Service Battery Indicator in Mac OS X: What It Means, & How to Fix It

Jul 27, 2010 - 5 Comments

service battery indicator mac

Modern versions of Mac OS have a feature for MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, and MacBook that will report to you the condition of your battery, as shown through the battery menubar item. Usually charging messages are shown there, but there are two other messages you may see in that menu, and they are “Replace Now” and “Service Battery”.

Read on to learn about the Service Battery message, what it means for MacBook computers and Mac laptops, and what you can do about it. Sometimes you can even fix the issue yourself!

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Syncing The Titanic – iPhone Humor

Jul 27, 2010 - 1 Comment

syncing the titanic iphone

Do you like iPhone humor? Of course you do! So, here’s the corniest Apple related joke you’ll see all day, and maybe even all year.

If you rename your iPhone or iPad to “The Titanic”, then guess what happens every time you connect the iOS device to a computer with iTunes and sync?

Well, every time you go to sync the device with iTunes it will say: “Syncing The Titanic” – Get it? The iPhone is named The Titanic… it’s syncing…. sinking… syncing… The iPhone is syncing…. get it? Oh dear. Tasteless, corny, cheesy, and every other adjective you’d use to describe a terrible joke.

If you want to try this yourself, rename your iPhone and then connect it to iTunes and sync. Silly and pointless. Sometimes it’s fun to be lighthearted and silly, right?

OK but in all seriousness, giving your iPhone and useful name is recommended for various reasons but if you want to give it a goofy name that’s your choice.

Thanks to Ian S. for sending this goofy thing in!

By Paul Horowitz - Fun, iPhone - 1 Comment

Is jailbreaking your iPhone illegal? Not anymore

Jul 26, 2010 - 35 Comments

jailbreak unlock iphone iPhone owners in the USA can now legally jailbreak and unlock their iPhone devices, according to new rules set forth by the US Government. While it’s great to have this legalized, it hardly stopped anyone from jailbreaking or unlocking phones in the past.

Though legalized, it’s worth mentioning that Jailbreaking or using a carrier unlock on an iPhone or iPad still voids your warranty per Apple’s user agreement. If you have a jailbroken device it’s probably wise to do a clean restore before bringing it in for service.

The jailbreaking exemption was part of a handful of exemptions announced Monday, including:

• allow owners of used cell phones to break access controls on their phones in order to switch wireless carriers.
• allow people to break technical protections on video games to investigate or correct security flaws.
• allow college professors, film students, documentary filmmakers and producers of noncommercial videos to break copy-protection measures on DVDs so they can embed clips for educational purposes, criticism or commentary.
• allow computer owners to bypass the need for external security devices called dongles if the dongle no longer works and cannot be replaced.
• allow blind people to break locks on electronic books so that they can use them with read-aloud software and similar aides.

You can read more from Associated Press.

Now, if only buying an iPhone without a contract would come without a carrier lock in the USA too… some day maybe!

By Manish Patel - iPad, iPhone, News - 35 Comments

Enterprise iPhone Management & Setup Tool

Jul 26, 2010 - 4 Comments

enterprise iphone configuration tool

If you’re looking to deploy the iPhone in an enterprise utility, don’t miss out on Apple’s iPhone Configuration Utility, which makes enterprise iPhone management a snap. Apple describes the tool as follows:

iPhone Configuration Utility lets you easily create, maintain, encrypt, and install configuration profiles, track and install provisioning profiles and authorized applications, and capture device information including console logs.

Configuration profiles are XML files that contain device security policies, VPN configuration information, Wi-Fi settings, APN settings, Exchange account settings, mail settings, and certificates that permit iPhone and iPod touch to work with your enterprise systems.

You can download the utility for either Mac OS or Windows:

iPhone Configuration Utility for Mac OS X

iPhone Configuration Utility for Windows

By Manish Patel - iPhone, Utilities - 4 Comments

How to Reset the Ignored Software Updates List in Mac OS X

Jul 26, 2010 - Leave a Comment

Software update Did you accidentally ignore a Software Update in MacOS or Mac OS X and now you need to install it on a Mac? Perhaps you were putting off a specific update for one reason or another, and now it’s time to install that ignored or hidden update again onto Mac OS X.

Fortunately, getting the ignored updates back is really easy, as we will walk you through several different procedures that allow you to reset the ignored software updates list. You can do perform this task either though the Mac App Store, from the Command Line of Mac OS X with Terminal app, or for prior versions of system software, the older Software Update app. You can use whichever method is appropriate for your machine and version of Mac OS, or whichever you prefer.

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FileVault and QuickLook leak some information from encrypted volumes in Mac OS

Jul 25, 2010 - 15 Comments

FileVault If you use FileVault and QuickLook on a Mac you may want to know that the combination of the two may leak some sensitive information from encrypted volumes.

