CDMA iPhone 4 unlocked, Pay-as-you-go Cricket iPhone 4 now possible

Mar 7, 2011 - 3 Comments


The CDMA iPhone 4 has been unlocked in the USA, allowing you to use the iPhone as a pay-as-you-go phone on Cricket Wireless. Comments from the YouTube video (embedded below) suggest that Cricket stores are performing the service for $125 and that the iPhone 4 will then work on Cricket or MetroPCS networks as a pay-as-you-go phone.

What’s required? You’ll have to get your hands on an off-contract Verizon iPhone 4 (or pay the termination fee), and then you’ll need to jailbreak the iPhone 4 and take it over to Cricket wireless for some custom MMS update. The process seems similar to what China Telecom figured out with their own unlocked CMDA iPhone.

Pay-as-you-go iPhones work, but not officially supported… yet
Remember, no iPhone has been officially released as a pay as you go phone, but we have showed you how to get an iPhone 4 setup as a pay-go AT&T phone and you can also setup a prepaid iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G too. Both of these work without jailbreaking if you stay with AT&T’s Pay Go plans.

An official prepaid iPhone may be in the works though, as hinted by Apple’s COO Tim Cook, but it’s unclear whether such a device would be intended for the US market.

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By Matt Chan - iPhone, News - 3 Comments

Install & Run Mac OS X 10.7 Lion in a Virtual Machine with VMWare

Mar 7, 2011 - 38 Comments


Update 9/14/2011: Installing Mac OS X Lion within a virtual machine is made significantly easier with VMWare Fusion 4. All you need to do is:

  • Go to the File menu and select “New”
  • Locate the “Install Mac OS X” (here’s how to redownload Lion from the App Store) in your /Applications/ folder and drag that into the “New Virtual Machine Assistant” window
  • Choose Continue and select your settings, and boot the VM

Installation of Lion is extremely fast, and you are then able to boot and use your virtual OS X 10.7 install.

The older method is repeated below for posterity sake:

If you want to run Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Developer Preview but you don’t want to bother setting up another partition or upgrading your existing Mac OS X 10.6 installation, you can go with a third option: running Lion in a virtual machine with VMWare.

This is really only recommended for more technically inclined Mac OS X users. If you’re serious about Lion development, remember that virtual machines have their limitations, and you should probably just setup a dedicated partition to run the developer preview directly. Having a dedicated partition will ultimately perform better and the installation process is a lot easier than setting this up to run in VMware. Anyway, if you want to try out Lion in a VM, here’s what you’ll need:

Requirements to Install & Run Mac OS X 10.7 Lion in VMWare:

Regarding the RAM requirement, VMware and virtual machines in general perform best with a lot of RAM, if you plan on using them often on your Mac it’s highly recommended to upgrade to 8GB. With how cheap RAM is these days, I consider it an essential upgrade for power users. If you’re curious, you can read my review of 8GB RAM upgrade for a MacBook Pro where I detail the advantages of having a bunch of memory.

The Walkthrough:

Update: seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth, here’s the walkthrough repeated below via Google Cache:

Everything ready? Then check out the great walkthrough from ObviousLogic: Installing Lion in VMware, it’s broken down into 12 steps that are easy to follow.

Installing Mac OS X Lion in VMware

Shhh! Don’t tell anyone.


Yay! The developer version of OS X Lion is out in the wild!!! Not going to say where I got it from, but I have it and I want to play with it!

But… Being ill-gotten and a pre-beta release, I really don’t want to install it on a hard drive and boot my iMac off of it. Who knows what crazy things could happen? Would suck if something was wrong with the file system (or a virus installed) and it wiped all attached drives!!! So, since I already use VMware Fusion for my OpenBSD web server, why not run Lion in a virtual machine!?

Issue 1. Only server versions of Mac OS X can be run in a virtual machine. Well there’s an easy way around that. Seems the system only checks for the existence of a single file, which can be created to appease the VM Gods.

