Mac OS X Lion debuted to developers with a gorgeous wallpaper of Mt Fuji in Japan as the default desktop background picture.
Well, who wouldn’t want that gorgeous picture on their Mac?
We know a few of our readers wanted the Fuji wallpaper out of Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Developer Preview, so here it is in high resolution glory (2560×1600).
You guys asked for it, so here it is; the awesome space galaxy wallpaper from Versions in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Developer Preview. Click here or the image above for the full 1920x1080 version. If you're wondering, the original filename is "NSRevisionsBackground.png" and it's from the Versions package, unlike…
Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 2 has a new version of the default Mt Fuji wallpaper. The new picture shows some clouds in the foreground and the mountain itself has a bit less snow on it, creating less of a contrast. As usual for Apple's default desktops, it's absolutely…
Another day, another nice wallpaper from Mac OS X Lion. This one comes from the background of the Mission Control app in the latest Lion Developer Preview 4, it's not quite as flashy as the galaxy wallpaper but it's a nice subtle grey shaded linen pattern and it's a lot…
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[…] de la beta era uno distinto en el que aparecía el Monte Fuji y que también podéis ver aquí, este es un nuevo que continúa con el tema del espacio y las galaxias introducido con Leopard, […]
It’s only 701 KB. Nowhere near close to 5 MB.
[…] de la beta era uno distinto en el que aparecía el Monte Fuji y que también podéis ver aquí, este es un nuevo que continúa con el tema del espacio y las galaxias introducido con Leopard, […]
[…] you bored with the Mt Fuji and Space wallpapers from Lion? Try out this 8-bit rendition of the default Mac OS X Snow Leopard […]
[…] Lion Wallpaper (Fuji Mountain) […]
wow nice wallpaper, love it
Heyy can someone upload like a .zip or .rar of ALL the new Lion Wallpapers available in the beta??
here is the full size 3200×2000 version
The link is dead, can you reupload?
The 688KB file size is quite a ways from 5MB.
What about the desktop background in Versions? Looks like stars and space. Can you post that?
is this the real thing? looks photoshopped
“it’s a 5MB uncompressed JPEG”. Thats impossible. JPEG can be never uncompressed.
Good catch, fixed!
Looks great, thanks!!