OS X Yosemite 10.10.4 Beta 3 Released for Developers & Public Beta Users
Apple has released the third beta version of OS X Yosemite 10.10.4 for Mac users who are part of the Mac developer program or participating in the OS X Public Beta. The new build arrives as 14E17e and is compatible with all Macs that can run OS X Yosemite.
The release notes accompanying the beta of OS X 10.10.4 suggest a focus on Photos app and Migration. There are no obvious new features, suggesting the release will primarily be aimed at bug fixes and improvements to the Mac operating system.
Mac users who are opted-in to receive betas and eligible for the OS X beta release can find the download available now from the Mac App Store updates section.
As always, it’s a good idea to back up a Mac before installing any beta software, and it’s best to not run beta releases on primary hardware that is mission critical.
The most recent publicly available stable version of Mac system software is currently OS X 10.10.3.
I don’t have Wi-Fi issue with 10.10.X and I use MBA and upgrade from 10.9.
But, I noticed if there too much wifi around, (especially 2.4G) MBA may confused to connection.
I’m not having WiFi issues.. I guess that is this “problem ” is not getting priority.
btw, it’s a fresh install of Yosemite on a MacBook Air.
Anyone else experiencing hangs on login? My main account would indefinitely hang, but my guest account would login.
Ended up having to do a very long system restore.
Try to boot into “safe mode”.
reset PRAM
repair permission.
I guess that some software incompatible. at login.
If your problem is with discoveryd, try replacing it with mDNSResponder. Directions here:
I didn’t find recent versions of discoveryd were crashing on my machine, but it’s connected with Ethernet, doesn’t support Handoff, and never sleeps. I also don’t have the renaming issue caused by the Sleep Proxy.
If Wi-Fi is broken, turn off Bluetooth, or use Ethernet.
If you can’t turn off Bluetooth, turn off Handoff, AirDrop, and Hotspot.
Tell the world what you find.
Or just f*** it, and move to Windows. I’m teetering on the precipice myself. Why not? The mediocrity is now so bad–what possible difference can it make, anyway?
Do not follow the arstechnica article, it will make your situation worse and users are bound to break something in the process. Apple will eventually fix this stuff, probably OS X 10.11.1 or OS X 10.11.5
Ah well, that’s alright then! I’ll just wait here, patiently …
I followed the Ars Technica directions, and didn’t have any trouble at all. I’m a Unix head, though–perhaps beginning users may get it wrong, in which case it may be better to avoid, or make a full backup before you start.
A vast majority of Apple users are having problems with Yosemite and WIFI.
I am personally not having any issues, but I am writing this comment, after reading some of the earlier comments on the problem.
Why should anybody having the problem, be interested if someone and all of his friends are not having the problem. Reading in between the lines it’s as if the customers having this WIFI issue are lying.
There are thousands could be millions of Apple customers with a WIFI problem with Yosemite. Instead of questioning customers with the problem, let us all help one another by bombarding Apples with e-mails letting them no that ALL Apple users are just not satisfied with their attitude in facing the issue of Yosemite and WIFI.
A few hundred users with WiFi problems is not the “vast majority” out of tens of millions without issues. Buy a new Airport Extreme and fly!
Typical iSheep. When you existing overpriced Apple product doesn’t work, run out and buy more Apple products! Brainwashed.
Those of you who continuously shout out ”i have wifi problems” should also post information about their network settings, speed tests and wifi scans. There are a lot of people out there using Yosemite without issues – apart from those existing with Mavericks, because yeah, there have also been issues. There may come a time when we all have to update routers and network settings. Note that other wifi networks around you may jam your signal – you can’t control other people’s networks.
That stated, i have seen improvements with 10.10.3 in memory usage – dropped to about a half in normal usage, like browsing and light photoshop. Working with bluetooth devices and wifi also seems to have been improved, although the wifi speed decreased when connected to the magic mouse. Not sure with battery life on my 2013 Macbook pro, which looks about the same.
I am a Mac fan boy… I have all the devices since the beginning of time…And I read all these notes about problems people have… And I always update first thing… I am somewhat of a power user… I have always followed the installation directions carefully… I have NEVER had 1 ounce of trouble… just saying…
I guess I should hope that my luck continues…
Bull. You claim to be a “power user” yet install any updates “first thing” and “followed the installation directions carefully”. These statements make you a noob.
