Tips & Tricks

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App Updates Not Showing in the iOS App Store? Here’s a Solution for iPhone & iPad

Jun 5, 2014 - 16 Comments
App Updates where are you

If you’ve ever launched the App Store in iOS to discover the “Updates” tab is empty, but you know for certain that an app update is widely available, you may have run into a peculiar and frustrating bug within iOS. Unlike the Mac App Store with Command+R, there is no easy way to ‘refresh’ the … Read More

iPhone “Cannot Take Photo” Because Not Enough Storage? Temporary Workaround Takes a Few More Pics

Jun 4, 2014 - 8 Comments
Cannot Take Photo - not enough available storage error message on iPhone

Nearly every iPhone owner who uses their device as a camera will inevitably get the “Cannot Take Photo – There is not enough available storage to take a photo.” alert message at some point, indicating their iPhone is so full of stuff that there’s no room for any additional pictures. While it’s indeed true that … Read More

How to Control What Apps Can Access Photos on iPhone & iPad

Jun 1, 2014 - 15 Comments
How to control what apps have access to Photos in iOS

iOS allows users to control what apps can access the images and photos stored on their iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This is handled through the Privacy settings and offers granular control over which specific third party applications are allowed to pull images from the Photos app, Camera Roll, and also whether or not they … Read More

Try Preventing the Bluetooth Wake Ability if Your Mac is Randomly Waking from Sleep

May 30, 2014 - 3 Comments
Disable Bluetooth waking a Mac from sleep

Many Mac users choose to put their computers to sleep when they’re not in use, and unless Macs are scheduled to wake at a specific time, the computer should stay asleep until it has been manually awoken by user input, like a key press or mouse click. Should of course is the operative word here, … Read More

Make Animated GIFs on iPhone Easily with GifMill

May 30, 2014 - 2 Comments
GIFMill makes animated gifs on the iPhone easy

Animated GIFs are little moving images and they can be a lot of fun, particularly since they can be sent and received playing through iMessages to other iPhone, iPad, and Mac users. While the iOS Camera is packed with plenty of features and can take pictures or video, it’s lacking an ability to create animated … Read More

Use Safari Reader Mode for Improved Mobile Web Browsing & Reading on iPhone

May 29, 2014 - 9 Comments
Use Safari Reader on an iPhone

Safari Reader mode simplifies the appearance of web pages by attempting to render only a pages primary article text into a minimalistic focused view. This can be helpful when reading much of whats found on the web on any iOS device, but it’s particularly useful on the iPhone since many websites don’t have an optimized … Read More

Open Folders as New Windows Instead of Tabs in Finder of Mac OS X

May 28, 2014 - 20 Comments
Open folders into new windows rather than tabs in Mac OS X

The Mac file system received tabbed window support in OS X Mavericks, which also caused opening new Finder windows into launching new tabs rather than an actual new Finder window. While this helps to cut down on window clutter when browsing the file system, it can also be kind of frustrating if you want to … Read More

iPhoto Thumbnails Not Showing Up? Here’s How to Fix That in Mac OS X

May 27, 2014 - 4 Comments
iPhoto thumbnails missing and a fix

Many Mac users rely on iPhoto for their image management and to pull pictures from a digital camera, an iPhone, or Android, a generally flawless experience that makes handling tons of digital pictures easy. But once in a blue moon iPhoto goes awry and you may experience a variety of peculiarities with the image database, … Read More

Recursively Create a Nested Directory Structure & All Subfolders with a Single Command

May 27, 2014 - 10 Comments
Create a nested directory structure with mkdir command

Creating a series of nested directories within one another can be done instantly through the command line. This makes it very easy to immediately and recursively create a complex directory structure of folders within subfolders of subfolders, without having to navigate manually into each directory to create a new directory, then navigate again to that … Read More

How to Stop iTunes AutoFilling Unwanted Music Onto an iPhone / iPod touch / iPad

May 26, 2014 - 19 Comments
iTunes logo

Have you ever wanted to just copy a song or two over to your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad from iTunes, only to have iTunes try to sync a whole barrage of unwanted music to the iOS device? That happens due to iTunes AutoFill, a feature that some users may enjoy as it will fill … Read More

Remove Color Filters from Photos in iOS to Restore the Original Image

May 24, 2014 - 6 Comments
Restoring an unfiltered original image in iOS Photos app

Both the actively applied Camera filters and the later added Photos apps based color filtering in iOS can add some nice stylizing effects to pictures, helping to give them a unique look, but if you decide you’re no longer wanting an image to be filtered through a crazy color lens, you can actually easily remove … Read More

Instantly Eject All Mounted Drives & Disks from the Command Line in Mac OS X

May 22, 2014 - 18 Comments
Eject all mounted volumes from the command line of Mac OS X

The next time you’re at the command line and need to eject every single mounted volume, hard drive, disk, disk image, and/or external drive attached to a Mac, you can instantly eject them all in one fell swoop with a handy osascript command string. This is great if you work frequently in the Terminal and … Read More

How Much Cellular Data Does iMessage Use? Here’s How to Find Out on iPhone

May 22, 2014 - 22 Comments
How much data does iMessage use?

iMessage sends text messages, pictures, and movies over cellular data rather than through the traditional SMS and MMS protocols, but have you ever wondered just how much of an iPhone data plan all your iMessage use is consuming? It turns out that you can find this information through a somewhat buried location in iOS Settings, … Read More

5 iPhone Camera Tips to Make You a Better Photographer

May 21, 2014 - 5 Comments
iPhone camera tips

Many iPhone users rely entirely on the iPhone as their camera of choice, so why not take the best pictures possible? That’s what these Camera app tips are for, helping you snap better photos and making you a better photographer by taking advantage of some of the wonderful features that are built into the camera … Read More

How to Use the Port Scanner in Mac OS X Network Utility

May 20, 2014 - 20 Comments
Scan ports from a Mac

Mac OS X comes with a bundled port scanner tool, just one of a variety of features tucked into the ever useful Network Utility app. That means you don’t need to bother with the command line or install more advanced tools like nmap to quickly scan for open ports on a given IP or domain, … Read More

How to Set the iOS Calendar to Start on a Monday Instead of Sunday

May 20, 2014 - 5 Comments
Start the week on Monday in Calendar for iPhone

The iPhone and iPad Calendar app defaults to starting a week on Sunday, which is the generally accepted standard of most US calendars. Meanwhile, some other nations start the calendar week on Monday, and some users just prefer to start the week on the first weekday of Monday rather than the weekend of Sunday anyway. … Read More

Generate a Random Number with Siri

May 19, 2014 - 6 Comments
Generate a random number with Siri

Many iPhone and iPad users know that Siri has a huge range of capabilities surrounding specific actions, but fewer know that Siri can also serve more obscure functions, like generating a random number for you. This is handled through Siri’s data connection through Wolfram Alpha, and it’s effective at truly randomizing integers similar to the … Read More

How to Get a List of Purchased Apps Not Installed on iPhone or iPad

May 19, 2014 - 7 Comments
List all apps not installed on iOS

Those of us who have been using an iPhone or iPad for a while have likely acquired a sizable amount of iOS apps through purchases, downloads, promos for temporarily free apps, and general promo code redemptions, many of which end up deleted or removed after the initial install. If you ever want to quickly see … Read More

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