How to Add New Voices to Mac OS X

Jul 25, 2011 - 34 Comments

OS X Lion includes high quality text to speech voices

Mac OS X includes many high quality voices for it’s text-to-speech abilities, they’re in a wide variety of languages and accents and are probably some of the best computer rendered voices out there.

But guess what? Many of these incredible voices are not installed by default on a Mac! Thankfully that’s easy to change, and we’ll show you exactly how to add new voices to the Mac.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 34 Comments

MacPorts 2.0 for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Released

Jul 25, 2011 - 9 Comments

MacPorts 2.0 for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion MacPorts 2.0 has been released, the new version includes full OS X 10.7 compatibility. For those who are unfamiliar, MacPorts is a popular package management utility used to easily install thousands of open-source applications and utilities for the command line, X11, and even some Aqua apps. Because MacPorts handles the retrieval and building of dependencies in addition to the bundle you are looking for, it’s easier than finding and compiling a variety of packages yourself.

To install MacPorts 2, you will also need to have downloaded XCode 4.1, which is now a free download from the Mac App Store for OS X Lion users.

Get MacPorts 2.0

You can read the 2.0 update page or just download the DMG directly. If you already have MacPorts installed you can just run the selfupdate command:
sudo port selfupdate
This will update whatever version you are currently running to 2.0.

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By William Pearson - Command Line, Mac OS - 9 Comments

New iPad 2 Commercial: We’ll Always

Jul 24, 2011 - 2 Comments

Apple has released a new iPad 2 commercial that follows closely in the same theme set by prior iPad 2 ads. The ad emphasizes the user and how they fit into the rapidly changing post-PC world that Apple has pioneered:

“We’ll never stop sharing our memories, or getting lost in a good book… We’ll always cook dinner and cheer for our favorite team… We’ll still go to meetings, make home movies, and learn new things… But how we do all this will never be the same.”

New Apple commercials seem to favor starting their airtime on Sunday nights and this one is no different. Be sure to note the minor reference to OS X Lion, courtesy of the Alphabet Fun app:
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, News - 2 Comments

Weekend Projects: Mac OS X Lion Edition

Jul 23, 2011 - 6 Comments

Installing Lion

The weekend is here, and there are quite a few people who haven’t installed Mac OS X Lion yet. Why wait? Now’s as good a time as any, so head over to the App Store and download Lion, and check out some of our recent OS X 10.7 info:

OS X Lion Upgrade and Installation Info

Once you’re all up and running with the latest and greatest version of Mac OS X, don’t miss out on some general tricks and troubleshooting tips:
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS - 6 Comments

Western Digital External Hard Drive Deals: Amazon Sale on 3 TB for $120, 2 TB for $80

Jul 23, 2011 - 6 Comments

Western Digital 3TB Drive Deals

If you need more storage capacity, these two top-rated Western Digital drives on sale from Amazon are great deals, they both have giant capacities of 3TB and 2TB respectively.

Free shipping is included from Amazon as usual.

These drives make for perfect Time Capsule expansions or Time Machine backups for any Mac, but are also great places to store your external media, iTunes library, and external iOS backups for anyone with constrained disk space like SSD users and MacBook Air owners.

By Paul Horowitz - Hardware - 6 Comments

Change iCal Leather Interface Back to Aluminum in OS X Lion

Jul 23, 2011 - 73 Comments

Change iCal Leather Interface to Aluminum in OS X Lion

Do you hate the way iCal looks in Mac OS X Lion? The leather interface of iCal looks like it’s right out of an iPad has definitely caused a split with users, people either love the way it looks or hate it with a passion. For the sake of this article, we’re going to assume you’re not a fan of the leather UI,

Replacing iCal’s Leather User Interface with Aluminum

To ditch the leather, you are going to replace the leather image files with aluminum versions:

  • Download the iCal aluminum replacement files by clicking here and unzip them, place this directory in an easy to access location like your desktop
  • Navigate to /Applications/ and find iCal
  • Important: Make a copy of iCal by selecting the app and hitting Command+D to create “iCal” – this is important because it allows you to revert the changes
  • Right-click on the original and select “Show Package Contents”
  • Open “Contents” and then open “Resources”
  • Drag all of the previously downloaded iCal aluminum UI replacement files into iCal’s “Resources” folder, replacing the contents (click ‘Apply to All’ and then select “Replace”)
  • Launch iCal and enjoy your aluminum interface

I have tested this and it works flawlessly. Just remember to backup the original iCal app (it’s only 42mb) in case you ever want to change back to good old cowhide. Keep in mind that future iCal updates will probably overwrite your changes too.
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By William Pearson - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 73 Comments

Jailbreak iOS 5 Beta 4 with Redsn0w 0.9.8b4

Jul 23, 2011 - Leave a Comment

Redsn0w 0.9.8b4 for iOS 5 beta 4 iOS 5 beta 4 was just released but the iPhone Dev Team works fast, already jailbreaking the latest beta. This continues to be a tethered jailbreak for all hardware, which includes the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4, iPod touch 3rd and 4th gen, and iPad 1. iPad 2 remains unsupported.

