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Quick Tip: Eject Media from Command Line on Mac OS X

Mar 26, 2007 - 10 Comments
A disc

Ever needed to eject a disc, cd, DVD, or media from the command line on a Mac? You can do that from the Terminal, as we’ll show here. To eject a disc or media from the command line on Mac, open up your Terminal and type the following:

How to Disable the Built-in iSight Camera on a Mac

Mar 26, 2007 - 39 Comments

Most new consumer Macs come with a built-in iSight / FaceTime camera which can be used for all sorts of fun, ranging from live video chatting in FaceTime, Skype, and iChat, to horsing around in Photo Booth, to using third party apps like Gawker to capture time lapse photography of whatever is going on. That … Read More

How to Always Boot Mac OS X in Verbose Mode

Mar 25, 2007 - 30 Comments
Terminal in macOS

Booting Mac OS X as usual shows the Apple logo and eventually you’ll wind up at a login screen or desktop, that’s attractive and all, but some users would prefer to see what’s going on behind the scenes. That’s what Verbose Boot Mode does, it shows you what is really happening during system startup on … Read More

Clearing DNS Caches in Early Versions of Mac OS X (10.3, 10.2, 10.1)

Mar 24, 2007 - 10 Comments

Anytime you visit a website or do any other kind of DNS lookup, the IP address conveniently gets cached. While what’s convenient for most of us can be a real nuisance for others, particularly administrators who are moving around servers. This set of quick tips that Systems Administrators (and others) will surely appreciate covers flushing … Read More

Create a RAM Disk in Mac OS X

Mar 23, 2007 - 45 Comments
Check Mac RAM type and maximum capacity

Need to create an ultra-fast RAM disk in Mac OS X? We’ve got you covered with a command line trick that will generate a RAM disk of any size of your choosing. These instructions have been updated to support all versions of OS X, from modern releases to older ones too, so no matter what … Read More

How to Completely Disable Spotlight

Mar 22, 2007 - 39 Comments

We’re big fans of Spotlight here at OS X Daily, but we realize it’s not everyones cup of tea. If you’re someone who dislikes Spotlight enough to want it disabled completely then this is the guide for you. What you’ll need is some basic knowledge of the command line and a command line text editor … Read More

Command Line Disk Usage Utilities: df and du

Mar 20, 2007 - 7 Comments

Getting disk usage information on a Mac is often gathered by selecting a file, directory, or hard drive and hitting Command-I for Get Info, then appears a nice GUI interface with extended information about the selected object including disk usage. Command-I isn’t the only way to get disk info however, with the command line there … Read More

Command-Click in Finder Window to Get Path & Navigate to Enclosing Folders

Mar 19, 2007 - 3 Comments
Finder icon on the Mac

Need to quickly see where you are in the Finder by showing the current windows path on a Mac? There are a few ways to do this in Mac OS X, for example you can use a defaults command to show the full path in Finder window title, and we’ll show you another couple of … Read More

Block Access to Websites on a Mac by Modifying /etc/hosts

Mar 19, 2007 - 72 Comments

We’ve received several questions asking how to block specific sites from being accessed directly on the Mac. The frustration seems to lie in how easy it is to circumvent the typical measures, such as setting Parental Controls and blocking sites in Safari, only to have them accessed in Camino or Firefox. Well, a quick and … Read More

Google Gmail Notifier for Mac Brings Gmail to the Menu Bar

Mar 17, 2007 - 9 Comments

Gmail is arguably the best web based mail client, featuring a clean no nonsense interface and a monstrously large mailbox size hovering right under 3gb currently, you really never have to delete emails ever again. Google Notifier brings Gmail to your Mac’s desktop by putting a convenient icon in the menu bar that alerts you … Read More

Six Useful Spotlight Keystrokes for Mac OS X to Get You Started

Mar 15, 2007 - 3 Comments

You’ve probably noticed by now that we frequently rave about Spotlight, an invaluable tool and one of the greatest features of Mac OS X. Although it’s main intention is to be an instant search utility for documents, pictures, music, emails, whatever, it also works wonders as a super quick application launcher (often I will use … Read More

How to Completely Disable Dashboard in Mac OS X

Mar 14, 2007 - 19 Comments

Dashboard is the kind of thing you either love or hate, using the widgets constantly or not at all. How much use you get out of Dashboard will probably determine if you want the feature to stick around in Mac OS X or not. As regular readers may recall, we have discussed how unused Dashboard … Read More

How to Create a Screencast with a Mac – 5 Great Apps

Mar 14, 2007 - Leave a Comment

Have you ever watched an online video tutorial, or record a screencast of what you’re doing on your Mac screen? Ever wondered how to create one of these yourself? Of course getting the right software is part of the mix, but many users don’t even know where to begin. Fortunately, there are many options available … Read More

How to Get Image Thumbnail Icons in the Mac Finder

Mar 13, 2007 - 31 Comments
Image thumbnail previews in Mac OS X Finder

Ever wondered how you can get image thumbnails to show up in the Finder of the Mac? You’re not alone, and a good question from one of our readers came in on this very topic. A recent switcher to the Mac, Carol Kavanaugh writes: “I got a Mac a few months ago and love it … Read More

Lingon – Configure launchd with a GUI Utility for Mac OS X

Mar 12, 2007 - Leave a Comment
Terminal in macOS

Lingon is one of the more useful apps for advanced Mac users, sysadmins, and network administrators out there. Essentially lingon functions as an easy tool to manage launchd without tinkering with launchd manually from the Terminal, providing a much appreciated GUI to configure the launchd system daemon, which allows you to set schedules for applications … Read More

11 Startup Key Combinations for Intel Macs

Mar 6, 2007 - 19 Comments
Finder icon

This is a list of eleven startup key commands that every Intel Mac owner should make note of. From reseting your NVRAM, starting up in safe mode, booting your Mac from a CD or DVD, switching bootable volumes and drives on system start, to forcing media to eject from a superdrive, this list has you … Read More

pbcopy & pbpaste: Manipulating the Clipboard from the Command Line

Mar 5, 2007 - 10 Comments

Copy and Paste are absolute necessities for virtually all computer users, and if you find yourself working in the command line frequently, you’ll want to know how to manipulate the clipboard of Mac OS X directly from the terminal prompt. That’s what the Mac commands pbcopy and pbpaste are for, and as you may have … Read More

How to Quickly Make a Zip Archive from the OS X Finder

Mar 1, 2007 - 9 Comments

An incredibly useful feature that is built right into Mac OS X is the ability to create an archive instantly of anything, be it a single document, a folder, or multiple files. Creating archives is great for may reasons, they save space, and it’s a polite and easier way to send a group of files … Read More

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