What if you could check Star Wars weather via the Dashboard weather widget?

Nov 19, 2010 - 2 Comments

cloud city star wars weather

If only the Mac OS X Dashboard weather widget could tell us the weather in distant galaxies far, far away from famous science fiction movies… wouldn’t that be nice? If you enjoy Star Wars, you’ll probably enjoy these images from Cristian Kit Paul, a graphic designer who also must be a Mac user and Star Wars fan. If you’re not a Star Wars fan, well, you’ll just think we’re huge geeks.

Each image is accompanied by a humorous weather report, here’s a particularly amusing one for Alderaan:

Nice and sunny in Aldera today, on beautiful Alderaan. Some showers are expected tomorrow. Unfortunately there seems to be a glitch about Tuesday’s high temperature and no readings from Wednesday on for some reason—we apologize for the technical difficulty. On the bright side, we have a new artificial moon called The Death Star and it’s crescent is clearly visible and awesome. Enjoy.

Tuesday on Alderaan looks like it’s going to be a rough day…

star wars alderaan weather

You can see the rest of the weather forecasts and read the other full weather reports from Cristian Kit Paul’s blog.
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By Paul Horowitz - Fun - 2 Comments

Why does my Mac show 3.75GB of RAM when I have 4GB of memory installed?

Nov 19, 2010 - 6 Comments

3.75gb ram instead of 4 You may have noticed that some Mac models display 3.75GB of RAM in the Activity Monitor when they have 4GB of RAM installed, but why is this? The answer is simple: your Mac has a GPU that uses shared memory. This means that your graphics card borrows some of the systems memory and uses it exclusively for graphics processing, this kind of GPU with memory sharing is common on the iMac, Mac Mini, MacBook, MacBook Air, and the 13″ MacBook Pro model.

In fact, even if you upgrade your RAM you will continue to have the shared memory amount missing from the available RAM within Activity Monitor, as a result if you had an 8GB upgrade it would show 7.75GB of RAM. This is not an indicator of anything being wrong or of having bad RAM, it’s perfectly normal. The only problem with a GPU borrowing RAM is that you may run out of available system memory faster, but you can easily check to see if your Mac needs a RAM upgrade and whether or not you’d benefit from adding additional memory.

I’ve had multiple people ask me this question, so if you were curious too, now you know.

By William Pearson - Mac OS, Troubleshooting - 6 Comments

iOS 4.2.1 GM Download Available

Nov 18, 2010 - 13 Comments

ios 4 2 1 download

Update: iOS 4.2 download is now available to all. You can also use iOS 4.2.1 direct download links and avoid the iTunes update process.

iOS 4.2 hasn’t even been released to the public yet, but now iOS 4.2.1 GM is available for developers to download. The latest iOS 4.2.1 build is 8C148 and has versions for all supported hardware including iPhone 4, iPad, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, and the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generations of iPod touch.

The public release date for iOS 4.2 was November 22, and the 4.2 update came in the form of iOS 4.2.1 which resolved some minor problems with the 4.2 GM build.

Everyone can now download iOS 4.2.1 through iTunes or by using these iOS 4.2.1 direct download links.

By William Pearson - iPad, iPhone, News - 13 Comments

Add a Timestamp to iChat Messages with a Keyboard Shortcut

Nov 18, 2010 - 3 Comments

timestamp ichat

Want to time stamp a conversation or a message in the iChat messaging client? You can do that quickly with a keystroke on the iChat app in Mac OS X.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 3 Comments

Block Facebook Ads and simplify the interface with Facebook Neue

Nov 18, 2010 - 8 Comments

block facebook ads

You can block all the Facebook ads and reskin the site into a more simplistic interface (similar to Twitter really) by installing a third party browser extension called Facebook Neue. Along with blocking the sites ads, it moves the UI into a two column layout, hides a few of the sidebar options, removes application links and language settings, and even rounds image avatars, creating a more simplified and less busy interface for the popular social networking site.

The Facebook Neue extension is available for Safari 5 and Chrome, you can download it here.

You might want to check out the Facebook desktop notifier too, it brings Facebook messages and activity to your Mac desktop through Growl notifications.

By Paul Horowitz - Customize, Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

Lorem Ipsum Generator for the Mac menubar

Nov 18, 2010 - 6 Comments

lorem ipsum generator mac

LittleIpsum is a handy app that will automatically generate latin text (the famous lorem ipsum dolar) directly from the Mac OS X menubar. It’ll generate full latin sentences, words, and paragraphs, and will even wrap the latin text in HTML tags, which is an extra handy feature for web developers.

LittleIpsum is a free download, you can get it here.

Generating random latin text is one of those things that developers and designers often need to do. Typically we just go to the web for this service, but it’s great to see it can now be done directly in Mac OS X which is sure to save some time.

