How to See What Users Are Connected & Logged In To a Mac

Mar 25, 2014 - 13 Comments

List user log ins to Mac OS X

If you share your Mac on a network you may be interested to know who is connected to the Mac at any given time. This may include listing currently logged in users through a variety of network protocols, even locally, or perhaps just a history of users logins over a period of time. While Mac OS X Client doesn’t offer the same level of information as Mac OS X Server, you can still find user connection details by using a variety of tools built into all versions of Mac OS X.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 13 Comments

How to Find Wi-Fi Security Encryption Type of a Router from Mac OS X

Mar 24, 2014 - 8 Comments

Find the wi-fi security encryption protocol type

Have you ever needed to know what type of security and encryption method a wireless network is using? While the Mac will figure this out itself when joining most networks, you may need to relay the information to others, or specify it yourself when joining other networks. You can get the encryption protocol in use by a router without ever having to log into the router, or even connect to the wi-fi network at all, just by using a simple trick in Mac OS X.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

Undo an Accidental “Don’t Trust” Computer Tap with iOS Devices

Mar 24, 2014 - 14 Comments

Trust this Computer Alert on an iPhone

Every time you connect an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to a new computer, you’ll get a “Trust This Computer?” alert dialog popping up. If you’ve updated iTunes or reset an iOS device to factory settings, sometimes you’ll even see this Trust dialog box on a computer you’ve already chosen to trust from that device. Most people want to tap on “Trust”, but if you accidentally tap on “Don’t Trust” instead, the device disappears and it’s no longer accessible from iTunes on that computer, right? Wrong, you just need to trigger the dialog again so that you can trust the device.

It’s usually fairly easy to undo the “Don’t Trust” action and regain access to iOS devices, so if you find that you’ve accidentally tapped it – oops – here’s what you can do to “Trust” that computer again and be able to sync the device as intended.
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Resolving iTunes Error 17 When Upgrading or Restoring iOS Devices

Mar 22, 2014 - 11 Comments

itunes-icon If you’re attempting to upgrade or restore an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Apple TV by way of iTunes and you encounter an Error 17 alert, you’re probably experiencing an issue with the computer connecting to Apple’s servers. This can be caused by a variety of things and users may see it either when trying to update or restore normally through iTunes, or even when using firmware IPSW retrieved directly from Apple.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, iTunes, Troubleshooting - 11 Comments

Mac Setups: The Multi-Mac Desk of a Web Developer

Mar 22, 2014 - 13 Comments

Mac Setup (5 of 9)

This weeks featured Mac desk setup comes to us from web developer and student Jonathan C., who uses multiple iOS devices and Macs tied together with the help of Teleport to work in unison. Let’s learn a bit more about each device and how they’re used!

Mac Setup (4 of 9)
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By OSXDaily - Mac Setups - 13 Comments

Use Power Search in iTunes 11 with a URL Trick

Mar 21, 2014 - 5 Comments

Power Search in iTunes

Power Search for iTunes is a feature that allows many additional search parameters to be used when looking for all media types offered on iTunes, including music, apps, movies, TV shows, books, podcasts, and iTunes University. But what was once built directly into iTunes has been removed by Apple for some reason or another from the latest versions of iTunes 11, and unlike other things gone missing, now there’s no known way to return the enhanced search feature as a native functionality.

But not all is lost, because it turns out that Power Search can be accessed and used in iTunes 11 by using some fancy URL magic, which you can open from any web browser. Yes, you use a web browser to access a feature in iTunes… that may sound weird but there’s not much to this, though you will need to click through from Safari, Chrome, or Firefox to get Power Search working.
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By Paul Horowitz - iTunes, Tips & Tricks - 5 Comments

Use Reduce White Point in iOS to Subtly Tone Down Harsh Bright Colors

Mar 21, 2014 - 13 Comments

Reduce White Point in iOS - on and off example GIF

The iOS interface is easily identifiable by it’s ubiquitous usage of whites and bright colors, which can be both pleasing to the eye but also excessively harsh when an iPhone or iPad is used in darker ambient lighting situations. New versions of iOS offer an ability to adjust that bright whiteness with a setting called Reduce White Point, which offers a subtle reduction to the overall brightness of the user interface.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 13 Comments

See What AirPlanes Are Flying Overhead with Siri & iPhone

Mar 20, 2014 - 119 Comments

See AirPlanes flying overhead with Siri and the iPhone

Have you ever seen a plane flying overhead and wondered just how high up it was, where it was going, or what flight number it identifies as? Now you don’t need to wonder anymore, because your iPhone (or iPad) can tell you exactly what flights are flying above you by way of the ever-useful iOS assistant Siri.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 119 Comments

How to Mount EXT4 Linux File Systems on a Mac with OS X Fuse

Mar 20, 2014 - 28 Comments

Mount EXT file systems on a Mac The EXT file system (short for Extended File System) and it’s family members of EXT2, EXT3, and EXT4, are the file systems used by Linux and Raspberry Pi. Mac users who work with multiple platforms may notice that OS X is unable to mount EXT partitions on its own, and thus anyone wishing to mount and read EXT drives and other file systems will need to rely on a third party utility.

