Macs in the classroom

Aug 16, 2010 - 4 Comments

macs in the classroom

You may recall the figure released last week by a research analyst saying that 70% of incoming college Freshmen use Macs, well, at some schools it’s already higher than that. Take this classroom at BCIT, where out of 17 computers in the classroom, 16 are Macs.

I’m not sure what the class is, and obviously certain majors could skew the Mac to PC ratio, but this image really captures the trend of Apple dominating in higher education. These pictures were taken by visiting lecturer Tod Maffin, who says he noticed “a lot of glowing white Apple logos staring back” and then asked the students to hold up their computers to take a picture.

By William Pearson - Mac - 4 Comments

Change the Screen Shot File Format in Mac OS X

Aug 16, 2010 - 19 Comments

Change the screenshot file format in Mac OS X All versions of Mac OS X default to saving captured screen shot files to PNG format, but if you’d rather have screenshots save as another file type, it’s actually quite easy to modify the file format and change the default to something new.

Whether the desired format output is JPG, TIFF, PDF, GIF, or back to PNG defaults, let’s walk through the process of changing the format of screenshots made on the Mac.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 19 Comments

The Mac Task Manager

Aug 15, 2010 - 47 Comments

The Task Manager on Mac is called Activity Monitor

Many new Mac users are coming from the Windows world where they would access the Task Manager to end tasks and stop errant processes. The Mac has it’s own Task Manager but it goes by another name: Activity Monitor.

Activity Monitor functions in a very similar way to how Task Manager does in Windows, letting you easily view, manage, and end tasks, applications, and any active processes that are running in Mac OS.

If you’re unfamiliar with Activity Monitor or task management on the Mac in general, don’t worry, because despite it’s immense power and control, it’s not complicated to use. And you can access it and use the feature the same way in all versions of Mac OS, since Activity Monitor works the same from the earliest releases to the most modern.

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Mac Setups: MacBook Pro with a 24″ Widescreen in portrait mode

Aug 14, 2010 - 3 Comments

macbook pro with portrait mode display

I’ve always thought having a screen in portrait mode would be odd, but as a secondary display it really makes sense for development. Here a 15″ MacBook Pro rocks a portrait mode 24″ widescreen display.

[ via Flickr ]

By William Pearson - Mac Setups - 3 Comments

iPhone 4 prices around the world

Aug 13, 2010 - 10 Comments

iphone 4 world prices

If you’re in the USA you probably know the iPhone 4 price starts at $199 with a plan and $599 without contract, but did you know that the top end iPhone 4 costs nearly $1000 in much of Europe and over a grand in Italy? Yikes! At least it comes unlocked…

All the prices in the above graphic are listed in euros but with the € euro stronger than the dollar it’s not too difficult to see the high prices. Much of the price differences are due to VAT and other taxes, but it’s still interesting to see nonetheless. The best deal for iPhone 4 looks like Hong Kong, where you can pickup a base model unlocked iPhone 4 for about $650, not bad considering $600 in the USA keeps you glued to AT&T!

The graphic comes from Flickr where you can see a much larger version, thanks for sending this in Rick.

By Paul Horowitz - iPhone - 10 Comments

Immediately Zoom Back to 100% in Photoshop with Command+1

Aug 13, 2010 - 2 Comments

Photoshop in Mac OS X

If you’re a Photoshop user and you’re frequently zooming in and out on images and photoshop files, you’ll likely find this simple trick to be particularly handy.

You can immediately zoom back to 100% on any document within Photoshop by hitting Command + 1 (yes like the number one).

If you’re not a fan of keyboard shortcuts, you can also just double-click on the magnifying glass icon to zoom back to 100%.


I’ve been using Photoshop for years and I didn’t know this until I came across it on Granted I’m not a big keyboard shortcut explorer, but sometimes these little tips really amaze me with how useful they are.

Happy Photoshopping! You can check out more Photoshop tips here if you’re into that.

By William Pearson - Tips & Tricks - 2 Comments

Convert to EPUB – How to convert PDF, HTML, Word DOC, and more to EPUB format

Aug 12, 2010 - 34 Comments

convert epub EPUB stands for ‘electronic publication’ and it’s the accepted standard format for digital book publishing. If you want to make an ebook that can be read on a digital device, you’ll need it in this EPUB format.