By William Pearson - Mac OS - 6 Comments

Fix iTunes Network Connection Timed Out & Error -3259 During iPhone Update

Nov 18, 2010 - 123 Comments

fix itunes network connection errors Some users report variations of a “Network Connection Timed Out” error when trying to update their iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to a newer version of iOS or even when attempting to connect to the iTunes Store. Errors include but are not limited to:

  • “There is a problem downloading the software”
  • “Network Connection Timed Out”
  • “iTunes could not connect to the Store. An unknown error occurred (-3259). Make sure your network connection is active and try again.”
  • “There was an error downloading your music (-3259)”
  • “Cannot connect to iTunes Store”
  • iTunes Error 9808
  • Variations of iTunes Error -3259

These are usually pretty simple errors to fix and we have several methods below.

Before going any further to troubleshoot this error message, make sure the following is true:

  • You are connected to the internet
  • You have the latest version of iTunes. That applies to both Mac and Windows

If you’re still having problems, here are some troubleshooting tips to fix and resolve various iTunes and iOS software update connection errors:
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By Manish Patel - iPhone, iTunes, Troubleshooting - 123 Comments

MacBook Pro 8GB RAM Upgrade & Review

Nov 17, 2010 - 58 Comments

macbook pro 8gb ram Last week I posted a deal to get an 8GB RAM upgrade kit, the price was too good to resist and I went ahead and bought the upgrade myself. Here’s my review and impressions on upgrading a Mac to 8GB of RAM. If you have ADHD and don’t want to read everything below, here’s the Readers Digest version: buy an 8GB upgrade, it rocks.

The RAM I got was the Kingston Apple 8GB Upgrade Kit, it works on most new Macs, all the new MacBook Pro’s, Mac Mini, iMac, and MacBook. I imagine all those machines would see the same performance increase as I did. Anyway, I put the 8GB upgrade in my base model unibody 2010 MacBook Pro 13″ with a 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo CPU, which otherwise comes standard with 4GB of RAM.

Installation is so easy it’s barely worth mentioning, upgrading RAM in the MacBook Pro is a matter of undoing a few screws on the bottom of the Mac, lifting off the aluminum case, removing the old RAM, and popping in the new memory. From start to finish it takes maybe 10 minutes at most.

So now I’ll try to answer some common questions about having a Mac with 8GB of RAM:
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By William Pearson - Mac, Mac OS - 58 Comments

Pre-Order Grand Theft Auto Trilogy for Mac

Nov 17, 2010 - Leave a Comment

grand theft auto trilogy mac Mac users can now pre-order the Grand Theft Auto Triology from Amazon, the trilogy includes the wildly popular original Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. The series has been somewhat controversial due to it’s mature content, which is also why it has an “M” rating.

Amazon offers free shipping for the November 22 release date, and includes a price guarantee meaning if the price drops before shipping you will be refunded the difference.

Gaming on the Mac is undergoing a bit of a renaissance with some pretty major titles coming to the Mac platform in time for the holiday shopping season, and the release of the GTA trilogy is just another example of the renewed interest in the platform.

By Paul Horowitz - Games - Leave a Comment

Enable IP Blocking when downloading torrents in Transmission

Nov 17, 2010 - 24 Comments

prevent bad peers transmission

Transmission has a built-in IP blocklist for what are determined to be “bad peers” and it should be enabled if you use Transmission with any sort of regularity. The blocklist helps to insure a better experience with torrents and also helps to protect your privacy.

How to enable the IP Blocklist for downloading torrents in Transmission

  • Launch Transmission
  • Go to Transmission Preferences
  • Click on ‘Peers’
  • Check the box next to “Blocklist” and again check the box next to “Automatically update weekly”
  • If the blocklist doesn’t automatically update, you should click on the “Update” button as well

What exactly connotes a bad peer remains open for interpretation, but generally people who are excessive leechers, those who intentionally seed corrupt or falsely represented files, and even some P2P monitoring services are considered ‘bad peers’ to most IP block lists.

Update: Apparently this applies to older versions of Transmission, recent updates of the application require an external IP block list to be added on its own.

By David Mendez - Mac OS, Security - 24 Comments

How to Use the Screen Recorder on a Mac

Nov 16, 2010 - 99 Comments

screen recorder mac

If you need to record screen activity on a Mac, you don’t need to download any additional software because the functionality is built directly into Mac OS X with the QuickTime app. Yes, the same QuickTime video player app that lets you watch videos also lets you record the screen of the Mac, and it’s remarkably simple to use. This is a great solution for most use cases since it’s free and bundled right into all versions of OS X.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 99 Comments

iTunes gets The Beatles

Nov 16, 2010 - 10 Comments

beatles on itunes

Apple’s big iTunes announcement today was The Beatles joining the iTunes family, this was one of the predictions offered yesterday, later to be solidified by the Wall Street Journal and New York Times.

Apple has crafted a heavy promotional campaign for the announcement, including a Beatles-centric section of the Apple website. Reaction around the web has been a mixture of excitement and boredom, it looks like the majority of people let down by the announcement were hoping for iOS 4.2 to be released instead. Todays announcement did trigger a price war of sorts, as Amazon responded by cutting the price of The Beatles Stereo Box Set 50% to $129.99, which gives you physical CD’s rather than digital content.