OSXFuse is one such tool, a free open source offering that allows OS X to read EXT volumes, and if you’re comfortable with some uncertainty and risk to the Linux partition, you can even enable an experimental EXT write function too.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 28 Comments

Give the Mac Finder a Performance Boost by Ditching “All My Files”

Mar 19, 2014 - 17 Comments

All My Files Though the All My Files folder is undoubtedly useful, Mac users with limited system resources along with tons of files may notice some sluggishness when using the feature. That can translate into CPU spikes and the perception of a generally slow Finder and Mac, because new windows in the file system default to opening into the “All My Files” view.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 17 Comments

Is iOS 7.1 Draining Your Battery Life Too Fast? Try This to Resolve It

Mar 18, 2014 - 31 Comments

iOS Battery Life

Now that more users have updated to iOS 7.1, a continuing (yet fairly small) stream of complaints have surfaced about battery life for some iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch users that have moved to the latest version of iOS.

Battery issues are reported with some degree of regularity with a subset of users with just about every single iOS update to ever exist, and from the looks of things, the limited battery problems with iOS 7.1 are similar to those that appeared with iOS 7.0.6. That’s a good thing, because it means there’s probably a very simple solution. Also, the iOS 7.1 update may have re-enabled a few settings that were previously turned off, so the reduction in battery life may simply be a matter of toggling those settings off.

If you feel battery life has suffered after updating an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to iOS 7.1, take the following steps and you should be able to resolve the issue completely.
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How to Move a File on Mac by Using the Window Title Bar

Mar 17, 2014 - 16 Comments

Move a file from the Mac titlebar

Longtime Mac users are accustomed to moving files around in Mac OS X by dragging and dropping them between folders and directories, or perhaps using the more Windows-like file cut and paste ability. Both of those methods work just fine to relocate files and move things about, but another lesser known option to move a file can be done when that file is currently open, just by using the files window titlebar.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 16 Comments

Use Darken Colors to Increase Text Color Contrast in iOS

Mar 17, 2014 - 8 Comments

iOS Darken Colors ON vs OFF

One of the bigger complaints stemming from the iOS redesign is that the stark white interface with thin fonts can be difficult to read. Setting text to Bold makes an enormous difference, but some of the color choices in iOS still lack enough contrast to make things easy on the eyes, particularly for those with less than perfect vision, or even if you just use the iPhone / iPad in bright sunlight often. Fortunately, iOS now includes a “Darken Colors” toggle, and while it doesn’t have as wide-reaching an effect as many would hope for, it does tone down the fluorescent blue text on buttons and UI elements throughout the iOS interface. It also darkens much of the super light grey text into a darker shade of grey. The overall effect is increased contrast on text in critical places, helping visibility and legibility. The change is fairly subtle, as shown in the animated gif.

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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

How to Target Specific Battery Hogging Apps & Processes in Mac OS X

Mar 16, 2014 - 6 Comments

Target specific battery draining apps and processes in OS X

OS X provides a great way to quickly find what app is using battery power from a drop-down menu on portable Macs, but you’re usually left with a single option to address the battery hog, and that is quitting the app. But it’s not always necessary to quit out of the entire app in question, and sometimes a more advanced option of targeting a specific process can be useful instead.
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Bring Emoji Support to the Google Chrome Web Browser with Chromoji

Mar 15, 2014 - Leave a Comment

Emoji support in Chrome

Chrome users may have noticed that the popular Emoji characters found on iPhone and the Mac render just fine in Apple’s Safari web browser of MacOS X, but not in Google’s Chrome browser.

Instead, us default Chrome users on the desktop will see a square rendered 😃 rather than the intended emoji character, largely being left out of the emoticon fun.

That can be quickly changed by installing a free third party extension called Chromoji, which makes those same snazzy emoji characters visible within the Chrome desktop browser of MacOS X, Windows, and even Linux.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - Leave a Comment

Mac Setups: Vloggers Minimalist iMac Desk with Multicolor LED Backlighting

Mar 15, 2014 - 20 Comments

Vlogger iMac desk setup with LED color backlighting

This weeks featured setup is the minimalist desk configuration of photographer and vlogger Arttu K., who uses LED backlighting to achieve a really nice mood effect behind the iMac setup. Let’s learn a bit more!

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By OSXDaily - Mac Setups - 20 Comments

Mark Voicemail As Read / Listened on the iPhone Without Listening to Them

Mar 14, 2014 - 12 Comments

Mark Voicemail messages as heard / listened / read on the iPhone

Voicemail messages have been modernized quite a bit by the iPhone’s visual voicemail service, but it’s still fairly common to wind up with many stale voicemails that aren’t listened to. You don’t have to delete the messages, or even listen to them to mark them as read (listened? heard?) though, thanks to a simple yet handy little trick in the iPhone’s Phone app.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 12 Comments

Simple Tips to Make the “All My Files” Finder View More Useful on the Mac

Mar 13, 2014 - 8 Comments

Finder A fair amount of Mac users have ditched the “All My Files” default Finder window option by setting new windows to open to the ~/ Home directory again, which was long the default in Mac OS X anyway. This is usually because All My Files is viewed as an overwhelming amalgamation of every single thing on your Mac dumped into a single folder, which, in fairness, that’s exactly what it is.

But All My files doesn’t have to be mess to look through, and a simple sorting toggle can transform the folder from a disaster to a productivity aid, offering quick access to all the most recently used and opened files on the Mac.

Let’s review a few quick adjustments which can make All My Files view a bit more useful to Mac users.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

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