The jailbreak works like any other past version of redsn0w, and you’ll need to update to the iOS 5 beta IPSW through iTunes and not OTA.

Download Redsn0w 0.9.8b4

There are Mac OS X and Windows versions available:

Much like the other recent redsn0w releases, these iOS 5 beta jailbreaks are intended for use by Cydia developers and are not considered stable enough for wider use yet.

By Matt Chan - iPad, iPhone - Leave a Comment

Mac Setups: MacBook Pro 15″ and iMac 27″

Jul 23, 2011 - 1 Comment

Mac setup of a MacBook Pro, external display, and iMac 27

On the left is a MacBook Pro 15″ Core 2 Duo with an SSD, the center rotated Dell 22″ screen, and on the right is a Core i7 iMac 27″ decked out with 12GB of RAM. Maybe it’s could just Exposé but it looks like the menubar is still sideways on that vertically oriented Dell, doesn’t it? Nice Mac setup, regardless!

via Flickr

By William Pearson - Mac Setups - 1 Comment

iOS 5 Beta 4 Available for Devs to Download

Jul 22, 2011 - 11 Comments

iOS 5 Beta 4 downloads on the iOS Dev Center

Apple has released iOS 5 beta 4 and is available for developers to download through the iOS Dev Center. The build comes in as 9A5274d and like the iOS 5 betas supports iPad, iPad 2, iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4, and iPod touch 3rd and 4th gen.

Developers can grab the release on Dev Center, alongside iTunes 10.5 beta 4, and XCode 4.2 beta 4. As usual, the new iTunes beta is required to update to iOS 5 beta 4.

iOS 5 includes a ton of new and exciting features for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch users, but won’t be released for public usage until Fall of this year.

Update: iOS 5 beta 4 can be received as an OTA (Over The Air) update from devices that are currently running iOS 5 beta 3. To access the OTA update, tap on Settings > General > Software Update

By Matt Chan - iPad, iPhone, News - 11 Comments

Access User ~/Library Folder in OS X Mountain Lion & OS X Lion

Jul 22, 2011 - 49 Comments

Accessing the User Library folder in OS X Mountain Lion and Lion

Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion both hide the ~/Library directory by default, the reason likely being to prevent accidental deletion of critical files that are needed for apps to run. Since most Mac users don’t ever need to go into the Library folder, this isn’t terribly shocking, but for those of us who do require accessing our Library directories it can be a bit shocking to discover the directory is no longer instantly visible as it once was.

Fortunately, this is easy to reverse and if you wish you can switch the behavior and instead show Library all the time with a quick terminal command. This tutorial will detail four different ways to access the User Library folder in Mac OS X from Mt Lion and beyond.

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By William Pearson - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 49 Comments

WiFi Dropping in OS X Lion? Here are Some Wireless Troubleshooting Solutions

Jul 22, 2011 - 165 Comments

Fixes for OS X Lion wifi dropping

Updating to Mac OS X Lion for the vast majority of users is a painless experience and everything works great. But for others there can be trouble, there are various user reports in our comments and around the web on Apple’s Support forums and elsewhere, that suggest that wireless networking in OS X Lion is a bit more sensitive than Snow Leopard. This could be an issue that only occurs on some wireless cards, or some routers, or some combination of the two, but nonetheless we’ve found a few workarounds and fixes to resolve this annoyance.

Some of these tips are borrowed from our Mac wireless problems troubleshooting guide, which is an excellent resource with many more solutions and fixes if the following tips don’t work for you.

