20 Great iPhone Photography Tips via Apple

May 11, 2017 - 6 Comments

How to shoot with iPhone photography tips

Many of us rely on iPhone as our primary camera, but no matter how great (or not) you are at photography, who couldn’t use some advice on taking even better pictures? That’s why it’s worth checking out a “how to shoot” web series that Apple has created, which includes a helpful series of 20 short video clips which demonstrate various pointers for taking better pictures with the iPhone 7 camera. Sure the focus is on iPhone 7, but most of the tips will apply to other iPhone camera users as well however, so if you don’t have the latest and great iPhone don’t feel too left out.

A broad variety of photography tips are covered in the how-to series from Apple, some of which you’ll have read within our many photography tips, and many of which are great general advice about using lighting, angles, and compositions to capture better images.

The multiple different photography pointers for iPhone 7 covered in the Apple series include the following topics:

  • Shooting backlit subjects
  • Editing selfies
  • Shooting silhouettes at sunset
  • Taking group pictures
  • Taking simple yet bold images
  • Taking one-handed selfies
  • Shooting pictures during golden hour
  • Taking action shots
  • Capturing unique angles
  • Shooting with street light
  • Taking still photos while shooting video
  • Shooting without a flash
  • Taking selfies with the selfie timer
  • Taking better portraits
  • Taking close-ups
  • Capturing vertical panoramas

Each little video from Apple is about 40 seconds long, they are all nice tips that are worth watching for iPhone photography enthusiasts, or anyone else looking to learn more about taking better pictures with their iPhone.

Apple has also included a handful of the videos on YouTube, which we have embedded below for easy viewing too.

And if you’d rather read your iPhone photography tips, we here at osxdaily.com have many more photography tips to browse through and many other camera tips too, check them out as well.

Now get out there and take some pictures!


Related articles:

Posted by: Paul Horowitz in iPhone, News


» Comments RSS Feed

  1. no way says:

    Well, I guess reprinting info from Apple is better than the idiotic “hints” that have been printed here lately.

    Time to say goodnight, Gracie to this website IMO.

  2. Ogles of Kansas says:

    Good tips with lighting in particular but my iPhone 7 does not take pics nearly as good as what apple shows in their ads or promos.

    • Frank of Illinois says:

      My pics are not as good either, but I highly doubt it’s the particular phone that’s the problem! Sometimes pros know what their doing!

      • Frank of Illinois says:

        oops.. that’s “know what THEY’RE doing”.

        • RM says:

          You’d be surprised how well a photo come out if you manually set focus and white balance. But I think Apple’s pictures are doctored up – no light makes grain, it is unavoidable.

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