Issue 2. Lion’s installation and boot process is a lot different and the VM doesn’t know what to make of it – booting from a disk image makes the VM cower into a corner and cry for help. Or just get outright hostile and tell you, “Not here, Jack!” But, as it turns out, there’s a way around that as well. Not as easy as the first obstacle, but possible nonetheless.

Step 1: Create a blank disk image.

Using Disk Utility, create and mount a new image with the following settings,

Name: MyInstaller
Size: 5 GB
Format: Mac OS X Extended
Encryption: none
Partitions: Single partition – Apple Partition Map
Image Format: DVD/CD master
You can name it whatever you want, but be sure to modify the steps below accordingly.

Step 2: Mount the Lion installer image.

The image I obtained mounts as ‘Mac OS X Install ESD’. If yours mounts as something different, then you will need to make any necessary changes to reflect that in the following steps.

Step 3: Mount the Base System image.

The Lion installer image contains a bunch of hidden files, to get to them you’ll need to run the Terminal application. One of these hidden files is BaseSystem.dmg which is used to boot the system.

$ cd “/Volumes/Mac OS X Install ESD”
$ open BaseSystem.dmg

The volume will mount as ‘Mac OS X Base System’

Step 4: Copy the base system.

The entire contents of the base system needs to be copied to your installer image. The ‘Restore’ feature in Disk Utility works great for this. Once that is finished, you can eject the BaseSystem image, it is no longer needed.

Please note, if you chose to “Erase destination”, your installer image will now have the same name as the source, ‘Mac OS X Base System’. I rename mine back to ‘MyInstaller’.

Step 5: Setup the ‘kernelcache’ file.

First the file needs to be copied from the Lion installer image to your installer image, then the boot configuration file updated to specify the location of the file.

$ cp “/Volumes/Mac OS X Install ESD/kernelcache” /Volumes/MyInstaller/kernelcache

$ cd /Volumes/MyInstaller/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/
$ sudo vi

Make sure the boot file contains at least the following key/value to specify the location of the kernelcache file,

Kernel Cache

Step 6: Copy the installation Packages.

Before the packages can be copied from the Lion installer image, there’s a file on your installer image that needs to be deleted.

$ sudo rm /Volumes/MyInstaller/System/Installation/Packages

$ sudo cp -R “/Volumes/Mac OS X Install ESD/Packages” /Volumes/MyInstaller/System/Installation/Packages

The copy (cp) command will take a few minutes; it’s copying a few gigabytes of data, so be patient.

Step 7: Flag the system as a server installation.

Again, in order to boot an OS X volume in VMware, it needs to be a server. The system checks for the existence of a file in a specific location; you can imitate a server installation simply by creating that file.

$ cd /Volumes/MyInstaller/System/Library/CoreServices
$ sudo touch ServerVersion.plist

That’s it for the installation disk. Both installer images can be ejected.

Step 8: Create a virtual machine.

This shouldn’t be anything new to you, but I’ll go through each step anyway.

Open VMware Fusion and select “New…” from the File menu.
Click the “Continue without disc” button.
Select “Create a custom virtual machine” and then Continue.
Select ‘Operating System: Apple Mac OS X’ and ‘Version: Mac OS X Server 10.6 64-bit’, then click Continue.
Click the “Customize Settings” button, then name and save the new virtual machine.
Choose “CDs & DVDs” from Settings, then click “Use disc image” and select your installer image.
Choose “Hard disks” from Settings, deselect “Split into 2 GB files” for the pre-created hard drive and click “Apply”. *
Feel free to make any other changes to the settings with one caveat, you must use a SCSI hard disk; IDE drives are not recognized by the installer after it boots. Also, if the hard disk is going to be used as a boot disk, it cannot be split into separate 2 GB files, so make sure to deselect that option when the HD is created.

Step 9: Replace the VMs NVRAM.