Basic WiFi Troubleshooting

First try out these tips, they’re basic but work in some cases:

  • Turn wireless on & off – the first thing you should try, this alone fixes many cases of dropping wireless connections
  • Reboot the Mac – this is the classic Windows troubleshooting tip, but if you haven’t rebooted since the first Lion boot, this can clear up some troubles too
  • Reset the Router – just unplug the router for about 15 seconds and reconnect the power supply to cycle most routers, assuming it’s an issue with the router and how Lion is corresponding with it, this will fix the problem

More Advanced WiFi Troubleshooting Tips

Still dropping? The next set of tips pertain to the Network preferences, accessed through System Preferences > “Network”

    Set a manual IP address with DHCP – if all else fails, use “DHCP with manual IP address” in Network > Advanced > TCP/IP settings. Pick an IP that is in range of the router, but out of range of conflict. For whatever reason, this has worked for years to resolve Mac OS X wireless problems with some routers

  • Move Wi-Fi to the top of the Service Order list – This is an old tip that simply prioritizes WiFi as the primary method that your Mac should connect to the internet, and it seems to help maintain connections
  • Move the primary router to the top of “Preferred Networks” list – this is accessed from the “Advanced” menu in Network settings. There is some speculation that if you are in range of multiple routers, the connection will juggle between the two causing WiFi to drop. Drag your primary router to the top of this list.
  • Delete existing WiFi connections and re-add them – this is done by clicking on the ‘minus’ icon in the Network settings lower left corner, then just click on “+” and add a new WI-Fi connection
  • Add an extra DNS entry – it’s not clear why this works, but many users report success with just adding an additional DNS address to the list. is Google’s public DNS and is reliable
  • Add a New Network Location – from the Network control panel, do the following:
  • Pull down the ‘Location’ menu and navigate down to ‘Edit Locations’
  • Click the + sign to add a new network Location
  • Give it a name, click OK
  • Select the “Network Name” (wireless router) and click Apply

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By William Pearson - Mac OS, Troubleshooting - 165 Comments

Introducing OS X Lion’s New Gestures (Humor)

Jul 22, 2011 - 7 Comments

Lion Gestures comic from Joy of Tech

I love Mac OS X Lion like the rest of us, but I found this Joy of Tech comic strip hilarious, it touches on everything from natural scrolling, the lack of PPC support, new scrollbars, downloading from the App Store, and more.

On a more serious note, if you plan on upgrading to Lion soon, don’t miss our recommended upgrade steps walkthrough.

By Paul Horowitz - Fun - 7 Comments

Enable Full Screen Support in All Apps Under Mac OS X Lion With Maximizer

Jul 22, 2011 - 27 Comments

Maximizer brings more Full Screen Apps to OS X LIon Maximizer is a free utility that brings Full Screen app mode to all Cocoa apps running in Mac OS X Lion 10.7, even if they don’t technically support the feature yet.

Lion is needed, as is the following to get this working:

  • Download SIMBL – SIMBL stands for “SIMple Bundle Loader” and basically allows app and OS modifications to be made in the form of plugins, which is exactly what Maximizer is
  • Get Maximizer from – Uncompress the zip file and drop the .bundle in ~/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins

You will then need to relaunch any open apps for the plugin to load, but be aware that Full Screen won’t work in some apps as anticipated, if at all.

Is this necessary? That depends on who much you like Full Screen. Quite a few apps don’t support true full screen yet, ranging from Firefox and Chrome to even apps that ship with Lion like the App Store, TextEdit, Address Book, iWeb, Disk Utility, iChat, and many more. Admittedly, some of these apps don’t make much sense to be full screen, but some would be good and just haven’t been optimized for Lion yet. This should hold you over until then.

By Matt Chan - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 27 Comments

Mac Mini 2011 Benchmarks Show Giant Performance Boost from Core i CPU

Jul 21, 2011 - 9 Comments

Mac Mini 2011 Benchmarks

The 2011 Mac Mini is blowing away early benchmarks, in some cases doubling their predecessors and even outperforming the impressive MacBook Air 2011 benchmarks. Not bad for a tiny Mac are they? Unsurprisingly, the Mac Mini Core i7 model is the most impressive, with a whopping 9573 GeekBench score, but the Core i5 is no slouch at 6395.

The above chart compares the new 2011 Mini GeekBench scores vs 2010, 2009, and even the 2005 mini, courtesy of MacMiniColo, but these are not rogue results, as a quick search on GeekBench‘s website shows us several more 2011 Mac Mini killing it in the benchmarks:

2011 Mac Mini GeekBench Benchmark Scores are Impressive

With the 2011 Mac Mini performing so well, it looks like the hardest decision many prospective buyers will have to make is exactly which model they want to fly with, but the Quad-Core i7 Server model is a certified screamer. We’ll update as we get more benchmark results and hopefully we can see some real-world tests soon too.

