Apply to be an official beta tester for the upcoming Mac version of Steam. It’s a simple questionnaire that goes through your computing setup and gaming habits, and then you provide a copy of your System Profile information. Beyond randomness (or luck), it seems who gets chosen to download the beta client is based on Valve’s hardware testing needs.

A user on TUAW claims to have applied and received a very quick response with an approval, writing the following in the comments:

Wow..that was quick…I just entered my application and they emailed me back code to get mac version of steam client….within hours of entering !! this is like christmas..I’m going to test out some team fortress !!

Why not give it a go yourself? Head on over to Steam’s Mac beta signup site:

Steam: Mac Beta signup

You’ll need a Steam login to apply, which suggests a preference to those who already own and use Steam, ie: PC & Mac users.

[ via TUAW ]

By David Mendez - Games, Mac OS - Leave a Comment

Mac Setups: MacBook Pro and an iMac

Mar 27, 2010 - 3 Comments

macbook pro and imac

A classic setup: a MacBook Pro and an iMac. This setup is extra awesome because the owner of the machines was viewing OS X Daily when he took the picture, cool!

[ via Flickr ]

By William Pearson - Mac Setups - 3 Comments

Fix for Photo Booth Running Slow in Mac OS X

Mar 26, 2010 - 3 Comments

photo booth running slow fix I was recently asked to do some maintenance work on a relatives iMac, and one of their chief complaints was the speed of Photo Booth, the fun application that takes pictures and distorts them with your iSight. Upon inspection of the machine, I found that Photo Booth was running extremely slow, launching the application would take nearly a minute before the camera image would show up and the program was ready to use, and then actions within the app were dreadfully slow.

I quickly noticed that their picture count was over 2000 photos stored within Photo Booth! Apparently their kids are absolutely in love with the application and entertain themselves for hours on end just making goofy faces (alright I admit, I do this too).

So, if you haven’t guessed it yet, here’s my fix on how to speed up Photo Booth again in Mac OS X, and yes it works:
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Rip Blu Ray’s on your Mac

Mar 25, 2010 - 6 Comments

rip blu ray mac MakeMKV lets you rip DVD’s and Blu-Ray discs easily in Mac OS X (or Windows or Linux for that matter), and during the beta, the program is free! Each beta release works for 60 days and then it automatically stops functioning, so go ahead and grab the beta version for some free blu ray ripping. The process is simple and straight forward, select the source Blu-Ray or DVD, select an output location, and click “Make MKV” then wait. Blu-Ray’s take a while to rip, and obviously you’ll need a blu-ray drive on your Mac to have that functionality. DVD’s are relatively quick to process, in about 20 minutes you should have a finished dvd rip.

Features of MakeMKV include:

* Reads DVD and Blu-ray discs
* Reads Blu-ray discs protected with latest versions of AACS and BD+
* Preserves all video and audio tracks, including HD audio
* Preserves chapters information
* Preserves all meta-information (track language, audio type)

The program is cross platform compatible so if you want to use it in Windows or Linux that’s fine too. Note that although the Blu-Ray ripping functionality expires after 60 days with the beta program, the DVD ripping ability will still be maintained.

Developer home
Download MakeMKV Beta Now

make mkv mac blu ray ripper

[ MakeMKV via LifeHacker ]

By Manish Patel - Mac OS - 6 Comments

How to Set the Default Column Size in Mac OS X Finder Windows

Mar 25, 2010 - 21 Comments

Set column view size default width in Mac OS X Finder windows

The Mac OS X Finder column view is really handy, letting you see multiple folder contents side by side in a hierarchical view. But unless you set the default column width yourself, anytime you launch a new Finder window, the columns size will be reset on a per window basis.

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By Paul Horowitz - Customize, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 21 Comments

Instant & Cheap Cable Organization: The Most Useful Thing I’ve Seen All Week

Mar 24, 2010 - 6 Comments

cheap cable organization

Computer cables are always getting in the way, falling on the floor, getting tangled up, or otherwise becoming some form of hassle, right? Well rather than go crazy, you can use this really neat binder clip solution to organize each cable.

There’s not much to this trick, the binder clips are the same ones you buy at an office supply store, or that you can find around just about any office or workspace.

Seriously. Use binder clips to create an instant and cheap cable organization solution! Just clip them onto the end of your desk and slide in the cables and away you go.

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By William Pearson - Mac Setups, Tips & Tricks - 6 Comments

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