OS X Yosemite Developer Preview 2 Released by Apple

Jun 17, 2014 - 13 Comments

OS X Yosemite Developer Preview 2

Apple has released OS X Yosemite Developer Preview 2 to Mac users running OS X 10.10 beta builds. The new build includes many bug fixes, feature enhancements, and additions to the beta release of OS X, and arrives versioned as 14A261i. The updated build is available to download through the Mac App Store, and Mac developers can log into the Mac Dev Center to find a promo code. Those registered with both developer programs from Apple will also find iOS 8 beta 2 to be available.

These early OS X Yosemite Developer Preview builds are incomplete and fairly buggy, intended for developers to build and update applications and services for. Installing it on a primary Mac is generally not advised unless Yosemite is installed on a separate partition to keep it away from the primary stable OS X version on the computer. Users can also choose to install OS X 10.10 onto a USB drive or other external volume if desired.

Users who are interested in running beta builds of the next major release of Mac OS X software can sign up for the official OS X Yosemite beta test program through Apple. The first public beta seed is expected to be pushed out early in the summer.

OS X 10.10 Yosemite offers a significant visual overhaul to the Mac operating system as well as many new features. The final public release of OS X Yosemite is expected this fall, possibly alongside iOS 8 and many updates to Apple’s hardware lineup.


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Posted by: Paul Horowitz in Mac OS, News


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  1. E.N.Hering says:

    I installed Yosemite on my primary Mac and I’m beginning to regret it. The ‘Optimising Your Mac’ notification has been on my screen for a few days now, making the computer really, really slow. Mail is unstable, falling twice a day and unable to attach big documents to messages. MacPorts is not ready for Yosemite too. I hope it will be on time for release somewhen in the future. My advice it to wait for the official release.

    • Paul says:

      I agree, Yosemite is not stable enough to be the primary operating system yet, it’s really best used on a secondary Mac or secondary partition. The final version in the fall will be a lot better.

  2. Charles says:

    Currently your 2GB Mac is having to cache out everything to the HD. This puts excessive stress on the HD, causing major slow down Eventually the Harddrive will fail, probably a lot sooner than you would think.

    Add the memory, you will see a major performance jump. You won’t regret it.

  3. Charles says:

    2GB is way too low to run anything these days. I’m a SysAdmin for the company I work for. The bare minimal any Mac can work under these days is 4GB and not well at that. NO amount of optimizations Apple does will change this.

    Fact: RAM is cheap, 4 minimal, 8GB up is best. Not one Mac in my company runs on less than 8GB. A 2010 model will support a max of 8GB

  4. Joe says:

    I was hoping that Apple would work on some optimization but they just keep adding more things that I could care less about. Now Yosemite consumes all my memory. Hopefully something changes before the final release. I was able to look past the new ugly Linux interface but the lack of optimizations just doesn’t cut it. Snow Leopard is still Apple’s best OS.

    • Brendon says:

      How much RAM do you have? And what is the percentage?

      I was wondering if this was going to become a resource hog.

      • Joe says:

        I have a 2010 11″ MacBook Air with 2GB of memory. Mavericks wasn’t too bad but did consume a lot of the memory. Yosemite is now consuming 1.99GB with nothing running except Activity Monitor.

        Like I said though, hopefully this changes before the final release.

        • Mark says:

          Maybe you should consider upgrading your RAM to (At least) 4Gb
          My Mac Mini has 4Gb and sometimes struggles (Running Mavericks)
          2Gb is way too low to run any modern operating system

          • Joe says:

            2GB was just fine on Mavericks for me and I render animations, programming, and so on. Also, you can not upgrade your memory on a MacBook Air.

        • Frappo says:

          By mavericks on, osx uses the compression of RAM, which makes it always “full” and when you open programs, the compression increases. So it is difficult to monitor the responsiveness of the system in terms of available memory, you just have to use it and see how it goes. (ps. anyway for any 64bit operating system now 2gb is the bare minimum)

  5. Birdman says:

    Mail still completely dysfunctional using IMAP.

  6. AJ says:

    Dark Mode is partially included in OS X Yosemite DP2, must use a defaults command and it’s only partially working, not everything there yet.

    To enable dark mode:

    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences AppleInterfaceTheme Dark

    To enable light mode:

    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences AppleInterfaceTheme Light

    Here’s a pic:


    from Twitter and MacRumors



    So far it only changes the Dock and menu bar, here’s to hoping it changes the windows and all other UI elements in OS X Yosemite as well.

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