Share a Windows XP Printer with Mac OS X

Feb 10, 2011 - 2 Comments


If you’re on a Mac and you need to print to an older printer connected to a Windows XP PC, well, you’re in for a bundle of joy to get it working in OS X. While it’s not the simplest process in the world, here’s the gist of it, and it does indeed work to get an XP printer working with a Mac.

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By William Pearson - Mac OS - 2 Comments

Angry Birds Walkthroughs

Feb 9, 2011 - 4 Comments


I’m an Angry Birds addict, I admit it. I played it a bunch on my iPhone, and then once it came to the Mac, I found myself playing it even more. But even a frequent player like myself can get stuck on some of the more challenging levels of Angry Birds, and times like that require a level guide to help you through the rough patches.

These video walkthroughs are brought to you by Rovio, the creator of AngryBirds. They cover all levels of Angry Birds regardless of platform, so whether you’re playing on the iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android, or PC, these will all apply to you:
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By Paul Horowitz - Games - 4 Comments

iPad 2 in Production: Camera, Faster CPU & GPU, More RAM, Thinner & Lighter

Feb 9, 2011 - 7 Comments

ipad 2 rendering

The next generation iPad is currently in production, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal. Citing sources familiar with manufacturing the device, WSJ claims that iPad 2 will include a camera, a faster processor and graphics chip, more memory, and be thinner and lighter than the existing model. Their sources also say that the new iPad will be available on both the Verizon and AT&T networks.

iPad 2: Similar Screen Resolution as iPad?
The WSJ’s sources also specify that iPad 2’s display will not have a significantly improved screen resolution, instead it will feature a resolution “similar” to the existing iPad’s 1024×768 display. The language here is worth noting, because a “similar” display is not necessarily the same, and could indicate a slightly improved screen resolution.

Many users have been hoping for an iPhone 4 style retina display on the next iPad, but this wasn’t possible due to “trouble improving the display technology, in part because of the iPad screen’s larger size compared with the iPhone.”

Reality & the Rumors
If you’ve been following the iPad 2 rumors, you’ll notice that the WSJ claims are right in line with what the rumormill has been expecting. Noticeably absent are some of the more wild claims like dual HD cameras, NFC digital wallet chips, and a micro-USB or HDMI port.

Naming Conventions: iPad vs iPad 2 vs iPad 2G vs iPad 519491289184
While most of the features sound like they’re well established and set in stone, the devices name is the last big mystery. What is Apple going to call the next generation iPad? Will they keep the name simply as iPad like they do when they update their Mac lineups? Will they add a generation number like the iPhone and iPod touch? Does iPad 2 sound too boring?

(Above picture is from one of these iPad 2 mockups)

By Matt Chan - iPad, News - 7 Comments

Set “apple-touch-icon.png” to Customize a Websites iPhone Bookmark FavIcon

Feb 9, 2011 - 9 Comments


If you have a website of your own or are developing one for someone else, you should customize the saved bookmark icon that appears on a users iOS home screen. In the screenshot above you’ll see the custom OSXDaily favicon sitting on the screen of an iPhone.

Setting the Apple Touch Icon is a good idea because by default iOS will just save a small thumbnail of the site. The small thumbnails are often hard to identify and generally don’t look that great, so let’s set your own favicon image instead.
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By William Pearson - Development - 9 Comments

Transfer contacts from old phone to new Verizon iPhone with VZ Contact Transfer

Feb 8, 2011 - 2 Comments


Are you an existing Verizon customer and looking to get an iPhone? If so, don’t miss the Verizon Contact Transfer app that is freely available on the iTunes App Store, it will pull your contacts from your old phone via Verizon’s Backup Assistant service and transfer them onto your new VZ iPhone. The app looks extremely easy to use, just backup your old phone to their cloud, then put your phone number into the Contact Transfer app to pull all contacts phone numbers and email addresses to your new iPhone.

Transferring contact information from an old phone to a new one can be a huge inconvenience, so it’s nice to see that Verizon has an easy service to handle this for you. Considering the pre-order sellouts and pent up demand and for the Verizon iPhone, I imagine this app will get a ton of use.

You can download VZ Contact Transfer from the App Store (direct link).

By Paul Horowitz - iPhone - 2 Comments

Two Killer Upgrade Deals for MacBook Pro: Kingston 128GB SSD for $139 and 8GB RAM Upgrade for $79

Feb 8, 2011 - 5 Comments


If you’re looking for some good deals to upgrade your MacBook Pro, is offering two killer upgrades at great prices:

First up is the Kingston 128GB SSD V Series 2.5″ Hard Drive upgrade for $139.95 after a $75 mail in rebate. It’s actually part of a “notebook bundle” meaning it comes with an external drive caddy and USB cable to turn your existing 2.5″ internal hard drive into a portable external drive.