You can convert virtually any text containing document to EPUB format, which is the preferred format for reading on many ebook readers, including the Barnes & Noble Nook, Android, and the Apple iOS iBooks platform that runs on iPhone and iPad (note that the Amazon Kindle currently favors .mobi format which Calibre can also publish to). Here are the exact steps to convert a file to EPUB.
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By Manish Patel - How to, iPad, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 34 Comments

Run iPhone in James Bond Mode: Set your iPhone to Self Destruct and Erase All Data After Failed Password Attempts

Aug 12, 2010 - 26 Comments

Lock down an iPhone and cause it to erase all data with incorrect password entry

There’s a pretty interesting feature included in iOS that lets you run your iPhone in James Bond mode, causing the device to self destruct if an incorrect password is entered 10 times concurrently.

Ok, well it’s not really called James Bond mode and it doesn’t actually self destruct, but it does erase all the data on the iPhone, which is basically the digital equivalent of self destruction. This feature is very effective, but it’s also unforgiving, so if you enter a password wrong often this is not for you.

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By William Pearson - iPhone, Security, Tips & Tricks - 26 Comments

How to Merge Directories in Mac OS X with ditto

Aug 12, 2010 - 6 Comments


If you have two directories you need joined together, you can either drag and drop everything together, use the ‘mv’ command to move files manually, or, as we’ll show here, you can quickly merge any two directories within Mac OS X by using the command line tool ditto or ‘cp’.

The command line is generally aimed at advanced users, but ditto is pretty simple to use so almost anyone can use it this way if they’re comfortable with the terminal. Let’s learn how to merge directories with the ditto command on Mac.

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iOS 4.0.2 update available to download for iPhone & iPod touch

Aug 11, 2010 - 1 Comment

iphone ios 402 update download

A security update has been released for iPhone and iPod touch that stops potentially malicious code from being executed on the devices. Released as iOS 4.0.2, the update is in response to the recent release of JailbreakMe, an extremely easy iPhone jailbreak that is browser based and used the exploit that the update patches.

The description of the problem is described by Apple as follows:

A stack buffer overflow exists in FreeType’s handling of CFF opcodes. Viewing a PDF document with maliciously crafted embedded fonts may allow arbitrary code execution. This issue is addressed through improved bounds checking.

While jailbreaking your iPhone or iPod touch is practically harmless, the potential of a malicious third party attack is of legitimate concern, even if unlikely.

If you have a jailbroken device, you should not install this update quite yet. Likewise, if you want to jailbreak or unlock your iPhone it’s also not a good idea to install the update because there are currently limited jailbreaking and unlock abilities for iOS 4.0.2, with the exception of iPhone 3G which works with ultrasn0w.

Install & Download iOS 4.0.2

To update and install the iOS 4.0.2 update, all you need to do is plug your iPhone or iPod touch to your computer and click on the “Update” button within iTunes. Then click on the ‘Download and Install’ button and let iTunes handle the rest.

By Manish Patel - iPhone, News - 1 Comment

How to Lock Files and Folders in Mac OS X

Aug 11, 2010 - 8 Comments

Finder icon on the Mac

You can easily prevent changes being made on any files or folders in Mac OS X by locking the file or folder in question. This locking capability will also prevent the file or directory from being deleted, since the Trash will not empty while a file is in a locked state.

Locking files and folders in Mac OS X is quite easy, and the process is the same in all versions of the Mac operating system.

You’ll obviously want to know the file(s) or directories you wish to lock down ahead of time, then proceed with the following instructions.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

This Steve Jobs Joke is Corny & Fun

Aug 11, 2010 - 3 Comments

Steve Jobs

Are you ready for a Steve Jobs joke? Of course you are! Ok, so this joke is a little corny, but who cares, because sometimes corny is good for a laugh, right?! OK here we go:

Why does Steve Jobs always wear turtlenecks?

Because suits have too many buttons.

Get it? Oooooh boy.

Corny, but kind of appropriate and so fitting since Steve Jobs does indeed enjoy the turtleneck and has an obvious dislike for unnecessary buttons.

