Instantly Resize Finder Column View to Fit File Names in Mac OS X

Oct 10, 2013 - 8 Comments

Instantly resize Finder column view to fit file and folder names

Column View is one of the more useful file browsing view settings in the Mac OS X Finder, but it has a usability flaw that’s initially visible to most users; file names and folders often don’t fit, thus they wind up truncated and become unreadable.

Rather than dragging around every single column to accommodate the appropriate file size to make them readable, you can use a super-simple trick instead to instantly resize the columns to fit the names which are visible.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

How to Move an iTunes Library to an External Drive or USB Flash Stick

Oct 9, 2013 - 9 Comments

Have you ever wondered if you can keep your entire iTunes Library on an external drive, freeing up disk space and providing for a portable music and media library? The answer is yes, you can, and it’s actually pretty easy to offload an entire iTunes collection to another drive, whether you’re using a Mac or Windows PC.

iTunes library on an external drive
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By Paul Horowitz - iTunes, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 9 Comments

How to Fix the Keyboard Typing Lag with iOS 7 on Older Devices

Oct 9, 2013 - 2 Comments

Some users have noticed that certain older iPhone and iPad models feel slower after updating to iOS 7. We’ve offered a variety of tips to speed things up, but one persistent issue that has we’ve been contacted about regards the mysterious keyboard lag and typing delay that seems to only apply to older devices, where there is a sizable delay between tapping a key and the character appearing on screen.

Keyboard in iOS 7 can sometimes be laggy to type on
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iPad 5, iPad Mini 2, Mac Pro, & OS X Mavericks Event Set for October 22

Oct 8, 2013 - Leave a Comment

Apple will unveil new iPad models on Tuesday, October 22, according to a report from the well-connected AllThingsD. Though a new iPad 5 and iPad Mini will be the star attractions of the event, Apple will also spend some time discussing the hotly anticipated new Mac Pro, and OS X Mavericks, suggesting those products release dates are also imminent.

iPad event date for October 22
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By Paul Horowitz - News, Rumor - Leave a Comment

3 Awesome Built-In Utilities Make Your iPhone a Multi-Tool

Oct 8, 2013 - Leave a Comment

iPhone does everything

Sure your iPhone can make phone calls, check your email, browse the web, play games, and a million and one other things, but thanks to iOS 7 your iPhone can now double as a multi-tool digital swiss army knife too (minus the blade, of course). A fair amount of users will already be aware of these features, but you’ll also find plenty of people who are in awe that an iPhone is able to become a flashlight, a level, and a compass, just with a tap or two, and that’s what we’ll show you how to do.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPhone, Tips & Tricks - Leave a Comment

Add Time Zone Support to Calendar for iOS

Oct 7, 2013 - 1 Comment

Calendar icon in iOS 7 Those who use Calendar for iOS and who also happen to travel between time zones may have noticed the events show based upon the iPhone or iPads current location rather than a defined time zone, this can cause some scheduled times to be off if you’re not expecting that behavior. The problem with that is pretty obvious for anyone who relies on Calendar for scheduling, but thankfully the solution is easy too, you simply need to enable Time Zone Support in the Calendar settings. This allows you to set a specific time zone for any event, alleviating much of the potential confusion:

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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 1 Comment

Find a Mac Serial Number the Easy Way: Have it Spoken to You

Oct 6, 2013 - 1 Comment

Get a Mac Serial Number the easy way from About This Mac overview

Having a Macs serial number is important for when you’re ordering AppleCare extended warranties, checking on the status of your current warranty or repairs, or even when just contacting tech support whether it’s Apple or another third party support solution through the phone.

Because you’ll likely need a Macs serial number at some point in time, we will show you two ways to retrieve the hardware serial number from Mac OS X, an easy visual way, and an auditory method where it will be spoken to you as well.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 1 Comment

iTunes Radio Missing from Music App? Here’s How To Get It Back in iOS

Oct 6, 2013 - 34 Comments

iTunes Radio is a really great streaming music service from Apple accessible with iTunes on the desktop and iOS for the mobile world. But a peculiar bug is impacting some iOS devices where the Radio button disappears entirely at random from the iOS Music app for many iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch users. This obviously causes the entire iTunes Radio service to also go missing from iOS, here’s what this looks like when you launch Music app:

iTunes Radio missing,  here is how to fix that
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How to Switch the Voice of Siri to a Guy or Girl on iPhone & iPad

Oct 5, 2013 - Leave a Comment

Siri Logo As you may have noticed by now, Siri’s voice often gets an overhaul in the new iOS versions, adjusted just slightly from the now famous female voice used in countless Apple commercials to a variation that is just slightly different, but a bit more refined. The new voice sounds great, but if for some reason you aren’t thrilled with Siri’s new voice, or you’d just prefer to hear something different for a while, you can actually change Siri’s voice completely by switching the voice gender. Doing this directly is a Settings feature added along with iOS, and here’s how to switch Siri from a guy or girl:

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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - Leave a Comment

5 Simple Usability Improvements for iOS

Oct 4, 2013 - 1 Comment

A few simple settings adjustments can go a long way to improving the overall usability of modern iOS versions, including iOS 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, and anything since the iOS 7 redesign, whether running on an iPhone, iPod touch, or the larger screened iPad models. We’ll show you how to quickly boost the text size which can help to reduce eye strain, enable bolder fonts for easier reading of just about everything, make settings toggles more obvious, improve the general appearance of the home screen, and also how to reduce the likelihood of getting motion sickness from the parallax eyecandy.

iOS 7 Usability Tips
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 1 Comment

OS X Mavericks GM Available for Developer Download, Public Release Soon

Oct 3, 2013 - Leave a Comment

Apple has released OS X Mavericks GM to those registered with the Mac Developer program. The GM (Golden Master) build is the final release version of OS X 10.9, ending the Developer Preview beta process and indicating that a wider public release of Mavericks will arrive shortly in the coming weeks.