If you get the 128GB SSD drive, don’t forget the $75 mail in rebate (PDF). The SSD rebate offer and price are valid until 2/14/2011.


Next up is a Kingston Apple 8GB 1066MHz DDR3 RAM Upgrade, you’ll want to double-check that your machine handles the upgrade but it should be compatible with most new MacBook Pro’s, iMac, Mac Mini, and MacBook models.

I used the same Kingston 8GB Ram Upgrade for my MacBook Pro and I’m thrilled with the results. If you’re a power user I would highly recommend 8GB of RAM, but it’s easy to check if your Mac needs a memory upgrade.

By William Pearson - Hardware - 5 Comments

iPhone 5 Release Date to be June 5?

Feb 8, 2011 - 15 Comments


Is the iPhone 5 scheduled to be released on June 5, 2011? The wonderfully named “AppleBitch” discovered an unspecified “Corporate Meeting” on the Moscone West convention center schedule from June 5 to June 9, and notes that this vague terminology is often used to describe Apple venues. Additionally, the early summer dates are typical for Apple’s WWDC events.

So what does an event on a calendar have to do with iPhone 5? Well it’s conjecture, but WWDC is usually when Apple announces their new iPhone in addition to major updates to iOS. If these dates are in fact for WWDC, it’s quite possible we’ll see the new iPhone announced around then. WWDC 2011 may even include Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, which is scheduled for a “Summer 2011” release date according to Apple’s preview of Lion last October.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPhone, Rumor - 15 Comments

Mac App Store Prevents Accidental Purchases with an Order Confirmation

Feb 8, 2011 - 3 Comments


The Mac App Store now has an order and buy confirmation, which should prevent many accidental purchases from occurring.

This is a nice addition and undoubtedly helps to eliminate refund requests, and maybe it’ll even make some people think twice before inadvertently buying an app twice.

I imagine it’s only a matter of time before someone is able to disable the order confirmation via a defaults write command, if not becoming it’s own preference option entirely. Hat tip to MacStories for noticing this one.

By William Pearson - Mac OS, News - 3 Comments

iPhone & iPod Water Damage Sensor Locations

Feb 8, 2011 - 12 Comments

water damage indicator

If your iPhone or iPod has been acting strangely or not working, it’s worth checking the “Liquid Contact Indicator” locations as shown in the image above from Apple, this may give you a hint of what’s wrong with your hardware.

If the sensors shown in the pictures are red, you may have water damage. I say may because the sensors can be tripped occasionally by high humidity or even just a small rain drop, so it’s possible the sensor is red but you don’t have any damage. On the other hand, if you definitely dropped iPhone into water or it sustained substantial liquid contact that you’re aware of, you’re going to really need to take some immediate action to try and preserve the phone, drying it out for as long as possible so that none of the internal components have retained moisture.

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By Paul Horowitz - iPhone, Troubleshooting - 12 Comments

Apple Stores to Eliminate Retail Box Software in Favor of Mac App Store

Feb 7, 2011 - 6 Comments

apple removing retail software box

Apple is planning to eliminate traditional retail box software in their stores in favor of digital distribution through the Mac App Store, according to a report from MacRumors. Apparently they heard the rumor from someone, and then cite Apple’s new “Personal Setup for Mac” walkthrough service as further evidence of the move.

Installing software through the Mac App Store is certainly more convenient than using a physical installation DVD, but there are some issues with this method. As MacGasm points out, several major software companies have yet to board the Mac App Store train, some may never jump ship, most notably Adobe and Microsoft with their high priced productivity suites. The solution to this might be in the form of USB based software installers, like the reinstallation drive that comes with the 2010 MacBook Air, which would be a welcome change.

Perhaps we’ll see this change in place by the launch of Mac OS X 10.7 Lion?

By William Pearson - News, Rumor - 6 Comments

GreenPois0n RC5.4 Download to Jailbreak Verizon iPhone 4

Feb 7, 2011 - 10 Comments

greenpoison-rc5-4-verizon-jailbreak The first Verizon iPhone 4 jailbreak has been made available to download as an update to GreenPois0n RC5. The update comes as RC5.4 with the major change being support for jailbreaking the Verizon iPhone 4 running iOS 4.2.6.

