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Another Unaired Macintosh Commercial from 1983 Featuring Andy Hertzfeld [Video]

Sep 29, 2012 - 3 Comments
Andy Hertzfeld of Apple, early Macintosh days

Another piece of early Apple history has been uncovered in a newly found unaired commercial for the original Macintosh computer. Filmed in 1983, the video features original Macintosh software designer Andy Hertzfeld discussing what he expects of the Macintosh, saying: “I expect to be totally amazed at what people are going to do with Macintosh. … Read More

This Original Macintosh Commercial from 1983 Never Aired [Video]

Aug 10, 2012 - 6 Comments
Andy Hertzfeld in 1983 Macintosh Commercial

A never-before-aired commercial for the original Macintosh has surfaced which any fan of Apple history should get a kick out of it. Coming in at just over a minute long, the unaired TV ad includes some big name early-Apple employees, including Andy Hertzfeld, Burrel Smith, George Crow, Bill Atkinson, and Mike Murray, all describing Macintosh … Read More

Celebrate the Apple II’s 35th Birthday with an Apple II Simulator for Mac OS X

Apr 17, 2012 - 3 Comments
Apple II Simulator

The Apple ][ is celebrating it’s 35th birthday. Originally demoed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak at a computer fair on April 16 and 17, 1977, the Apple II was the machine that put Apple on the map and then went on to catapult the personal computer revolution. What better way to celebrate one of … Read More

The Original Apple iPhone… from 1983

Apr 13, 2012 - 5 Comments
Original iPhone

Apple was busy dreaming about the future of communications 29 years ago, long before the days of the iPhone, touch screens, cell phones, and even cordless phones.

Watch Nightline’s “Inside Apple’s Chinese Foxconn Factories” [Video]

Feb 22, 2012 - 6 Comments
Apple products built in a Foxconn Factory

If you found the recent New York Times pieces on the making of Apple products to be interesting and “Mr Daisey and the Apple Factory” to be enlightening, you’ll probably enjoy this ABC Nightline report on Foxconn. ABC’s Nightline was given exclusive access to a Foxconn factory in China that assembles Apple products, providing a … Read More

Apple Sold 156 Million iOS Devices in 2011, More Than All Macs Sold in 28 Years

Feb 17, 2012 - 5 Comments
Cumulative Apple Sales: Mac vs iPhone vs iPad vs iPod touch vs Apple II

Growth of iOS, the mobile operating system that powers iPhones, iPads, iPod touch, and Apple TV, is exploding. To put iOS’s success into some context, Asymco crafted the above chart to demonstrate the growth curve relative to years of Apple products on the market. The most staggering observation? Apple sold 156 million iOS devices last … Read More

See Every Apple Design Released in History With a 30 Second Video

Feb 9, 2012 - 11 Comments

Want to see every Apple design ever released in 30 seconds of cheesy video? Of course you do. You’ll see everything from the Apple I to the QuickTake Camera to the LC III and of course modern gear like the iPhone and iPad. It looks like all the bases of Apple’s historical releases are covered … Read More

Author of “Inside Apple” Talks Apple Corporate Culture and Secrecy [Video]

Jan 29, 2012 - Leave a Comment

Adam Lashinsky, the author of the newly released book “Inside Apple: How America’s Most Admired – and Secretive – Company Really Works”, recently appeared on an episode of InDay Speaker Series to discuss his work. The interview is about 50 minutes long and covers the corporate culture of Apple, how some internal processes work, and … Read More

Inside Apple, a Book on How Apple “Really Works” is Now Available

Jan 25, 2012 - 3 Comments
Inside Apple

Apple fans have another book to add to their reading lists, this time focusing on the business side of things. Titled Inside Apple: How America’s Most Admired – and Secretive – Company Really Works, the reader gets an in depth look at Apple’s unique culture and internal processes, ranging from it’s legendary secrecy to how … Read More

Why Aren’t Apple Products Made in America?

Jan 21, 2012 - 49 Comments
Apple factory

As recently as 2002, most of Apple’s products were manufactured in the USA. What happened? Why is nearly everything, from Macs to iPhones, made in China now? The New York Times provides an in depth report on Apple’s move overseas, and it’s not as simple as you might think. It isn’t just that workers are … Read More

iPhone is 5 Years Old Today

Jan 9, 2012 - 8 Comments
First iPhone

iPhone is truly the device that changed everything, it reinvented the phone and what we expect of a handheld device, it forever changed Apple, and it has since defined the entire mobile industry. All of that started 5 years ago today, on January 9, when Steve Jobs took the stage at MacWorld 2007 to unveil … Read More

Young Steve Jobs Gives IBM the Finger

Dec 30, 2011 - 11 Comments
Steve Jobs gives IBM the Finger

This is a classic picture of a young Steve Jobs giving the finger to an IBM sign in 1983, it has been circulating again after all these years thanks to Macintosh co-creator Andy Hertzfeld who posted the high res copy to Google+. Here’s the text that was posted by Hertzfeld along with the amusing image … Read More

Apple Spoofs Ghostbusters in Outrageously Cheesy 1984 Sales Video

Dec 29, 2011 - 10 Comments
Ghostbusters Apple Spoof video

In 1984, Apple spoofed the classic Ghostbusters song by Ray Parker Jr, and this outrageously cheesy video is the result.

Steve Jobs: Billion Dollar Hippy – BBC Documentary [Video]

Dec 17, 2011 - 8 Comments

The recently aired BBC documentary Steve Jobs: Billion Dollar Hippy may have a dumb name, but the show itself is worth a watch for anyone interested in the subject matter. About an hour long, it features classic footage of Steve Jobs, in addition to interviews with a variety of Apple execs and industry leaders, including … Read More

Letters to Steve: Inside the E-mail Inbox of Apple’s Steve Jobs

Nov 22, 2011 - Leave a Comment
Letters to Steve

Letters to Steve: Inside the E-mail Inbox of Apple’s Steve Jobs is a new e-book from Mark Milian that catalogues the late CEO’s direct engagements with customers and fans through email. This book is based on interviews with many of the customers and fans Jobs communicated with. These tales reveal the intricacies of how Jobs … Read More

Four Key Lessons to Apple’s Success, According to Apple VP Greg Joswiak

Nov 19, 2011 - 7 Comments
Apple Logo

Greg Joswiak is a Vice President of Marketing at Apple who focuses on promoting the iOS lineup. After working at Apple for 20 years, he has come up with four lessons that can help explain Apple’s incredible success. Shared at a recent speech in Cambridge, they are quoted below from Wall Street Journal: Focus—”It means … Read More

Steve Jobs was Asked by Creator of LSD to Help Promote Therapeutic Uses of the Drug

Nov 16, 2011 - 9 Comments
Steve Jobs, LSD, and Albert Hoffman

The late Steve Jobs has always been unapologetic about his usage of LSD, openly proclaiming his experiences with the drug were some of the “most important things I have done in my life” and even criticizing Bill Gates for not indulging in the substance. Those statements didn’t go unnoticed by Albert Hofman, the man who … Read More

Rare 50 Minute Interview with Steve Jobs from 1990 [Video]

Nov 5, 2011 - 7 Comments
Steve Jobs in 1990

PBS/NOVA and WGBH Boston have posted a full 50 minute unedited interview with Steve Jobs from the TV miniseries “Machine That Changed The World”. The clip is from 1990 and demonstrates Steve Jobs’ remarkable visionary thinking, covering a wide variety of topics and technologies well before they became parts of our daily lives (keep in … Read More

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