By Matt Chan - Hardware, Mac - 9 Comments

Steve Jobs: “Your phone is the dumbest f***ing idea I have ever heard”

Jul 21, 2011 - 137 Comments

Famous Steve Jobs portrait from Apple

This will be the funniest thing you will read all day. An apparent excerpt from Those Guys Have All the Fun: Inside the World of ESPN quotes an epic exchange between Steve Jobs and the ESPN president:

The story goes that ESPN president George Bodenheimer attended the first Disney board meeting in Orlando, Florida, just after the company had bought Pixar, the innovative animation factory, and spotted Apple CEO Steve Jobs in a hallway. It seemed like a good time to introduce himself. “I am George Bodenheimer,” he said to Jobs. “I run ESPN.” Jobs just looked at him and said nothing other than “Your phone is the dumbest fucking idea I have ever heard,” then turned and walked away.

Steve is a champion who is not afraid of speaking his mind.

What an awesome find from Gruber of DaringFireball, who points out that the “dumbest” phone in question is this ESPN branded Samsung flip-phone from 2006, shown here:
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By Paul Horowitz - Fun - 137 Comments

Install Mac OS X Lion on More Than One Computer

Jul 21, 2011 - 57 Comments

Intall OS X Lion on more than one computer

One of the great unsung features of Lion is the personal use license which allows you to download OS X Lion once and then install it on all of your authorized personal Macs. This makes the $29.99 purchase an even better deal than it would be already, because one single purchase lets you upgrade all of your household computers.

There are several approaches to installing OS X Lion on all of your own Macs, these include:

  • Copying the OS X Lion installer to other Macs – this is the primary focus of this article by using the following methods
  • Copying the Lion installer with an external drive or DVD
  • Transferring the Lion installer over a network
  • Downloading Lion again from the App Store on each Mac (it is free to re-download after you have bought it once)
  • Making a Lion USB installer drive
  • Burning a Lion installation DVD
  • Installing Lion over Target Disk Mode
  • Several of these we have already covered before and you are welcome to check those out, but for the purpose of this article we are going to discuss transferring the OS X Lion installer to the other Macs. This allows for easy upgrades of all your Macs and prevents you from having to re-download the app or create any installation drives.
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    Get Front Row for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

    Jul 21, 2011 - 36 Comments

    Front Row for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

    You might have heard that Mac OS X Lion ditches Front Row, the easily accessible media player that was activated by hitting Command+Escape on a keyboard or by pressing play on an Apple Remote. If you like Front Row and are disappointed in Lion leaving it behind, you can easily get it working again just by copying a couple files over from the prior OS version.

    Manually Enabling Front Row for OS X Lion

    This will require access to a Mac OS X 10.6 installation. The following Front Row files from OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard must be moved into the exact same locations in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion:

    If you have Snow Leopard installed and laying around, you can preserve and move these files yourself quickly with Finder or by using cp, just be sure to place them in the exact same locations. This is very easy if you have a dual 10.6 and 10.7 boot config going, but if not don’t worry there’s a simple alternative.

    Get Front Row Working in Mac OS X Lion with an Installer

    Alternatively to moving the files yourself, you can use use a free package installer that contains the 10.6 Front Row files and places them automatically into the appropriate locations in Lion. This is easier.

    Download the free package installer by MacHatter.

    The MacHatter package does all the work for you and has been confirmed to work. If you click on “Custom Install” you can double check that the Front Row files exist:
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    By William Pearson - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 36 Comments

    Bought a New Mac Recently? Mac OS X 10.7 Lion is a Free Download If So

    Jul 21, 2011 - 14 Comments

    Mac OS X Lion is free with recent Mac purchases

    Did you buy a new Mac between June 6, 2011 and July 20, 2011? If so, don’t grab Lion from the App Store quite yet because you qualify for a free download of Mac OS X Lion, directly from Apple. All you need to do is visit Apple’s Up-To-Date page to claim your copy, just be sure you have your Macs Serial Number, date of purchase, and place & location of purchase ready.

    Head over to Apple’s Up To Date page to claim your free copy

    Any Macs bought July 20 won’t need to do this because they’ll come with Lion preinstalled. If you bought a Mac before June 6, well, you’ll just have to buy Lion from the App Store like the rest of us, it’s $29.99 and includes a very generous personal license that will allow you to install Lion on all of your personal machines.

    Don’t miss the rest of our Mac OS X Lion coverage and tips.

    By Matt Chan - Mac OS, News - 14 Comments

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