Archive for the year 2010


Eliminate distractions on your Mac with SelfControl

Jun 17, 2010 - 4 Comments

There’s nothing that kills productivity more than distractions, and while it’s hard to minimize some, there’s tools available to help prevent some digital distractions. Social networking sites, email, Twitter, Google News, there’s endless things that can distract your focus and waste your time if you don’t stop them. SelfControl is a utility that aids in … Read More

How to Change a Mac Displays Contrast with Keystrokes & Software

Jun 17, 2010 - 9 Comments

It’s possible to adjust the display contrast at a software level in Mac OS X, which can have very dramatic effects, either good or bad, depending on your needs. Most Mac users don’t know this and many may not find it helpful, but used appropriately it can be a helpful Accessibility adjustment for many with … Read More

Create your own Safari Extension

Jun 16, 2010 - 3 Comments

Did you know that anyone can build an extension for Safari? It is no problem, anyone can do it and it’s actually easier than you might think.

Toggle Display of Hidden Dotfile Files in Mac Save Windows

Jun 16, 2010 - 2 Comments

Did you know that you can quickly see or hide all the hidden files in a directory from any Mac Save window with a simple keystroke? This is very useful when you are saving a file to a directory that will appear as invisible, also known as a dotfile in OS X.

Apple Sells Out of iPhone 4 Pre-Orders for Release Date Delivery

Jun 16, 2010 - Leave a Comment

You probably already know that AT&T has sold out all of it’s pre-orders for release date iPhone 4 deliveries, and now Apple has too. You can still pre-order iPhone 4 but the ship date displays ‘by July 2nd’ ‘by July 14th’ on Apple’s online store, meaning your only chance of getting iPhone 4 on release … Read More

Check the status of maintenance scripts on your Mac

Jun 16, 2010 - Leave a Comment

Your Mac runs a series of maintenance scripts on it’s own to clear out various cache and log files. To see when the scripts were last run, type the following at the command line: ls -la /var/log/*.out You will then see something like this: -rw-r–r– 1 root wheel 283124 16 Jun 02:15 /var/log/daily.out -rw-r–r– 1 … Read More

iPhone 4 Pre-Orders Sold Out

Jun 15, 2010 - 3 Comments

If you didn’t get your iPhone 4 pre-order in successfully today, it looks like you’ll have to wait a while for delivery. Reports circulating around the web indicate that AT&T iPhone 4 pre-orders have all sold out for anyone wanting to get the phone on release date. This isn’t too surprising considering the hype the … Read More

Mac OS X 10.6.4 available for download

Jun 15, 2010 - Leave a Comment

Fire up those Software Updates because Mac OS X 10.6.4 is ready for download. Addressing numerous bug and security fixes, it is a recommended download for all Mac users. It looks like if you haven’t upgraded to Safari 5 yet, this software update handles that for you. The update comes in at a whopping 639.1 … Read More

iPhone 4 Demand – Pre-Order Lines & Websites Down

Jun 15, 2010 - 2 Comments

Demand for iPhone 4 is huge, that’s expected, but would you have guessed that both AT&T and Apple’s order processing sites would collapse under the weight pre-order traffic? And would you have guessed that long lines formed to just pre-order the device? Both are happening right now.

New Mac Mini 2010

Jun 15, 2010 - 2 Comments

Apple released a new Mac Mini for 2010, the first update to the model this year. Getting a speed bump, HDMI output, and an SD card slot, the 2010 Mac Mini also looks different than it’s predecessors. Boasting a smaller aluminum unibody enclosure, the new Mac Mini matches closely to other aluminum products in Apple’s … Read More

Remove or Disable “Sent from my iPhone” Email Signature

Jun 15, 2010 - 14 Comments

You can easily stop the “Sent from my iPhone” text from appearing on your outbound iPhone emails, or change it to be something else. Removing or customizing the signature applies to emails that are sent as replies or as new messages from the iPhone, and you can set it to whatever you want, or to … Read More

Pre-Order iPhone 4 on June 14!

Jun 14, 2010 - 2 Comments

Pre-orders for iPhone 4 start today at qualified iPhone sales locations! Basically if you pre-order the iPhone you’ll be able to come back in two weeks on June 24th to the same store and pick up the device without waiting in the giant sales lines (in some cases the iPhone will be mailed to you). … Read More

Troubleshooting Synergy ‘cannot read configuration’ error

Jun 14, 2010 - 3 Comments

If you’re having Synergy ‘cannot read configuration’ error problems, try the following: * Get the latest version of Synergy KM from SourceForge * Be sure the clients have the latest version of Synergy installed too (it’s pretty old for Windows clients, but works) * Create a new ‘Location’ and re-add your server, screens, clients, in … Read More

Steve Jobs: Death of the Mac “Completely Wrong”

Jun 14, 2010 - 3 Comments

After Apple released iOS 4 at an App Store centric WWDC 2010, many people questioned the future of the Mac. Well, MacsimumNews took it upon themselves to email Steve Jobs and ask about the future of the Mac directly, here’s the exchange: Mr Jobs, Newsweek just ran an “obituary” for the Mac, saying the Mac … Read More

Where is the iPhone Simulator Installed?

Jun 13, 2010 - 4 Comments

The iPhone Simulator, now called iOS Simulator, will emulate an iPhone or iPad. Newer versions of Xcode want you to launch the app through Xcode first, but that’s not entirely necessary. You can access the simulators directly through the Finder as well, here’s where to look for each version of Xcode:


Jun 13, 2010 - 1 Comment

Welcome to Shaqintosh. I don’t know the origin of this Shaq Mac image but it really cracks me up. Consider this your totally stupid post of the day.

Mac Setups: 27″ iMac with older iMac and external LCD

Jun 12, 2010 - 2 Comments

The 27″ iMac is a beautiful machine, this picture amuses me because it shows just how large the screen really is, dwarfing the older iMac and the 23″ Acer LCD next to it! [ via Flickr ]

Use Mail to Track Flights in Mac OS X

Jun 11, 2010 - 1 Comment

One of the Mac Mail apps many talents is the ability to automatically detect when a flight number is present in an email, and then give you the option to view the flights status by using the flight tracking Dashboard widget in OS X. Yes seriously, the Mac eMail app can track flights! This doesn’t … Read More

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