ChatGPT for Mac Now Available to All

Jun 26, 2024 - 10 Comments

ChatGPT for Mac is available to everyone

ChatGPT for Mac is now broadly available to every Mac user as a free download, complete with the latest GPT capabilities. While some of you may have bypassed the waitlist to gain early access, the official ChatGPT Mac app is now is now available to anyone and everyone, all you need is an OpenAI account and any Apple Silicon Mac.

With instant ChatGPT access from anywhere via a keyboard shortcut; Option+Spacebar (obviously similar to Command+Spacebar for Spotlight), you’ll find that you can summon ChatGPT from anywhere on the Mac and access the chatbot and it’s valuable toolset right away. You can even upload images, screenshots, and files, and have ChatGPT interact with that data. For example, you might upload a script and ask ChatGPT to debug it for you or even to explain it’s function, or you might provide an image of something and ask for a description or to generate a new image based on that one but with additional elements. And all of the normal ChatGPT capabilities are available as well, including the handy voice chat features (and yes you can change the voice if you’d like to customize that part of the experience).

If you’re a ChatGPT Plus subscriber, you can gain full access to those features within the ChatGPT for Mac app as well.

With MacOS Sequoia set to include Apple Intelligence and ChatGPT access, Mac users who are not running Sequoia can gain access to a similar set of capabilities by using the official ChatGPT Mac client.

While this is the first official Mac client for ChatGPT, iPhone and iPad users have had access to the app for quite some time now. And of course, anyone can continue to use the service by directly using the OpenAI website too.

Whatever you feel about ChatGPT and AI, one thing is for certain and that is how quickly adoption is happening, sometimes for better and sometimes for worse.

If you’re intrigued by this subject, you might want to check out more ChatGPT articles here.


Related articles:

Posted by: Paul Horowitz in Mac OS, News


» Comments RSS Feed

  1. James says:

    At this point – in February 2025 – it still doesn’t run on OSX 15.3.1; so there has litterally been no further development since the Mac OSX Desktop release from summer 2024.

  2. Steven Peters says:

    Run, do not walk, from AI implementations on your computing devices. You cannot limit their access and sharing of your data.

  3. Sebby says:

    Apple Silicon only. Seeing as how you can use the website just fine this is plainly ridiculous. And I’m most certainly not going to upgrade my very fine 2020 iMac just to use this app. It’s too bad but fortunately there are alternatives, albeit they don’t use my Plus subscription.

    • Forst says:

      I agree, and as far as I can tell, there is no real reason not to provide an Intel-compatible MacOS executable. What is probably more likely is they are using/exploiting capabilities of the Apple silicon — perhaps for other purposes. But it’s a lousy move – especially for paying customers like myself.

  4. James says:

    Should be titled

    “ChatGPT for Mac Now Available to All*”

    *unless you have an intel Processor

  5. Dave says:

    Too bad it doesn’t work.
    The registration / login window won’t let you past first and last name. On a brand new mac studio, sonoma 14.5.

    • Nick says:

      Create a login on the OpenAI website then use that to login on the app

      Works fine for me, use ChatGPT every day. It’s a useful tool, just understand that so-called “AI” is heavily biased (in the direction of San Francisco tech residents and their luxury beliefs and related echo chambers) and has limitations, and will occasionally make things up or be wrong. But for code, scripting, etc, it is very useful.

      • Dave says:

        I use it at work (windoze), I’m not questioning the value. I’m definitely questioning the registration and login challenge. I got registered, I got to the sign in, I got the email verification, but regardless, I cannot get the APP – not the browser(s), the APP will not permit me past the 2nd data field, no matter what.

  6. James Davidson says:

    It’s hardly available to all. You have to be running a recent version of macOS. It would not run on my Monterey (12.x) version.

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