iOS 11.0.1 Update for iPhone & iPad Available to Download Now
Apple has released iOS 11.0.1 as a bug fix update for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. iOS 11.0.1 arrives just a week after the wide release of iOS 11, suggesting some notable bugs were discovered in the prior release and are being addressed in the small point release software update.
Limited release notes accompanying the iOS 11.0.1 software update say the build “includes bug fixes and improvements for your iPhone or iPad.” It’s unclear if the iOS 11.0.1 software update will address any reported iOS 11 battery life problems, problems with Outlook and Microsoft email, or other issues encountered with the recent iOS 11 release, but the update is recommended to install for everyone on iOS 11, whether or not they are experiencing software issues since updating their iPhone or iPad.
Updating to iOS 11.0.1
Users can download and install iOS 11.0.1 from the Software Update mechanism found on their iPhone or iPad. Be sure to backup your device before installing the update.
- Open the Settings app > General > Software Update
- Choose “Download & Install” when iOS 11.0.1 becomes available
The download is around 280 MB on iPad and iPhone.
iOS 11.0.1 Update Not Appearing?
If you do not yet see the iOS 11.0.1 software update available you may need to quit the Settings app and relaunch.
Users who are still enrolled in the beta program may need to remove the iOS beta profile to find the update available on their iPhone or iPad. It is a good idea to reboot the device after removing a beta profile, and then returning to Settings app where you will find the software update available to download.
Sometimes simply waiting a bit before relaunching Settings app can be necessary to make a freshly released software update visible on a particular device.
Users who have yet to update to iOS 11 will find the iOS 11.0.1 update available for updating instead of the .0 release.
iOS 11.0.1 IPSW Direct Download Links
Users who prefer to update to iOS 11.0.1 with firmware can use the direct download links below, each link points to IPSW downloads on Apple servers. These files can be used to manually install iOS 11 with IPSW firmware if desired, but generally speaking the firmware update process is best reserved for more technically advanced users.
- iPhone 8 (10,4)
- iPhone 8 Plus (10,5)
- iPhone 7
- iPhone 7 Plus
- iPhone 6s
- iPhone 6s Plus
- iPhone 6
- iPhone 6 Plus
- iPhone SE
- iPhone 5S
- iPad Pro 10.5-inch model
- iPad Pro 12.9-inch model (2nd generation)
- iPad Pro 12.9‑inch model (1st generation)
- iPad Pro 9.7‑inch model (1st generation)
- iPad 9.7-inch model (2017)
- iPad Air 2
- iPad Air 1
- iPad mini 4
- iPad mini 3
- iPad mini 2
- iPod touch (6th generation)
iOS 11 includes a variety of new features and improvements to the mobile operating system, you can explore some of the best features in iOS 11 here if you are unfamiliar of what’s new in the software update.
Hey, I got an iPhone 5c, I think that’s what you got, you will not Be allowed to download it on iPhone 5c or older, to download iOS 14 on iPhone 5s, go to
How can I upgrade to OIS 11.0?
I want update of of my iPad mini2 into 11.0or later
Am finding it difficult to download some apps reason being my iPad software is not compatible. Kindly send me the software iOS 11 for me to migrate to
Can I update to ios 12/13
Unfortunately UI systems has stopped
Unfortunately slide toolbar has stopped
Whyyy?????….and suddenly back home on my iphone 8 Plus,,ios 11.0
I want IOS 10 or 11
So i need help. Went to update to the current release today, something went very wrong – i have now a paper weight. I have manually downloaded the 11.03 OS 2.46G and unzipped it and with shift/restore looking for the *.ipsw file it does not exist – so where should it be? iPhone 6 i have the 11.0.1 and 11.0.3 OS zip but nothing seems to be correct so I have to be doing something incorrectly.
You should update to iOS 11.1 (or if you read this later, whatever the latest version is on your iPhone). iOS 11.0.1 is no longer being signed, Apple quickly stops signing old iOS versions when new ones come out.
Connect the iPhone to a computer and open iTunes, then choose to “Restore” via iTunes from a backup to fix your phone. If you must place it into recovery mode to restore it, that may be the case. You can put iPhone into recovery mode by holding down Home Button and Power Button continuously while the iPhone is connected to iTunes on a computer, then it will detect after about 20 seconds or so a recovery device.
Don’t use IPSW if you don’t know how to use the proper file for your device, you can not use old IPSW files Apple does not allow that and you can end up with a device not restoring at all like you experienced. This stuff is complicated, I know, best to keep it simple and update through Settings or iTunes “update” button.
Since update I Phone drops down to 5% battery and will not charge past this. The 5% drains within 4 minute. Phone useless because it’s dead by the time I make a call. Help?
I’ve missed many calls and an alarm. All of the settings seem okay. Anyone else having this problem?
The keyboard is the worst. It’s off center for peoples thumbs. And why did they remove all the other keys? I used them often. I say give a complete description of what’s to be expected before we update and maybe offer a way to change the little things people don’t like… like the freaking keyboard or the lock screen or whatever… it’s 2017… we should have higher expectations for these companies and not just take what they give us.

I HATE the new keyboard, too. I’ve been typing since I’m 10. Why change the placement of dashes and @ signs now? And the question mark—why move the question mark? This is a stupid update—I want my old keyboard back!!!
That’s the new one handed keyboard for iphone, I think. If you don’t like it you can disable it by tapping and holding (or 3D touching) on the emoji button and choosing the center option on the bottom of the popup menu. Alternatively, you can go to settings>general>keyboard>one handed keyboard and set it to ‘off’. Either way you will get back the old keyboard.
