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How to Test Internet Connection Speed on Mac

Apr 19, 2020 - 5 Comments
How to Test Internet Connection Speed on Mac

Wondering how fast your current internet connection speed is? It’s super easy to find out how fast your internet connection is, all you need is a web browser to find how fast or slow your internet service is. We’ll be covering how to check internet connection speed using a Mac with any web browser, but … Read More

Test Read & Write Speed of an External Drive or USB Flash Key

Aug 31, 2013 - Leave a Comment
Xbench disk test for external drive

If you need to know the disk performance of an external drive, you can easily go about testing the read and write speed of any such drive by using several third party apps. We’ll cover two, the first is aptly named Disk Speed Test, and the second is called Xbench. Either will work to determine … Read More

How to Run Speed Test from the Command Line to Check Internet Connection Speed

Jul 31, 2013 - 12 Comments
Terminal in macOS

The excellent curl and wget tools provide for a simple way to test the speed of an internet connection directly from the command line. Curl is bundled with most unix variations, but Mac users who want to use the wget trick will first need to grab wget for OS X in order for this to … Read More

Test & Compare Mobile Broadband Speeds on iPhone & Android with Speed Test

Aug 18, 2012 - 6 Comments
Test iPhone Mobile Broadband Speed

Ever wondered just how fast a 3G, 4G LTE, or Edge network is on your iPhone or Android? Using a free app called Speed Test you can easily test and compare the mobile broadband speed of your smartphone (or cell equipped iPad) with others, whether they’re on AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile, or any other network. … Read More

iPhone 4S vs iPhone 4 Speed Test Comparison

Oct 14, 2011 - 5 Comments

We already know the iPhone 4S is significantly faster than the iPhone 4 just by looking at the tech specs, but sometimes the best way to see a speed boost is in real world activities like launching apps, browsing the web, and just tapping around in general. This video shows the two devices side by … Read More

Simulate Internet Connection & Bandwidth Speeds with Network Link Conditioner in Mac OS X

Aug 10, 2011 - 10 Comments
Network Link Conditioner

A recent addition to Mac OS X and modern versions of Xcode development tools is a utility called Network Link Conditioner, a highly customizable tool that lets you simulate a variety of common internet connectivity speeds. The utility is aimed at Mac and iOS developers so they can test their apps response times on a … Read More

iPad vs iPad 2 Speed Comparison Video

Apr 24, 2011 - 5 Comments

Wondering how fast the iPad 2 is compared to an iPad in real world tests? This video of side-by-side speed tests shows typical iPad usage, things like booting, launching various apps, and shutting down. You’ll see the iPad 2 excels in most areas but lags, oddly, in shutting down. If you don’t want to watch … Read More

iPod touch 4G speed test vs iPad, iPhone 4, and iPhone 3GS

Sep 15, 2010 - 3 Comments

If you’re wondering how the iPod touch 4G competes against the rest of Apple’s iOS lineup, this video shows the boot time of the currently relevant devices; the newest iPod touch 4G, iPhone 4, iPad, and iPhone 3GS (sorry iPhone 3G, you’re slow with iOS 4 anyway). Here’s the breakdown of the iOS boot times: … Read More

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