The default NVRAM will boot up previous OS X systems, but it will not boot up a Lion volume. I have a VM that I initially used as a Snow Leopard system. Booting into that system seems to have set the NVRAM so that it will know how to boot a Lion volume. Here is the NVRAM file from that VM. You can download it and use it in your VM.

Download and uncompress the nvram file.
Locate your VM within the Finder, right click and select “Show Package Contents”.
Delete the current nvram file if one exists.
Copy the downloaded nvram file into the folder and rename it to match the name of your VM; mine is named, “Mac OS X 10.7”, so the nvram file would be renamed to “Mac OS X 10.7.nvram”
Now you should be able to run the VM and it will boot up to being the installation process.

Step 10: Installing Lion.

After the installation disk boots up, the first thing you should do is run Disk Utility and format the hard drive. All the norms apply; GUID partition map, Mac OS X Extended (Journaled) format, etc. When done, Quit to return to the installer.

Continue with the installation.

When the installation is complete, it will attempt to reboot the VM using the freshly installed OS on the hard disk. It won’t boot, because it’s not a server installation.

Step 11: Forcing the VM to boot from the CD.

VMware will not let you change the startup disk in the VMs settings, so you’ll have to force a change while the VM is running.

Start the VM. As soon as you see the vmware splash screen, hit the escape key. This will bring you to a boot menu, select “Boot Manager”

This will then bring you to another menu where you choose which device to boot from. With “Mac OS X” selected, you can look at the ‘Device Path’ info on the right side of the screen to see the path to the default OS X boot device (this should be the hard disk). You can then move through the list to determine which device would be the CD to boot from. (The Pci or Scsi numbers will be different.) If you choose the wrong device the first time, you can just restart the VM and choose another until you get it right.

Step 12: Flag the new system as a server installation.

After the VM boots from the install disk again, run the Terminal from the Utilities menu.

I labeled my HD, “OS X Lion HD” when I initialized it, so I would enter the following to ‘touch’ the system,

# touch “/Volumes/OS X Lion HD/System/Library/CoreServices/ServerVersion.plist”

Now you can quit the Terminal, choose Startup Disk from the Utilities menu and restart from the hard disk.

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By William Pearson - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 38 Comments

Click & Drag URLs in Twitter for Mac

Mar 7, 2011 - 1 Comment

Twitter for Mac icon You can click and drag any URL in Twitter for Mac to another application, this is particularly helpful if you want to open a URL in a different browser rather than the default web browser set system-wide in OS X.

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By William Pearson - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 1 Comment

How to use iPhone 4 as a Pay-Go iPhone

Mar 6, 2011 - 259 Comments

iphone-4-pay-go Want to turn an iPhone 4 into a pay go phone? David chimed in on our past prepaid iPhone article to describe how he got his iPhone 4 setup with a pay-go plan by transferring sim cards with AT&T. This method works to get pay-go calling and data use!

How to setup an iPhone 4 as a Pay-Go phone

Note: this applies to the AT&T iPhone 4 model only:

  • Be sure you have an existing pre-paid phone with an existing pay-go sim card
  • Get an iPhone 4 off contract with a micro sim (FYI: you can buy iPhone 4 without contract directly from AT&T or Apple, but it’s expensive)
  • Call AT&T at 1-800-331-0500 and say “Customer Service” to talk to a service representative
  • Request assistance in transferring your old pay-go plan to a new sim card
  • Provide the old pay-go sim card ICCID number and the new micro sim ICCID (from the new iPhone 4 About Screen or iTunes)
  • Provide your iPhone IMEI number, printed on the microsim caddy or from the iPhone About screen
  • AT&T will recognize from the IMEI and ICCID that this is an iPhone 4, they will say that while they can do the transfer you will not be able to use the internet (read on for enabling data). Agree to this, and get the pay-go line transferred to your new micro sim
  • Now connect the iPhone 4 to iTunes to activate the phone, once activated you will be able to make phone calls on a pay-go basis

You may need to restart the iPhone once to get calls to work, but activation is usually immediate after speaking with AT&T customer service.