Download GreenPois0n RC5.4 to Jailbreak Verizon iPhone 4

Currently RC5.4 is available for Mac and Windows users:

As pod2g notes, GreenPois0n RC5.4 should be considered as ‘early adopter’ software, so there may be some bugs to work out still. Our guide on how to jailbreak with GreenPois0n RC5 works the same for RC5.4 and will jailbreak any iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, and AppleTV2.

You can follow our GreenPois0n updates as they become available.

By Matt Chan - iPhone - 10 Comments

Angry Birds for Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

Feb 7, 2011 - 9 Comments


Angry Birds for Mac is a ton of fun, but you probably already know that. Here are some keyboard shortcuts for the Mac OS X version of the game:

Keyboard Shortcuts for Angry Birds on Mac OS X

Some of these you can use anytime and others must require you to be in a current game:

  • Command+F – Windowed mode, or toggle between full screen and windowed mode
  • Scrollwheel / Two-fingered swipe – Zoom in with a swipe forward and zoom out with a swipe back, same affect with a scroll wheel
  • R – Restart the current level and zoom into the target pigs structures
  • S – Mute and unmute the game sounds
  • P – Pause
  • Escape – Toggle the sidebar menu
  • Type “open” on levels with a locked treasure chest to open them

These are what I have for now but I’ll update the list if more are available. Apparently there is a cheat mode involved with the “C” key, but I wasn’t able to get it working myself.

If you haven’t played Angry Birds yet you are missing out on some highly addictive gameplay. You can get it from the Mac App Store (Direct Link) or from the iTunes App Store for iOS hardware.

Thanks to Josef for sending in the shortcut list!

By Paul Horowitz - Games, Mac OS - 9 Comments

Jailbreak iPad iOS 4.2.1 with GreenPois0n RC5

Feb 7, 2011 - 18 Comments


GreenPois0n RC5 allows you to easily jailbreak an iPad running iOS 4.2.1, the main advantage to GreenPois0n is that it provides a completely untethered jailbreak solution that can be initiated from both Mac OS X and Windows.

This guide will walk you through the process of jailbreaking an iPad with iOS 4.2.1 software.
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By Matt Chan - iPad - 18 Comments

Buy an iPhone App Once and All Following Downloads of the App are Free

Feb 7, 2011 - 13 Comments

buy-once-iphone-app-download-many If you purchase an app from the iTunes App Store, as long as you use the same iTunes account again, all subsequent downloads of that app are free. This means that if you bought an iOS app for an iPod touch, but you just got a new iPhone, iPad, or Mac you do not need to buy the same app again.

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By Jeff Hurst - iPad, iPhone - 13 Comments

FTP from Mac OS X

Feb 7, 2011 - 55 Comments

FTP from a Mac Did you know that your Mac has a built-in FTP & FTPS client? You don’t need to download any additional software or apps to connect to FTP sites from Mac OS X, instead you can connect to remote servers directly from your desktop by using an excellent and little known feature. If you’ve never used the Mac FTP tools before, you will find them incredibly simple and quite familiar, because the connection utilities and server browsing are much like navigating through the normal Mac desktop. Let’s get started.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 55 Comments

White iPhone 4 Labels Appear at Retailers

Feb 7, 2011 - 1 Comment


Late last year Apple said the white iPhone 4 was coming in “Spring 2011” but it looks like the launch of the White iPhone 4 is just around the corner.
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By Matt Chan - iPhone - 1 Comment

Print and Query Command History to Find Specific Past Commands

Feb 6, 2011 - 7 Comments

Terminal in macOS

If you’re trying to remember an exact command you executed via the Terminal but can’t quite come up with it, you can query your command line history to discover old commands that have been run or executed in the past.

This trick to find and retrieve prior commands executed in the command line works on Mac OS, Mac OS X, as well as linux and other unix operating systems too. Anything with a standard history command can use this trick to retrieve prior commands, making it an invaluable tool for systems administrators and command line users.

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By David Mendez - Command Line, Mac OS - 7 Comments

Silence iPhone Ringer by Hitting Volume Buttons

Feb 6, 2011 - 33 Comments

iphone volume buttons

Need to silence an iPhone phone call and hush the ringing quickly? If you’re getting an incoming call and you want to quickly silence the iPhone, just hit either of the volume buttons to instantly silence the ringer.

Pressing a volume button during an incoming phone call will immediately mute the iPhone and stop the ringer from sounding any alert or vibration, but it does not send the call to voicemail so the caller won’t have any idea that you aren’t listening to the phone ring.

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By William Pearson - iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 33 Comments

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