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Use a Mac as a Bluetooth Keyboard for iPhone, iPad, or Android with Type2Phone

Nov 15, 2011 - 22 Comments
Turn a Mac into a Bluetooth keyboard for iOS Devices

If you don’t have a spare Bluetooth keyboard to connect to an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch with, why not use a Mac? This seems like a no brainer of an idea, but until the Mac app Type2Phone came along, I haven’t heard of any such solution. The app works by pairing a Mac to … Read More

First Beta of OS X Lion 10.7.3 Seeded to Mac Developers

Nov 15, 2011 - 6 Comments
Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3

Apple has seeded the first release of Mac OS X 10.7.3 to developers, the build is 11D16 and focuses on iCloud document storage, in addition to changes to Address Book, iCal, and Mail. The update weighs in at 633MB and is downloadable through the Mac Developer Center to registered devs for both OS X Lion … Read More

How to Repair User Permissions in Mac OS X

Nov 15, 2011 - 72 Comments
Use Disk Utility to erase free space on a Mac hard drive

In modern versions of Mac OS X, repairing permissions from the Disk Utility app doesn’t repair the users file permissions, oddly this has to be done separately on a per-user basis. If you’re running into problems with Spotlight not finding documents or folders, or if you’re having other issues that can usually be fixed with … Read More

MacBook Air 15″ Coming in March of 2012?

Nov 14, 2011 - 19 Comments
MacBook Air 15"

Component suppliers have informed DigiTimes that Apple is already gathering pieces to a 15″ ultra-thin notebook that is set to debut as early as the second quarter of 2012. While DigiTimes cautions they don’t know if the new laptop is a MacBook Pro or MacBook Air, Apple openly promotes the current MacBook Air lineup as … Read More

How to Make a RAM Disk Easily with TmpDisk for Mac OS X

Nov 14, 2011 - 19 Comments
Make a RAM Disk easily with TmpDisk for Mac OS X

If you want to quickly make a RAM disk for use on your Mac, you could create one manually through the command line, or you can make it even easier by downloading TmpDisk for Mac OS X. The open source application uses a menu bar item to quickly make ram disks from anywhere and of … Read More

iTunes Match Launched with Release of iTunes 10.5.1 [Download Links]

Nov 14, 2011 - 14 Comments
iTunes Match

iTunes Match has been launched in the USA by Apple with the release of iTunes 10.5.1. The Match service costs $24.99 a year to store your entire music library within iCloud allowing you to stream it to any iOS 5+ iPhone, iPad, iPod, Mac, or Windows PC, regardless of where your music has come from. … Read More

iTunes Match Release Date: November 14, Now Available!

Nov 13, 2011 - 5 Comments
iTunes Match Beta 3

Update: iTunes Match is now available along with iTunes 10.5.1, download it now to sign up for the music streaming and cloud storage service. The public release of iTunes Match seems to be approaching quickly as a third beta of iTunes 10.5.1 is made available to developers. The new beta focuses on iTunes Match and … Read More

Hold Shift Key to Use Launchpad in Slow Motion

Nov 13, 2011 - 12 Comments
Launchpad in Slow Motion

Like most of the other transition effects in Mac OS X, you can hold down the shift key to force the animation to render in slow motion. In the case with Launchpad, this will cause the app icons to slowly rise out of the background, or for the Launchpad screens to very slowly switch between … Read More

Stop Spaces from Rearranging Themselves in Mac OS X

Nov 12, 2011 - 32 Comments
Stop Spaces from Rearranging Themselves in OS X

New versions of Mac OS X have an interesting and sometimes unusual change to Mission Control’s behavior, where desktops/spaces will automatically rearrange themselves based on how recently they’ve been used or accessed. If you’ve set your spaces (virtual desktops) to be in a specific order, this is fairly annoying, but it’s also easy to stop … Read More

Find System Preferences Easier in Mac OS X by Sorting Alphabetically

Nov 12, 2011 - 8 Comments
System Preferences

Mac System Preferences are grouped by categories by default, basically into Personal / iCloud, Software, and Hardware. For most of us this is intuitive and easy enough to navigate, but with modern versions of macOS they’ve been condensed down from more category separation, from Personal, Hardware, Internet & Wireless, System, and Other, to just the … Read More

Check if Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Will Run on Your Mac (in Bootcamp)

Nov 11, 2011 - 110 Comments
Check Mac GPU info

Will Elder Scrolls V Skyrim run decent on your Mac? If your Mac is relatively new (2009 models and up) the answer is probably, but before you go jumping into Bootcamp, installing Windows on another partition, and buying the game, let’s check to be certain that it will run on your hardware, and run at … Read More

Classilla is a Modern Web Browser for Classic Mac OS 9

Nov 11, 2011 - 8 Comments
Classilla browser for Mac OS 9

Do you have an old Mac running Mac OS 9 laying around the closet? Dust it off and bring it into the modern age (of the web at least) with Classilla, an open source port of Mozilla, the same underpinnings of Firefox. It’s a work in progress so don’t expect it to be perfect, but … Read More

Disable the Caps Lock Key on a Mac

Nov 10, 2011 - 18 Comments
Disable Caps Lock key on a Mac

Does anyone like the CAPS LOCK key? Yes, it can be useful for typing some things that happen to be all uppercase, but as many internet readers know, it can also be an obnoxious key that many Mac users accidentally press on their keyboards, leading to ALL THEIR LETTERS APPEARING UPPERCASE. If you’re a Mac … Read More

Show Full File & Folder Names on the Mac Desktop

Nov 9, 2011 - 22 Comments
End file name truncation in Mac OS X

Have you ever noticed that some files and folders display truncated names when they’re placed on the Mac OS X Desktop? A file or folder named anything over a certain character limit will be shortened with a series of three periods, something like “Mobile Documents Sync” will display as “Mobile Do…ync” and so on. One … Read More

Enable Safari Hidden Debug Menu in Mac OS X

Nov 7, 2011 - 8 Comments
Debug menu in Safari

Safari has a hidden “Debug” menu that offers some additional features for debugging the browser, including stress and load tests, sampling, javascript error logging, the ability to intentionally crash a page, and more. Intended for Safari developers, the Debug menu is different from the Developer menu, which is geared more at web developers, although there … Read More

Still Having Lion Wi-Fi Problems? This Solution Works

Nov 6, 2011 - 240 Comments
Renew DHCP in Mac OS X Lion

We’ve published a variety of fixes for wireless connections dropping in Lion, and even a keepalive script that helps many users maintain a connection in some of the stubborn cases, but some Mac OS X Lion users continue to have problems with their internet connection failing. After diagnosing another MacBook with wireless stability problems post-Lion, … Read More

Sync iTunes to Android in Mac OS X with WinAmp

Nov 5, 2011 - 9 Comments
Sync iTunes with Android in Mac OS X

WinAmp, the longstanding Windows music player, has come to the Mac OS X platform and brings a few great features for Android users, most notably iTunes music syncing and library sharing, and Wi-Fi syncing. This means you can take any existing iTunes playlist and sync it directly to an Android device without having to jump … Read More

Kill Google Chrome Tabs and Windows with Task Manager

Nov 4, 2011 - 4 Comments
The Chrome Task Manager

Google Chrome has a built-in Task Manager tool that lets you kill individual tabs, windows, plugins, and even extensions. This is extraordinarily helpful if you encounter a page that gets tied up, beach balls, or can’t be closed due to any number of errors. For those of us who live centered around the web, this … Read More

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