Now that you have the pay-go calling part taken care of, you can get data working too by installing a custom APN.

Note: Some users say this requires a jailbreak and others have been able to get it working without one, here’s how to jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 with Greenpois0n RC if you require a jailbreak.

How to Enable Data & Internet on a Pay-Go iPhone 4

Again, this applies to the AT&T (GSM) iPhone 4:

  • Jailbreak the newly activated iPhone 4
  • Connect your iPhone 4 to a WiFi network so that you can access the web
  • From the iPhone 4, open Safari and visit and tap “Continue”
  • Choose “Custom APN” and select AT&T as your carrier
  • Tap on “Create Profile” to download and install the new custom APN

Once you get a “Profile Installed” message, your custom APN profile will be working. Now restart the iPhone 4 and try using your data plan, it should work perfectly. You may want to temporarily disable WiFi on the iPhone to be sure that your are using the data network and not WiFi while you test this.

Don’t have an iPhone 4? No problem, setup an iPhone 3G or 3GS as a pre-paid iPhone, it’s even easier since you can just swap sim cards directly!

Thanks for the iPhone 4 instructions, David!

By William Pearson - iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 259 Comments

How to Move the iPhone & iPad iTunes Backup folder to an External Hard Drive

Mar 5, 2011 - 98 Comments


If you have a Mac with an SSD or otherwise limited disk space (like the MacBook Air 11″ with a 64GB drive), you might consider moving your iPhone backup folder to another drive to save some of that precious SSD space.

Before proceeding you might want to determine if this is necessary for you. Do this by checking the size of the iTunes “Backup” folder that we reference below, just click on it and select “Get Info” to calculate it’s size. In my case, the Backup folder is 6GB, so with the small MacBook Air SSD I could immediately save 10% of disk space by relocating the backup elsewhere. With this in mind, here’s how to move the often large iTunes backup to an external drive.
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By William Pearson - iPad, iPhone, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 98 Comments

Mac Setups: MacBook Pro 15″ & 24″ Apple Cinema Display

Mar 5, 2011 - 3 Comments


Here a MacBook Pro 15″ is connected to a 24″ Apple Cinema Display, with an iPad, iPhone 4, and iPhone 3G in there to round out the Apple lineup. If you’re not using dual displays with your Mac laptop, you’re missing out on a nice productivity boost and I’d highly recommend picking one up.

This Mac setup comes from Flickr.

By William Pearson - Mac Setups - 3 Comments

Minimal Date, Time, and Day Screen Saver

Mar 5, 2011 - 10 Comments


A few weeks ago my microwave broke, which you might think has nothing to do with clocks but I actually never use the microwave for anything except to check the time. With the giant clock aka microwave broken, I set about to find some clock screen savers for Mac OS X so my unused Mac could tell me the time. The first one I came across is the retro styled flip clock screen saver Fliqlo, which I really like but it doesn’t count seconds, so I searched around some more and came across “Today” which you can see in the screenshot above.
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By Paul Horowitz - Customize, Mac OS - 10 Comments

Mac OS X 10.6 to Get SSD TRIM Support? New MacBook Pro Suggest Yes

Mar 4, 2011 - 20 Comments


It was recently discovered that Mac OS X Lion will have SSD TRIM support, but OS X users with SSD devices may not have to wait until 10.7 is released this summer to get TRIM support.

AppleInsider has discovered that newly released MacBook Pro 2011 updates are shipping with a unique build of Mac OS X 10.6.6 Snow Leopard that includes native TRIM support for SSD drives. Thus far the custom 10.6.6 build 10J3210 has only been reported to appear on the latest MacBook Pro models, while existing OS X 10.6.6 installations remain at build 10J567.

This information strongly suggests that Apple may release a software update to Mac OS X 10.6 that includes the native TRIM function, this would be a welcome update for Mac users with solid state drives. It is possible that TRIM could arrive with Mac OS X 10.6.7, but this is only speculation.