Apparently part of the deal to get the Beatles catalogue was to have a large advertising push, which might explain the huge hype around the announcement. As part of the marketing campaign, Apple has crafted several Beatles & iTunes commercials, here’s one of them featuring the popular song “Here Comes The Sun”
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By Jeff Hurst - iTunes, News - 10 Comments

Looking for a Mac Outline app? Use TextEdit

Nov 16, 2010 - 1 Comment

mac outline app

I use TextEdit often for simple text editing and note taking, but you can also use TextEdit as an outliner and avoid downloading another application. Yes seriously, the TextEdit that comes on all versions of Mac OS X can function quite well as a basic outline app.

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By William Pearson - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 1 Comment

Fast Forward in QuickTime & Speed Reverse with Gestures

Nov 16, 2010 - 4 Comments

Fast Forward and Speed Reverse in QuickTime for Mac

You can fast forward or quickly rewind any video playing in QuickTime Player in Mac OS X (or Windows if you go that direction) by using a trackpad or magic mouse.

This is really easy to use but it’s best followed along and tried out yourself than just reading a tutorial, so launch QuickTime Player with a movie of some length so that you can test this out yourself. The QuickTime app is located in the /Applications/ folder of OS X, older versions may be stored as QuickTime Player in the Utilities folder too.

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By William Pearson - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 4 Comments

How to Reset PRAM on a Mac

Nov 15, 2010 - 51 Comments

How to Reset PRAM on Every Mac

Resetting your PRAM (or NVRAM) is a common troubleshooting technique when a Mac is misbehaving. We’ll cover how to reset PRAM on any Mac, as well as providing some additional information about PRAM and what it is to better help you understand when and why you’d want to reset it.

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iTunes Announcement – What’s Coming Tomorrow?

Nov 15, 2010 - 19 Comments

itunes announcement

Apple’s homepage is featuring a teaser message that suggests a major iTunes announcement is on the schedule for tomorrow. So what could it be? The Apple Rumor Mill has their imaginations running wild, with claims all over the board.

Here are some possibilities for Apple’s iTunes announcement tomorrow:

  • iOS 4.2 Release – We do know the release of iOS 4.2 is very close, but Apple typically rolls out iOS updates without this level of anticipation
  • Expanded iTunes Content Library – A significant addition to the iTunes content library would be a big deal and immediately accessible to anyone without an iTunes update. This could also be tied to a streaming or subscription service
  • iTunes Live Streaming – This rumor is based on an entry in an iTunes 10.1 plist file, this could mean that iTunes will natively support live streaming of events or television, and this could be completely different than a general media streaming service.
  • iTunes Streaming Service – The iTunes streaming concept has been around for a long time, and the massive North Carolina data center only serves to feed this rumor. Perhaps you’ll be able to buy content through iTunes and stream it to your Mac, iPhone, iPad, AppleTV, where ever
  • iTunes Subscription Service – A monthly subscription model for iTunes has long been thought to be in the works. This could expand beyond music to things like magazines, news papers, TV shows, etc
  • Facebook and Ping Integration – I’m not sure if this would warrant the anticipation level that Apple is building for tomorrow, but it’s entirely possible
  • Apple TV Apps – Ever since it was discovered that the new Apple TV runs iOS, there has been speculation that Apple will unleash an App Store for it. I think this is coming too, I just don’t know if it’s tomorrow
  • Mac App Store – Will the Mac App Store be released tomorrow ahead of schedule? I think the Mac App Store will be it’s own separate application outside of iTunes completely, but perhaps this would be an iTunes announcement
  • The Beatles Library on iTunes – Anytime a rumor about iTunes comes about, inevitably there is the claim that The Beatles library is going to finally be available. The Beatles are great, but again, is this worthy of the hype? This idea seems to be born from the Apple.com splash page vaguely resembling the HELP! album cover (see below)…. sort of…

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By Jeff Hurst - iTunes, News - 19 Comments

Change the volume remotely or mute your Mac from an iPhone

Nov 15, 2010 - Leave a Comment

change mac volume from iphone

This is a neat trick that lets you mute your Mac audio and adjust sound output on a Mac from your iPhone. It’s a little involved so it won’t be for the average user, but it is kind of interesting anyway.

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By William Pearson - iPhone, Mac OS - Leave a Comment

Dual Boot Android OS and iOS on iPhone 3G and iPhone 2G

Nov 15, 2010 - 6 Comments

dual boot android and ios iphone

If you have a jailbroken iPhone 3G or iPhone 2G, you can dual boot between Android OS 2.2.1 Froyo and iOS 3.1 to iOS 4.1. The installation really isn’t that difficult, especially if you already have a jailbroken iPhone (apparently it must be jailbroken with PwnageTool, redsn0w, or blackra1n, not quite sure why), it’s basically just a matter of downloading a few apps (Bootlace and OpeniBoot), and then installing Android onto the iPhone.

The following video walks you through the installation process, it’s pretty short and easy to follow, courtesy of RedmondPie:
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By William Pearson - iPhone - 6 Comments

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