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How to Access & Search Safari History on Mac

Apr 10, 2018 - 7 Comments
Safari icon

Just about all modern web browsers default to maintaining a history log of your web browsing activity, and Safari for Mac is no different. This article will focus on how to access your Safari history on the Mac, and also how to search Safari browsing history for specific words, terms, and matches. Accessing and searching … Read More

How to Use Cloudflare DNS on Mac OS for Speed & Privacy

Apr 9, 2018 - 30 Comments
How to use Cloudflare DNS on a Mac

CloudFlare now has a consumer DNS service that is very fast and also centered around privacy. CloudFlare DNS says they won’t log IP addresses or sell your data, which in the modern era is perhaps more important than ever for users who value the vague concept of internet privacy. This article will show you how … Read More

Mac Mouse Double-Clicking Instead of Single Clicking? Here’s the Fix

Apr 6, 2018 - 22 Comments
Single click registering as double click on Mac

Some Mac users may encounter a weird issue where they attempt to single click their mouse or trackpad but a double-click is registered instead of the intended single click. This is obviously frustrating since a double-click in the wrong place can perform actions you may not want to perform, like full screening a window or … Read More

How to Exclude a Word with grep

Apr 5, 2018 - 3 Comments
Terminal in macOS

The grep command line tool is wildly useful for searching through text data for lines and snippets that match a defined string, character, word, or regular expression. While most uses of grep are for sorting data for syntax matches, what if you want to exclude a word or string with grep instead? Excluding line matches … Read More

How to Turn Off Safari Suggestions on Mac

Apr 2, 2018 - 2 Comments
Safari icon

The Safari browser for Mac offers a feature called “Safari Suggestions” which detects what you’re typing into the URL bar / search box and, much like the name implies, offers suggestions based on what you typed. For example, if you type “AAPL” into the Safari Search box, you’ll see the stock price for that ticker … Read More

How to Play MP3 or Audio Without Adding to iTunes Library on Mac

Mar 27, 2018 - 15 Comments
Listen to audio in iTunes without adding to iTunes library

Want to play an mp3, m4a, or audio file on a Mac, but you don’t want to add that MP3 or audio file to your iTunes Library? There are a few different ways to accomplish this task; one approach allows you to play an audio file in an iTunes playlist without copying it to the … Read More

9 of the Best Homebrew Packages for Mac

Mar 26, 2018 - 17 Comments
Top Homebrew packages for Mac

If you’re an advanced Mac user who spends a considerable amount of time at the command line, you likely have Homebrew installed by now. So, how about sharing a list of some of the best Homebrew packages available for Mac users?

How to Make a Window Full Screen on Mac

Mar 25, 2018 - 19 Comments
Make a Window Full Screen on Mac

Want to take a single window and make it full screen on a Mac? This is a fairly common activity for Mac users, particularly if they’re used to the Maximize window button on a Windows PC. It turns out there are a few ways to accomplish the maximization of windows on Mac OS, it’s a … Read More

How to Find Duplicate Files on Mac with DupeGuru

Mar 21, 2018 - 9 Comments
How to Find Duplicate Files on Mac

Are you concerned about duplicate files on a Mac? While most Mac users shouldn’t be bothered by duplicate files as it’s likely that very few if any exist, there are situations where they can be found, thereby adding unnecessary clutter to a Mac file system. For example, the user ~/Downloads folder is a common place … Read More

How to Show the Expanded Print Details Dialog in Mac OS by Default

Mar 19, 2018 - 17 Comments
How to show the expanded Print dialog always in Mac OS

Do you frequently access the detailed printing options when printing from a Mac? If so, you’ll really appreciate this trick to always show the expanded print dialog window and settings screen.

Make a SuperDrive Work on Unsupported Macs? It’s Possible!

Mar 17, 2018 - 50 Comments
SuperDrive on a Mac

The Apple SuperDrive is an external CD / DVD drive that reads and writes to optical discs, and while it works great with many Macs, there are some Mac models where the SuperDrive doesn’t work, like any Mac that happened to come with a built-in optical drive. For the computers that do not support the … Read More

How to Change Audio Import Settings in iTunes on Mac & Windows

Mar 16, 2018 - 5 Comments
Change audio import settings in iTunes for audio encoder and audio quality

If you’re ripping CDs to import a music collection into iTunes on a Mac or Windows PC, you may be interested in knowing that you can change the media encoding for imported music. By default, iTunes will import and rip CDs using the MP3 Encoder at 160kbps, but if you want to change the encoding … Read More

Get Instant Command Line Access from Anywhere in Mac OS with iTerm2

Mar 14, 2018 - 12 Comments
Access a command line from anywhere on the Mac

If you’re a command line user, you can imagine that it’d be useful to have a Terminal window available instantly to you from anywhere on the Mac, whether you’re currently in the Finder, Safari, Xcode, or any other application entirely. Well there’s no need to imagine, with iTerm you can have an instantly available terminal … Read More

How to Make a Copy of Files or Folders on Mac with Duplicate

Mar 11, 2018 - 17 Comments
How to make copy of files or folders on a Mac

If you ever need to make a copy of a file or folder on the Mac, you’ll be happy to know that there is a super-easy way to accomplish that task thanks to the Duplicate File feature in the Mac Finder. The name is self descriptive, as Duplicate will create an exact copy of any … Read More

How to Search Emoji on Mac

Mar 9, 2018 - 4 Comments
Search Emoji on the Mac

You probably know that you can quickly get to Emoji icons on the Mac via keyboard shortcut or menu items, but did you know you can search Emoji on the Mac? Using the Emoji search feature makes it much faster and easier to get to a particular Emoji icon rather than browse through hundreds and … Read More

How to Install Homebrew on Mac

Mar 7, 2018 - 31 Comments
How to install Homebrew on Mac

Advanced Mac users may appreciate using the Homebrew package manager, which greatly simplifies the process of installing command line software and tools on a Mac. For example, if you want to easily install favorite command line tools on a Mac like cask, htop, wget, nmap, tree, irssi, links, colordiff, or virtually any other familiar unix … Read More

How to Find All 32-Bit Apps on a Mac

Mar 6, 2018 - 26 Comments
How to find and view all 32-bit apps on a Mac

MacOS High Sierra is the last macOS release to support 32-bit apps “without compromise” (presumably meaning without performance degradation, and with maximum compatibility), and betas of macOS 10.13.4 are now notifying users if 32-bit apps are being run. This might suggest that 32-bit Mac apps will run through a compatibility mode like Rosetta or Classic … Read More

How to Get the Size of a File or Folder in Mac OS

Mar 4, 2018 - 11 Comments
Get Info shows file size or folder size of an item in Mac OS

Need to know the size of a particular file? Or have you ever wondered how large a particular folder is on a Mac? With a simple trick you an quickly get the size of any file, folder, or item as found within the Finder file system of Mac OS.

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