Update: Ethan submitted the following screenshot corroborating that SSD TRIM support is included in new versions of 10.6.6:


This is from the new MacBook Pro 13″ Core i7 2.7GHz model.

By Manish Patel - Mac OS, News - 20 Comments

WiFi Personal Hotspot now on AT&T iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3, but jailbreaking is cheaper

Mar 4, 2011 - 66 Comments


News that iOS 4.3 will bring the WiFi Personal Hotspot feature to AT&T iPhone 4’s is welcome, but I’m going to reiterate my opinion from the past regarding the Personal Hotspot usage fee. If you missed it, it goes like this: what you’re really paying for is convenience and ease of use.

Jailbreaking & MyWi vs AT&T’s Personal Hotspot

Here’s how this breaks down:

  • Jailbreaking & MyWi: Slightly more technical to enable, requires jailbreaking the iPhone, one time $20 MyWi purchase, works on iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 with any version of iOS.
  • AT&T Personal Hotspot: Convenient & easily enabled, costs $20 every month in addition to your standard data plan charges, works only on iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3.

Just like with Verizon, paying for AT&T’s Hotspot use over the course of the year will rack up $240 in additional charges. If you jailbreak and use MyWi, you pay $20 once for the app and then you just use your existing data plan.

Who should pay the AT&T Personal Hotspot fee? And who should jailbreak?
As I’ve said before, paying AT&T (or Verizon) the personal hotspot usage fee is for those who want ease and convenience. There’s practically no setup involved, it’s just signing up for the hotspot plan and then selecting the option on the iPhone 4 to enable the feature, it’s as easy as it gets. For anyone that is less technical or who doesn’t mind paying for simplicity, forking over the cash to AT&T or Verizon is the way to go.

And then there’s people like me. If you’re technically inclined and familiar with jailbreaking, just buy MyWi and create your own iPhone wireless hotspot (it works on older iPhones too, while Personal Hotspot is limited to iPhone 4 only). The other nice thing about MyWi is that it offers a free 3 day trial, so you can jailbreak your phone and then test out the wireless hotspot functionality without any obligation to buy anything. If you hate it or it doesn’t work for you, reverse the jailbreak and just go with the monthly plan option.

PS: Jailbreaking is legal
Finally, a reminder that jailbreaking is not illegal. No Apple doesn’t like jailbreaks, and you’ll want to undo the jailbreak by restoring your iPhone before you take it in for Apple service, but it’s perfectly legal.

By Paul Horowitz - iPhone, News - 66 Comments

Hilarious Apple Corporate Video from 1984: “Leading the Way”

Mar 4, 2011 - 21 Comments

This glorious piece of work is an Apple corporate video from 1984 that was apparently used during the original Macintosh launch to get the sales team stoked. Three decades later, the video is still working its magic. From the production, to styles, to the Apple hardware, retro  Apple logo, to the amazingly eighties soundtrack of a super cheesy “We are Apple, Leading the Way” theme song, you absolutely can’t miss this.

Be sure you turn your speakers sound on and way up for this one, it’s hysterical and so very 80’s.

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By Paul Horowitz - Fun, Retro - 21 Comments

Activate Tab Overview in Chrome to get Expose for the web

Mar 4, 2011 - 20 Comments


If you’re a heavy tab user, pay attention. With Chrome 9 or later, you can activate a really cool hidden feature called “Tab Overview” that works great with Mac multi-touch devices. The name Tab Overview doesn’t really describe much of anything, but the behavior of Tab Overview is basically like Mac OS X’s Expose but for your Chrome tabs.

How to enable Tab Overview in Chrome

This should be cross platform, but you’ll need Chrome 9 or later and a multi-touch device, then:

  • type “about:flags” in the Chrome URL bar and hit return
  • Under “Experiments” look for “Tab Overview” and click on ‘Enable’
  • Restart Chrome for changes to take effect

Relaunch Chrome and open a few tabs, then use a three-finger swipe down on your multitouch trackpad or mouse to activate the Expose-like tab overview.