OS X Mavericks GM

Registered developers can download the GM build from the Mac App Store as usual. Those interested in performing a clean install can use a redemption code to download the installer, which can then be made into a Mavericks install drive using a USB stick or external drive.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, News - Leave a Comment

Jump to the End or Start of a Document with a Simple Mac Keystroke

Oct 3, 2013 - 3 Comments

Navigate to the Start or End of documents with Mac keystrokes

A couple of easy to remember keyboard shortcuts will dramatically boost your productivity when navigating around documents and webpages throughout OS X, giving you the ability to instantly jump to the beginning or end of a scrollable document.

These are universal on all Macs and should work regardless of what keyboard you’re using, so whether it’s an official Apple keyboard or a third party Mac keyboard, you’ll be able to quickly get to the beginning of a document or the end of one with a simple keystroke.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 3 Comments

OS X 10.8.5 Supplemental Update & iTunes 11.1.1 Released

Oct 3, 2013 - Leave a Comment

Apple has released two minor software updates for Mac users, OS X 10.8.5 Supplemental Update and iTunes 11.1.1. Users who are currently running OS X Mountain Lion will find the Supplemental Update available in Software Update, and all users with iTunes 11.1 installed will find the 11.1.1 update available there as well.

OS X 10.8.5 supplemental update and iTunes 11.1.1

The two updates are fairly minor but are recommended for all Macs that are eligible for the updates. OS X users can download both of the updates right now from Software Update and the Mac App Store, as accessed through the  Apple menu.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, News - Leave a Comment

Search for Text on a Web Page in Safari with iOS 8 and iOS 7

Oct 3, 2013 - 15 Comments

Safari icon Finding words and searching for text directly on webpages in Safari post iOS 8 and iOS 7 has changed slightly, and though there seems to be significant confusion about how to use the new find words and phrases feature, rest assured the feature has not been removed from Safari, the find feature is just accessed slightly different than it was before.

To demonstrate how “find on page” works in the new version of Safari, let’s run through a sample search with some screenshots looking right here on for the phrase “multitouch trick”.

As you’ll see, this is a multiple step process that uses the URL bar to function as a Search bar… it works well once you learn how to use it.

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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 15 Comments

How to Enable NTFS Write Support in Mac OS X

Oct 2, 2013 - 66 Comments

NTFS write support in Mac OS X Mac OS X has always been able to read NTFS drives, but tucked away in Mac OS X is a hidden option to enable write support to drives formatted as NTFS (NTFS stands for New Technology File System and is a proprietary file system format for Microsoft Windows). Enabling NTFS write support on the Mac is fairly technical and it’s not officially supported by Apple, making it an experimental feature that is best left in the hands of advanced users who understand the process and the potential repercussions.

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Listen to iTunes Radio from Outside the USA with a New Apple ID

Oct 1, 2013 - 5 Comments

iTunes Radio iTunes Radio is an excellent streaming music service from Apple. We’ve covered a few different tweaks and tips for the service recently, but at the moment the Radio feature is limited to USA-based users. But for international readers, rather than waiting for the rollout to arrive at your location, you can use a simple trick to listen to iTunes Radio from anywhere in the world, without having to rely on a proxy service.
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By Paul Horowitz - iTunes, Tips & Tricks - 5 Comments

View Time Stamps for Messages on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch

Oct 1, 2013 - 1 Comment

Messages The Messages app for iOS now gives everyone the ability to see time stamps for any sent message or received message directly in the app. This lets you know exact times of correspondence when any message was sent or received, providing the precise hour and minute for each individual element of dialog. This is a handy trick that is easy to miss on iPhone and iPad, but also just as easy to use once you know it’s there and how it works.

Here’s how to see timestamps for conversations on Messages for iOS:

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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 1 Comment

configd: Fixing High CPU Usage Problems with the configd Process in Mac OS X

Sep 30, 2013 - 3 Comments

configd is a system configuration daemon that runs behind Mac OS X, most users will never notice or see the core OS X process running in the background of their Macs. With that said, configd can sometimes act up and cause unusual CPU spikes and fan activity making your Mac sound like a wind tunnel. Odd configd behavior is easily diagnosed by launching Activity Monitor, sorting by the “% CPU” option, and seeing the ‘configd’ root user process sitting at the top taking up somewhere between 20-95% CPU. If that behavior lasts for a minute or so it’s usually not a big deal, temporary spikes can be normal so just let it run and ignore it, but there are times where configd can go inexplicably errant and it’ll sit around 50% CPU utilization or more for hours for no obvious reason – that is what we’re looking to resolve here.

Fix configd gone wild in Mac OS X
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Troubleshooting - 3 Comments

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