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How to Summarize & Analyze PDF Documents with ChatGPT on Mac

Jun 30, 2024 - 3 Comments
How to analyze a PDF document with ChatGPT

One of the most useful features of the ChatGPT app for Mac is the ability to upload files to ChatGPT to have them summarized and analyzed. For example, you can upload a PDF file, and ask ChatGPT to give an analysis of the document, or to summarize it, and ask questions specifically related to the … Read More

ChatGPT for Mac Now Available to All

Jun 26, 2024 - 9 Comments
ChatGPT for Mac is available to everyone

ChatGPT for Mac is now broadly available to every Mac user as a free download, complete with the latest GPT capabilities. While some of you may have bypassed the waitlist to gain early access, the official ChatGPT Mac app is now is now available to anyone and everyone, all you need is an OpenAI account … Read More

How to Change the Voice of ChatGPT on iPhone, Mac, iPad

May 26, 2024 - 2 Comments
Tap on Voice to change the voice of ChatGPT

ChatGPT for iPhone, iPad, and Mac, all include a very impressive Voice Chat feature, that lets you have voice chats and full on conversations with the advanced AI Large Language Model. One of the fun ways to customize Voice Chat with ChatGPT is to change the voice to something you prefer, and there are multiple … Read More

How to Use ChatGPT for Mac Right Now, Bypassing the Waitlist

May 23, 2024 - 7 Comments
How to get ChatGPT for Mac right now and use it skipping the waitlist

OpenAI recently announced that an official ChatGPT app for Mac was coming with ChatGPT 4o support, complete with some pretty cool features like a keyboard shortcut to open a ChatGPT query from anywhere (kind of like Spotlight, but for ChatGPT), screenshot capabilities, ability to initiate discussions based on photos (for example, provide a picture of … Read More

How to Use the Latest GPT 4 & DALL-E 3 Free on iPhone & iPad with Copilot

Apr 19, 2024 - Leave a Comment
How to use GPT4 and DALL-E 3 for free with Copilot on iPhone and iPad

GPT 4 is an extremely advanced large language model with immense AI capabilities, and DALL-E 3 is a wildly impressive AI image generator that creates pictures from text descriptions. Both of these tools are incredibly powerful and impressive, and while you can access them for a fee through the parent company who developed the models, … Read More

How to Opt Out of ChatGPT Using Your Training Data While Keeping Chat History

Apr 12, 2024 - Leave a Comment
How to opt out of ChatGPT training on your content and data while keeping chat history

ChatGPT defaults to using your chat history and chat interactions as training data for the ChatGPT service and AI model. One of the most obvious reasons for this is that prior interactions with ChatGPT can be used to refine the Large Language Model and to improve the service, but there are obviously some privacy and … Read More

How to Disable ChatGPT Chat History & Training Data Usage

Apr 7, 2024 - Leave a Comment

ChatGPT is a phenomenal artificial intelligence chatbot that uses the Large Language Model deep learning to provide incredibly useful, powerful, and human-like responses. By default, ChatGPT will keep a history of your chats with the chatbot, and also use your interactions with ChatGPT to train and improve the models. Some users may wish to change … Read More

How to Use ChatGPT-4 for Free with Microsoft Edge

Apr 2, 2024 - 1 Comment
How to use ChatGPT 4 with Microsoft Edge

The Microsoft Edge browser offers perhaps one of the best and easiest ways for an average person to access and use ChatGPT-4 for free, without having to pay for ChatGPT-4 access through OpenAI. Best of all, Edge is available for just about every major platform, including Mac, Windows, Linux, iPhone, iPad, and Android. With the … Read More

How to Use Voice with ChatGPT on iPhone, Mac, iPad

Jan 6, 2024 - Leave a Comment
How to use voice chat with ChatGPT on iPhone

The official ChatGPT app for iPhone, iPad, and Mac includes a voice feature, letting you speak with the chat bot and hear answers back from high quality voice options. Voice chat with ChatGPT lets you have hands-free interactions with ChatGPT, and can be very useful for a wide variety of purposes. Not only can you … Read More

How to Use & Access GPT-4 for Free with Bing

Nov 22, 2023 - 23 Comments
How to access GPT-4 for free with Bing

You may already be using ChatGPT, the phenomenally powerful and useful AI tool, but the free version is based on GPT-3.5. GPT-4 is said to be ten times more advanced, with enhanced creativity, reliability, up-to-date information, and an ability to interpret more nuanced instructions, so it’s understandable why users would like to explore and experience … Read More

Get ChatGPT Access on Mac OS 9 with LegacyAI

May 28, 2023 - Leave a Comment
LegacyAI for Mac OS 9

Many longtime Mac users continue to have old Macs laying around, and many of those old Macs continue to be used whether for specific use-cases, or simply outright nostalgia and retro computing fun. Whatever the case, if you’ve got an older Mac running Mac OS 9, and you wish it to have access to the … Read More

Get the Official ChatGPT for iPhone & iPad Now

May 22, 2023 - 3 Comments

iPhone and iPad users now have an official ChatGPT app they can download and use on their devices, giving full ChatGPT access directly from an app, without needing to use the web, any third party apps, wrappers, or tools. And, because Apple Silicon Macs can run iPhone apps, this means that the Mac has access … Read More

How to Access Bing GPT Chatbot from Microsoft Edge on iPhone & iPad

May 20, 2023 - Leave a Comment
Using the Bing AI ChatGPT chat bot in Edge for iPhone and iPad

The latest versions of Microsoft Edge web browser for iPhone and iPad, and the Bing search engine itself, include integrated AI-powered chatbots that can be accessed and queried at anhy time. Why not take advantage of these powerful AI features and give them a try yourself? The Bing GPT chatbot is highly competent, offering yet … Read More

How to Use ChatGPT on iPhone

May 10, 2023 - Leave a Comment
Use ChatGPT on iPhone

Want to use ChatGPT on your iPhone? It’s easy to tap into the incredible power of ChatGPT from anywhere, as long as you have your iPhone with you. ChatGPT will generate human-like text and responses that is leaps and bounds far more impressive than anything offered by Siri (or Alexa for that matter), offering you … Read More

How to Fix a ChatGPT Network Error

Apr 10, 2023 - Leave a Comment
ChatGPT AI superbrain

Rarely, while using ChatGPT you may encounter a “network error”. If ChatGPT reports that it has experienced a network error, you will be unable to use ChatGPT until that network error has been resolved.

Access ChatGPT from your Mac Quickly via Menu Bar

Mar 19, 2023 - 1 Comment
MacGPT menu bar tool

ChatGPT is a rather intriguing new artificial intelligence tool that can understand and generate human-like responses to natural language input. With constantly evolving abilities, it can answer everything from simple to complex questions, write code samples, write formal letters, create poetry, engage in back and forth dialog (and at a level that is worlds beyond … Read More

How to Use ChatGPT, the AI Tool Everyone is Talking About

Mar 12, 2023 - 6 Comments
ChatGPT writes a bash script

You’ve probably heard of ChatGPT by now, but have you used the AI tool or played around with it? If not, you may be intrigued to discover and toy around with ChatGPT, as it’s really quite impressive and powerful, whether you want it to write you formal emails, come up with AppleScript for a specific … Read More

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