By Paul Horowitz - Tips & Tricks - 20 Comments

Where to Buy iPad 2

Mar 3, 2011 - 15 Comments


You’ve already drooled over iPad 2 specs and decided you want one, right? Great, but it might not be that easy. Considering there are no pre-orders this time around, there could be long lines and you’ll probably be competing against campers and early birds. What to do? Know where to shop and increase your odds!

Where to Buy iPad 2

iPad 2 becomes available for sale on March 11 at 5pm, here’s where you’ll be able to buy it:

  • Apple Store – expect long lines and waits, maybe even campers
  • Apple Store Online – if you’re patient enough to wait for shipping to begin on March 11, buying online will be the easiest way to get hands on the new iPad
  • Best Buy – iPad 2 will be available for sale in all Best Buy stores, no word on quantity in stock, so don’t be surprised if these sell out too
  • Walmart – if you don’t live near an Apple Store, you probably live near a Walmart, and they’re expected to have iPad 2 in stock starting on March 11
  • Sams Club – Walmart’s sister membership store will also carry iPad 2
  • Target – Target has also confirmed they will be carrying iPad 2 starting on launch day

If you don’t want to endure the potential launch mania, I’d highly recommend buying online directly from Apple. Sure you’ll have to wait a few days while it’s shipped to you, but you won’t have to deal with the hectic stores or the high possibility of them selling out of stock on hand.

Launch Locations for 3G iPad 2 Models
If you want a 3G model, you may be able to get them at:

  • AT&T Stores
  • Verizon Stores – Verizon has confirmed iPad 2 models with 3G access will be available on March 11 in stores

Neither company has confirmed availability on launch day, but we assume they’ll have 3G models in stock right away.

Worst Case Scenario: Paying Inflated Rates
I’d say this is an absolute worst case scenario, but if you’re absolutely determined to get an iPad 2 you’ll be able to pay inflated rates by getting them on the second market through sites like Ebay and Craigslist. Going through a site like Craigslist almost guarantees you’ll get your hands on one on launch day, but they typically come at highly inflated prices. Chances are you’ll pay at least a $200 premium if not more, I would say this is really the worst way to go.

[ Updated on March 7, 2011 ]

By Paul Horowitz - iPad - 15 Comments

iOS 4.3 GM Download Released for Developers

Mar 3, 2011 - 2 Comments


iOS 4.3 GM has been released for developers to download. The update supports iPad, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and iPod touch 3G and 4G. As we noted with iOS 4.3 beta releases, iPhone 3G and earlier generation iPod touches are not eligible to upgrade to 4.3.

Registered developers can get the update from iOS Dev Center.

iOS 4.3 GM build is 8F190 and includes several new features and enhancements, including improvements to AirPlay streaming, faster Safari, iTunes Media Sharing, the addition of the iPad orientation lock switch, and Personal Hotspot for iPhone 4.

If you’re not an iOS developer, you will have to wait until the public release of March 11 to download the free iOS 4.3 update.

By Manish Patel - iPad, iPhone, News - 2 Comments

New Hyundai commercial advertises iPad… as the cars owner manual

Mar 3, 2011 - 9 Comments

This is a really interesting commercial, it’s a car ad for the Hyunadi Equus, but the commercial does double-duty and sells the iPad too. What do cars and iPads have to do with each other? I wondered the same thing when I was sent this, but I guess some new Hyundai cars are shipping with an iPad as the cars owners manual.

The iPad is the 16GB WiFi model and it comes wrapped in a custom case with the Hyundai Equus Owner Experience iPad App (direct iTunes link) preinstalled. This is certainly an innovative approach to the owners manual, but what if the battery dies on the iPad?

Heads up to Mark for the submission.

