6 Minimalist Subtle Texture Wallpapers
Many of us like scenery and abstractions as a desktop background, but sometimes simple desktop wallpapers are best if you’re trying to stay focused. And of course, others may just prefer a more minimalistic look to their wallpaper.
With that in mind, we’re offering six simple wallpapers of subtle textures in different color hues, derived from this textured background image from Apple.com as the origin. That original source texture is from the “Why iPhone” microsite on Apple.com, which happens to also be the source of this other group of abstract wallpapers we featured some time ago. So if you’re looking for some simple and minimalist wallpapers, check them out. They aren’t tiling, but the resolution at 2136^2 is high enough that they should fit on just about any Mac or PC desktop display, as well as an iPhone or Pad.
Click any of the images below to open the full size version at 2136 × 2136 resolution in a new window, once loaded in a new window you can either save the picture(s) locally or set them as the wallpaper directly from Safari on the Mac, or for iOS users, save the image locally to then set as the device screen wallpaper:
Dark Grey (default from Apple)
If these aren’t background images aren’t doing it for you, don’t forget to browse through tons of other featured wallpaper sets that we have covered in the past. Enjoy!
Good wallpapers that the two countries have been a good time
I love these! Especially the gray one. But this should be used as the original gray for OS X at 2560×1440 resolution:
Oh, sorry, that is a badly stitched image. Ignore.
Even better is this one, at a whopping 5100×2800 resolution!
Dark colored red (maroon), blue, and green colors are my favorites on the iPhone. Graphic pictures detailing anything below the apps on the screen is too bouge, (it’s from the word, bogart
I like them. Reminds me of a modernized version of the classic Mac crosshatch wallpaper from System 7 and System 8