iPhone camera

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How to Use Apple Watch as Viewfinder & Remote for iPhone Camera

Apr 15, 2024 - 1 Comment
How to Use Apple Watch as Viewfinder & Remote for iPhone Camera

Did you know that your Apple Watch can be used as a viewfinder and shutter button for the camera on your iPhone? Sure, some of you may already know this, but a lot of new Apple Watch users aren’t aware of this nifty feature that can come in handy while taking photos in a variety … Read More

How to Use Action Mode on iPhone Camera

Mar 17, 2023 - 3 Comments
Action Mode video recording with iPhone

Action Mode offers an impressive stabilizing function to recording videos, which can be particularly handy if you’re moving or active while recording something else that is also moving. Essentially, Action Mode stabilizes the video to turn shaky camera videos into smooth videos, and it works really well. For example, maybe you want to record a … Read More

iPhone 5 Camera Not Working? A Light Press May Fix It

Jun 22, 2014 - 163 Comments
iPhone 5 camera loose causing malfunction

My iPhone 5 camera completely stopped working recently, and appeared to stay that way despite forced resets, killing camera apps, and every other traditional troubleshooting trick in the book. What do I mean by stopped working? I mean the Camera app loads, but the camera viewfinder shows nothing at all just a black screen, and … Read More

Turn Off the iPhone Camera Shutter Sound Effect to Take Photos Silenty

Mar 25, 2013 - 45 Comments
iPhone camera icon

As we all know, any time a photo is taken with the iPhone camera, a little shutter sound accompanies the snapping of the picture. That sound effect is all software, and so though you might expect there to be a simple settings change to toggle that sound effect off, well, you may be disappointed to … Read More

Disable the iPhone Camera & Lock Screen Camera (iOS 4 – iOS 11)

Mar 18, 2013 - 16 Comments
Camera disabled and removed from the iPhone home screen

Disabling the camera access in iOS prevents the Camera app icon from appearing on the home screen, it turns off the lock screen camera, and it also prevents all third party apps from using the camera at all, which as you may have guessed also disables FaceTime. No, you don’t have to physically remove the … Read More

Leave Your Gloves On & Keep Hands Warm by Shooting iPhone Photos with Siri

Feb 24, 2013 - 8 Comments
Take a photo with the iPhone volume button

For anyone who has taken an iPhone photo out in cold weather before, you know how chilly and uncomfortable it is to pull a warm glove off of your hands just so you can snap a quick picture of a nice snowy scene. That is usually necessary because the iPhone requires using the touch screen … Read More

6 Tips for Taking Better Macro Photos with the iPhone Camera

Oct 7, 2012 - 11 Comments
iPhone water drop macro shot

The iPhone is quickly becoming the primary camera for many of us, and though it makes a great point-and-shoot for your average pictures, it can also take surprisingly good close-up and macro shots. With that in mind, here are 5 tips to make the most of macro photography with the iPhone.

How to Use Panorama Camera on iPhone to Take Panoramic Pictures

Sep 28, 2012 - 10 Comments

The Panorama camera is one of the better features of the iPhone Camera app, it makes taking incredible high-quality panoramic pictures ridiculously easy without adding any additional apps to your iPhone. The amazing photography feature is built directly into iOS now and works on all modern iPhone devices as part of the Camera app. If … Read More

iPhone Camera Slow to Open? Here’s How to Fix That

Sep 5, 2012 - 20 Comments
If iPhone Camera Slow to Open, Fix it By Clearing your Camera Roll Photos

When you’re stuck staring at the grey lens shutter graphic for 5 to 10 seconds before you can even take a picture, you’ve likely already missed the shot you were hoping to get. Obviously the quickest way to access the iPhone camera is using the lock screen camera swipe instead of manually launching the Camera … Read More

The Single Most Important Tip for Recording Video on iPhone

Jul 18, 2012 - 29 Comments
iPhone video recording tip

Have you ever noticed that iPhone video gets recorded according to the orientation of the device? If you haven’t noticed that yet, pay attention to it now, because you’ll create significantly better videos if you just rotate the iPhone into horizontal orientation before hitting that record video button.

Make Easy Diptych & Triptychs of Your iPhone Photos with Diptic App

Jul 17, 2012 - 1 Comment
Diptic iPhone app makes diptychs and triptychs easy

Diptic is an app for iPhone and iPad that makes creating diptych and triptych photo collages easier than ever. With a ton of layouts, filters, basic editing tools, and customizations, you can quickly build a visual story using either freshly taken photos or pictures stored in your iPhone camera roll. When you’re finished, Diptic let’s … Read More

Crop Images on iPhone & iPad Easily with Photos App

Jul 14, 2012 - 9 Comments
Crop an image on iPhone

The Photos app in iOS includes a built-in crop tool that works very well for quick edits on the go with the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. The bundled function offers a free transform options, thereby providing the ability to crop an image down to any proportion you’d like.

How to Make iPhone Photos Look Better By Using Auto-Enhance

Jul 13, 2012 - 4 Comments
Auto-Enhance makes Photos from iPhone look better

Want to quickly make an iPhone photo look even better? The iPhone Photos app includes a nice little trick called auto-enhance that will make a few various adjustments to an image that almost always improves the look of the photo being adjusted. It’s not an overwhelming effect by any means, it’s more of a subtle … Read More

Take an iPhone Photo Remotely Using the Earbuds

Jul 7, 2012 - 7 Comments
Take a picture with Camera app by pressing the volume up button on iPhone earbuds

Did you know those white Apple earphones that come bundled with an iPhone can double as a remote shutter button for the iPhone camera? With the additional length of the earbud cable, you can end up taking better group pictures, better selfies, and even better low-light photos because it can dramatically reduce camera shake. There … Read More

Turn the iPhone Camera Into a Macro Lens Using a Water Drop

Mar 12, 2012 - 18 Comments
Dollar zoom with water on iPhone lens

Want a free instant macro lens for your iPhone camera? Carefully apply a tiny drop of water to the lens, flip the iPhone over, and voila, you can suddenly take extreme close ups of just about anything. I know that sounds a little weird, but it works, and the results are fairly impressive.

Enable the iPhone Camera Grid to Take Better Pictures

Mar 4, 2012 - 7 Comments
iPhone camera grid

Turning on the iPhone camera grid makes it easier to take better pictures by offering a simple visual grid guide to improve photo composition. We’ll show you how to enable the grid on iPhone camera, and also how to use the grid to compose photos.

Access Recent Photos by Swiping Left from iPhone Camera App

Jan 24, 2012 - 11 Comments
Swipe left to show Photos

Do you want to view the recent picture(s) you just took with your iPhone camera? Rather than closing out of the Camera app and then launching into the Photos app and then Camera Roll, you can go another route directly from the Camera app!

Phone 4S vs the $2000 Canon 5d MKII [Video]

Oct 31, 2011 - 9 Comments

How does the iPhone 4S’s new cameras 1080p video recording stack up to a pro-level $2300 Canon 5d MKII digital camera? Surprisingly well, as is demonstrated by this video from Robino Films. Both cameras shot footage at the same time and side-by-side, with the scenes in perfect sync so that video can be paused and … Read More

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