By Paul Horowitz - iPad - 9 Comments

Tablet Comparison: iPad 2 vs Xoom vs TouchPad vs PlayBook

Mar 3, 2011 - 18 Comments


The tablet arms race is in full force, so how does the newly released iPad 2 stand against the tablet competition? This chart compares the new iPad 2 specs with the Motorola Xoom, HP TouchPad, and BlackBerry Playbook.

Similar Hardware, OS & Apps Make the Difference
From a hardware standpoint, each tablet is pretty comparable, so what becomes the differentiator is the operating system and app market. In my view, this is where the iPad 2 and iOS clearly win out, the OS is minimalist and out of the way, and there are 65,000(!) iPad specific apps available on the iTunes App Store. The App Store alone is a huge uphill battle for competitors to catch up to, although admittedly some of the competing OS offerings are looking impressive.

Comparing Prices
What about pricing? The comparison chart doesn’t show price data, but here’s what we know:

  • iPad 2: $499 to $829 depending on storage and 3G connectivity
  • Xoom: $799
  • TouchPad: $699? HP has been silent on pricing, but rumors say it starts high
  • PlayBook: $499? BlackBerry is in the same situation as HP, only rumors tell us the cost

The fact that nobody yet knows what HP or BlackBerrys offerings are going to cost doesn’t really help to compare them against the iPad or Xoom, and witholding pricing data has led to speculation that their tablets will be on the expensive side. Some are saying Apple has already won the price war, but we don’t have enough information to know that yet.

iPad 1 vs iPad 2
While we’re comparing tablets, we might as well check out the iPad 2 vs the original iPad too:
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By Matt Chan - iPad - 18 Comments

Watch iPad 2 Keynote & Promo Videos

Mar 2, 2011 - 7 Comments


Apple didn’t livestream the iPad 2 keynote today, but you can watch Steve Jobs present iPad 2 and the entire media event directly from The keynote is about 70 minutes long and covers assorted Apple updates, iPad 2, iOS 4.3, and Garageband & iMovie for iPad.

If 70 minutes is too long for you, here is Apple’s official iPad 2 introduction video, it’s just 6 minutes long and is a great overview of the new device:
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By Matt Chan - iPad, News - 7 Comments

iTunes 10.2 Released to Download

Mar 2, 2011 - 2 Comments


iTunes 10.2 has been released, the update is required in order to install the upcoming iOS 4.3 and sync your Mac or PC with iPad 2. Release notes are brief in Software Update and pertain to iOS 4.3:

What’s new in iTunes 10.2

• Sync with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 4.3.

• Improved Home Sharing. Browse and play from your iTunes libraries with Home Sharing on any iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 4.3.

Download iTunes 10.2

Users can the newest version of iTunes directly from Apple (just click Download, no email is required) or through iTunes. Mac users can download iTunes 10.2 directly from Software Update.

By Matt Chan - iPad, iPhone, iTunes - 2 Comments

iPad 2 Specs

Mar 2, 2011 - 69 Comments


iPad 2 ships on March 11, so what exactly will you get? Here are the tech specs from Apple for us geeks that like this kind of stuff:

  • 1GHz dual-core A5 CPU
  • 512MB RAM
  • 16GB, 32GB, 64GB storage options
  • Front & Rear Cameras, front is VGA, rear is 720p
  • 9.7″ LED display with 1024×768 screen resolution at 132ppi
  • GPU said to be 9x faster
  • Video output supports up to 1080p
  • Runs iOS 4.3
  • 10 hour battery life
  • White & Black color options
  • 3G models are AT&T and Verizon compatible
  • 1.3 lbs
  • Thinner build

Pricing is the same as previous models and starts at $499. I’ve already covered the big stuff, but you can see the full tech spec list from Apple.

Most of the features are what iPad 2 rumors expected, the only things I am surprised by are the addition of direct video output and no storage capacity increases.

Overwhelming? Underwhelming? I think it looks great, I look forward to getting my hands on one.

By Matt Chan - iPad - 69 Comments

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