For ipad users, there is no one handed keyboard, but a new feature of flicking the keys to type alternate characters such as numbers was introduced. If you don’t like it, that can also be disabled in settings>general>keyboard by toggling off the ‘enable key flicks’ switch to return to the old style ipad keyboard.
How do I uninstall this update. Hate it I can’t listen to my messages more than once wtf
How do I get the apps off the bottom of my text screen. Who had that bright idea?
I am 56 and have had eye surgery. The grey screen asking for touch/passcode is beyond awful to see. I tried changing different settings, but nothing brings it back to what it was. The only thing that helped a TINY TINY bit was in settings/general/accessibility/increase contrast and turn off both settings.
It makes the passcode screen an awful brown, but it helps ever so slightly to see the passcode….
My lock screen is also so dark, it absolutely ruins the picture I have there….which is a memory from a special someone in my life who has passed on….this update is not impressing me.
Does anyone have a suggestion to make this somewhat what it used to be????
I updated today to 11.0.1 but now my phone is constantly checking for emails…my backgrouo refresh is off- how do I stop it from doing this??
my mail was turned off, but I somehow received 26 emails on my phone…
email pasword is required for iphone 6 updating ?
I think IOS 11.0.1 is the worst update ever. I have a new iPad 4
and I find it does things I don’t want it to do. I should have reviewed it
before I updated. I wish I could put it back to how it was.
It has so many senseless features. I really regret updating.
Not happy.
I totally agree with you
My iPhone 6 quit connecting to cellular service on the morning of the ios11 release. I took it to a Verizon store a couple of days later and they said the antenna was burned out. They deactivated my 6, and reactivated my old iPhone 4. I have been able to continue to use my 6 for internet activities and today I saw that 11.0.1 was released so I downloaded it to my deactivated 6. Surprise, surprise, my 6 is now reconnected to cellular service. If it continues to be connected I will have it reactivated. I wonder how many others have had similar problems.
I updated today and now some of my apps won’t upgrade. If I say upgrade all it just hangs and if I try to do each one then it crashes out straight away. Don’t want to remove and reinstate the app as one is a game I’ve been playing for several years and I would lose all the data. Anyone got any fixes?
The on screen iPad keyboard randomly shifts to alternate keys. I end up with numbers in my text.
FFS, is bloody Apple that useless they can’t make ANY release work properly without an immediate follow up patch. Why go through months of testing? Been in software dev for 25years and it hurts to watch Apple kill the industry so consumers EXPECT and are ok with updates all the damn time. Worst QA on the planet. Shameful.
Upgraing my phone now with 2,6GB iOS updates :)
Apple claims iOS 11.0.1 fixes the Microsoft e-mail issues.
to say I hate most of this release would be an understatement.
-grey screen asking for touch/passcode, buttons are difficult to see (for us older geeks) and touch area seems to have been made smaller
-brightness/light seems to have changed (older folks, remember?)
-would have been nice to know I had to re-pair my phone to my car before driving
I do like the control center, but Apple OS’s have become bloated and lack true innovation
Using users as beta testers. iOS11 was more ready than OS X 10.13, and 10.13 “server” is a joke. Released too early, just to keep the yearly update rubbish going. I would prefer quality and not releasing beta software
My pet hate or apple D/L’s being no way i know to see the data package it takes. Did 11 and today another.
Only reason I went for it as it shows just 286 Mb above.
Damn thing is still going strong and 1.5Gb.
This may not be a big thing for most, but on a data package apple are taking the proverbial P.
Just updated 10.3.3 -> 11.0.1, noticed lots of nice features, but battery drains down (decrements by one in every 60-90 mins). Also, the brightness always auto adjust to more opaque or full bright leads to battery drainage. Even i disabled auto brightness, yet it still auto adjust.
11.0.3 is a disaster:
Battery does not last more than a couple of hours
Wifi very poor
Safari so slow
Shame on Apple
11.0.4 urgently required
Hi Brian,
Unrelated but it’s driving me crazy. Do you know what happened to the “Open in iBooks” button which appeared whenever a PDF or ePub was opened in Safari? I have been going the old route of sharing~copy to iBook~ but this is much much slower. I cannot find anything on it anywhere.
This seems to happen w/ every major release which is why I didn’t update. Will probably upload this one but wouldn’t be surprised to see 11.1 coming along in a month.
Yup. Seems 11.0.0 was not quite ready for prime time when it was pushed out. I’ve seen the battery drain issues, app crashes, and other issues. As a former software developer, I’m embarrassed for my profession. The 11.0.0 was more like an advanced beta version than a full-fledged “gold master”. Come on, Apple, get your act together!
You say, “It’s unclear if the iOS 11.0.1 software update will address any reported iOS 11 battery life problems, problems with Outlook and Microsoft email, or other issues encountered with the recent iOS 11 release”
So how is this news article helpful?
And I don’t doubt that is is one of many updates we will see between now and next September just like on High Sierra.
Some parents can be really overprotective. Enjoy it now because they won’t always be around.
I was going to go ahead and update my iPhone to this, but just as I was getting ready to do it, mommy came down to the basement and said her and daddy had to go out for a while, and I was not allowed to mess with my phone until they got back.
One would think that since I am 31 and successfully updated my iPhone once 2 years ago, that I could do it again by myself. I am so tired of them treating me like a little boy. I am fully capable of cutting up my own dinner when it is on the plate mommy!
I’m going to go cry now.
Hehhehehehe the level of sarcasm is off th chart ..or i feel very sad for you ..not sure witch
Thank you for giving me one ray of sunshine from this awful update…