Thank you to Eric for sending this in. I’m not sure if Eric is the originator of this one or if it’s from someone else, but if you know of any other Steve Jobs or Apple jokes, feel free to put them into our comments.

Famous Steve Jobs portrait from Apple

By William Pearson - Fun - 3 Comments

Forgot Mac Password? How to Reset Your Mac Password (with or without CD)

Aug 10, 2010 - 505 Comments

So you forgot your Mac password… uh oh. Don’t worry, it happens and you aren’t out of luck. You’ll need to reset the forgotten password and there’s several ways to do this, we’ll focus on the three best methods; the first is dirt simple and will utilize the Apple ID (yes, the same on you use for iTunes and App Store purchases), the second method is a hack of sorts and does not require a Mac OS X recovery drive or CD and is guaranteed to be effective, and the third trick is fairly simple but it requires either a Mac OS X DVD, boot disk, or Recovery mode partition to use. Use whichever method works for your situation, but whichever method you choose you will have your password reset and gain access to your stuff again.

forgot mac password
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How to Check iPhone Firmware and Baseband Version

Aug 10, 2010 - 19 Comments

How to check an iPhone firmware version and baseband version directly on the device

If you need to know what version of iPhone baseband and firmware your device is running, you can find the information directly on your iPhone quickly and with little effort.

Here’s what you’ll want to do to check the iPhone firmware and/or baseband versions.

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By Manish Patel - iPhone - 19 Comments

Repair Disk Permissions from the Command Line in Mac OS X

Aug 10, 2010 - 11 Comments

Terminal in OS X

In some situations, you may need to repair a Macs disk permissions but be unable to access the Disk Utility app, perhaps due to remote management or because of a problem with something in OS X. Fortunately there’s another method you can use to repair disk permissions in Mac OS X, accessible through the command line.

To be clear, this will initiate the exact same Repair Disk Permissions functionality that is seen in OS X Disk Utility app, via the Terminal. Launch the and then just type the following command:

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Apple to replace iPhone 4 glass backing with metal featuring an integrated antenna

Aug 9, 2010 - 6 Comments

iphone 4 redesign As the tech world froths with more iPhone on Verizon rumors, an overlooked bit of information caught my eye. According to Digitimes, Apple is going to replace the glass back panel of the iPhone 4 with metal that features an integrated antenna:

As for the CDMA iPhone, Pegatron Technology is expected to start mass production in December and will supply to both US-based Verizon Wireless and China-based China Telecom. The CDMA iPhone’s back plate will be forged from metal materials and will feature an integrated antenna, according to Digitimes Research.

While the report specifically mentions the CDMA iPhone (Verizon is CDMA), it would be unusual if Apple kept other iPhone 4 models with a glass enclosure. My guess is that Apple is looking to replace the back glass for two reasons: one, it’s relatively fragile and prone to shattering with minor drops, and two a metallic back panel with integrated antenna could help to aid the antenna problems that have received so much negative press.

iphone 4 broken

I really wouldn’t be surprised if Apple restyled iPhone with a metallic enclosure. From a purely design standpoint it seemed unusual that Apple went with the glass back considering their other products are enclosed in a hardy and attractive aluminum shell. Assuming they figured out a way to help the antenna issues and just make the device more durable in general, this design change is a no brainer before the iPhone comes to millions more customers through Verizon and even T-Mobile in the USA.

By Paul Horowitz - iPhone, News, Rumor - 6 Comments

What is iPhone Baseband?

Aug 9, 2010 - 64 Comments

iPhone baseband is what allows the device to connect to cellular networks

All iPhones have a baseband, and iPhone baseband is essentially the cellular modem firmware that is on your iPhone. Specifically, baseband includes the low level software that is running on the iPhones cellular modem hardware, the combination of which allows the iPhone to connect to a cellular network to send and receive data, phone calls, and transmissions.

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By Manish Patel - iPhone - 64 Comments

Select Sections of Non-Contiguous Text in Mac OS X with the Command key

Aug 9, 2010 - 8 Comments

Selecting noncontiguous text in Mac OS X

If you’ve ever needed to select and copy portions of a text document that are non-contiguous, in other words, sentences or words that are not right next to one another and do not touch, you can do so with a little-known text selection shortcut trick in Mac OS X.

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By Manish Patel - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

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