A couple of helpful tips for fixing Wi-Fi for me were found here on OSXDaily:
I do notice that when other Macs or iPhones on the wi-fi network are in use the network speed tanks, which is weird. I read that is discoveryd and the only solution is to reboot everything, which is crazy.
Generally speaking, I created a new network location, and wi-fi has worked fine albeit slower with Yosemite than it was with prior releases. It could be sensitive to specific routers, I don’t know.
Let’s hope OS X 10.11 is a big bug fix and performance fix release focusing on speed and stability. OS X Yosemite feels weirdly slow on a 2015 MacBook Pro, this thing is brand new it should be screaming!
I think you should look towards your router. Don’t buy the cheapest.
Everyone still having problems with OS X Yosemite wifi and discoveryd should all send an email to long_phung@apple.com. I had a long discussion with this guy last week about this issue. He is a customer relations rep. I told him that AppleCare had the insane idea that I should completely erase and reinstall my system and not install any of my apps just so that they could test. He seemed to think that this is an acceptable way to troubleshoot. I don’t. This is a known bug, and Apple has admitted as much. Email this guy and tell him you’re not happy. Maybe if we light a fire under someone’s butt at Apple this might actually get fixed.
Everyone is not having wi-fi problems. :)
Well that’s just dandy, but a lot of people are. Do you have anything useful to add?
I think his useful point is that not everyone is having WiFi problems. That includes myself and all the people at my business. No issues. Not everyone, that was his point. Get it?
Also, sharing an internal Apple email address with the entire web is extremely tacky.
It’s not this guy who should be targeted here. You can always use: feedback@apple.com.
Use “feedback@apple.com”… who cute, and naive. That is the digital equivalent of “File 13”.
I am not having any wifi problems on either my 2012 MacMini nor my 2010 MacBook Pro. The only wifi problems I get is on my work’s Windows 7 laptop which loses signal, drops the connection then cannot find the Wifi on its own. Awful!
You are an irrelevant data point to those that are having issues, including me.
Howie did not write, “Everyone is still having problems..”. He wrote, “Everyone still having problems…”. See the difference?
Agreed with “Toddies W.”, well, Yosemite is a real “Fiasco”….to much work with the Ipod_Watch..for leavins the essential on the other side…& the MAC’S also by the way…
Anyway, slowly, slowly & every day since months already…ppl receive 5/5 the Apple message & begin to switch as well…( again ! ) & other are burning by waiting windows 10 for leaving Apple definitedly,who care today only on them Idevices…
It’s a Big Apple Fan talking….more than 23 years with Apple, & ready to leave this OSX & this company who do not care anymore to them customers….
Tim Cook Apple CEO is more interested in promoting gay rights, insulting and threatening stock holders, insulting traditional marriage, christians and American values.
Like any hypocrite, he is more concerned with having apple stores throughout the middle east where being gay is illegal and gays are stoned to death.
Tim Cooks, priorities are not with Apple customers.
Perfect MATE this is great comment
Please take your bigoted views elsewhere.
What did he say that was bigoted or incorrect?
Now, now, let it all out … How do you REALLY feel?
Why can’t you Amercans leave your religion at home?
This is both offensive and unneeded on a Technology website.
Uh, oh… someone’s mythology is being threatened…
It is NOT a mythology site.
if it is true it is true. if it is not true it is not true. BOTH positions are of no interest whatever.
This is a thread about Yosemite.
It is not a thread about sexual preferences or magical thinking.
Personally, I regret placing my trust in Apple again. I will not be a beta tester for them again. Yosemite played havoc with my computer and not only with its WiFi function.
Folks concerned by this flaky OS are folks with real concerns – ABOUT YOSEMITE!
Now THAT was a funny comment… “mythology threatened”.
No problem with my OS X except minor issues. but much lesser than windows.
FAR superior than windows 8 or 10 Beta. I am happy
Did they give up on fixing wi-fi and networking? How about the discoveryd mess?
In a month we’re going to have an entirely new beta release of OS X 10.11 to work with… that’s going to be a real joy too.
I am still having daily problems with wi-fi, ever since using Yosemite… what gives?
I dunno. I am having zero wi-fi problems.
This is the best summary of the issue I have read: http://furbo.org/2015/05/05/discoveryd-clusterfuck/