Reader Jack R. sent in the following tip, explaining the situation further:

When FileVault and QuickLook are used concurrently, information about what files are stored on the encrypted volume becomes available and completely unencrypted on your hard drive. This is due to QuickLook’s thumbnail caching that is stored within the /var/ directory.

Run the following command to see the size of the QuickLook cache to demonstrate the potential:

find /var/folders -name "*QuickLook*" -exec du -h {} \; 2>/dev/null

The worst case scenario is the potential for exposing file names and even QuickLook thumbnails of documents and images. There’s also a sqlite file called index.sqlite within the /var/folders QuickLook cache directories that have a list of file names on the encrypted volumes.

Whether or not this is a legitimate security hole that is patchable or if it’s something I’m aimlessly worried about, I don’t know, but I am willing to bet many people don’t know about this!

Editor note: This definitely seems like a security hole. I imagine the best way to avoid this problem is to just not use QuickLook on the sensitive encrypted data, although that’s more of a workaround than a fix. Perhaps Mac OS X will eventually get a security update to resolve the problem.

Update 6/18/2018: Over 8 years later, this security bug still exists in MacOS / Mac OS X! That’s the bad news. But here’s the good news; security researcher Patrick Wardle has brought some renewed attention to this flaw and thus it will likely get patched in a future software update.

In the meantime, Wardle recommends the following command string to delete the Quick Look cache, which can be entered into the Terminal of MacOS / Mac OS X:

qlmanage -r cache

Executing that command will clear the Quick Look cache. Keep an eye out for future security updates and software updates to Mac OS as they will likely patch the bug once and for all.

By Bill Ellis - Mac OS, Security - 15 Comments

Loyalty: 77% of iPhone owners will buy another iPhone – only 20% of Android owners would buy another Android

Jul 24, 2010 - 5 Comments


CNN Money posted the results of a consumer survey that has some really interesting facts about the iPhone and AT&T. The most amazing claim is the percentage of people who are committed and loyal to the iPhone versus those who own Androids. Here are the important figures:

  • 77% of iPhone owners say they’ll buy another iPhone
  • Only 20% of Android customers say they’ll buy another Android phone
  • 73% of iPhone users are very satisfied with AT&T’s service
  • 69% of overall smartphone users say they are satisfied with their mobile provider
  • Phone owners pay $12/mo more for service than the average smartphone user
  • iPhone is worth $1.8 billion in sales to AT&T this year, and will generate $9 billion in revenue for the provider over the next five years

Obviously the iPhone is a cash cow for AT&T, even if it is also heavier maintenance due to it’s users increased data consumption. AT&T gets a lot of vocal complaints about their service, but the survey shows that despite the woes of the vocal minority more iPhone users are satisfied than smartphone users are overall with any mobile provider.

How’s this working out for the other providers? According to the article “Verizon has been regretting turning away Apple for the last three years” which isn’t surprising considering the huge amount of revenue and loyalty the device inspires. Now whether or not Verizon will get iPhone remains to be seen, but you can bet everyone is fighting for the chance and AT&T is fighting to renew exclusivity.

I would undoubtedly buy another iPhone and recommend them to anyone, I’ve used several Android devices and I’d even consider them the ‘next best’ smartphone, but given the choice between the two devices I will always choose an iPhone – the user experience is just so much better and the iPhone is just, well, cooler.

You can read more at CNN Money.

By Manish Patel - iPhone, News - 5 Comments

Mac Setups: MacBook Pro on the go

Jul 24, 2010 - 4 Comments

macbook pro coffee shop

This setup combines two of my favorite things: a MacBook Pro and coffee. What a great little setup, all you need to be productive!

[ via MinimalMac ]

By William Pearson - Mac Setups - 4 Comments

Free iPhone 4 Case Program Begins

Jul 23, 2010 - 2 Comments

free iphone 4 case Apple has started the free iPhone 4 case or bumper program, if you’re an iPhone 4 owner it’s a simple process to claim a free case or get a refund from a past purchase.

  • Download the iPhone 4 Case Program app at the iTunes App Store
  • Launch the app on your iPhone and sign in using your iTunes/Apple ID
  • Select your free Bumper or Case

To qualify for the free bumper or case, you must apply to the program within 30 days of buying an iPhone 4, until September 30 when the program expires.

The free iPhone 4 bumper and case program is offered in response to the antenna problems that some users have reported experiencing with iPhone 4, which has received a large amount of media attention and subsequently been parodied to death.

You can read more on’s iPhone 4 case program information.

By Manish Patel -, iPhone, News - 2 Comments

White iPhone 4 Popularity Grows as Release Date Pushed Back

Jul 23, 2010 - 3 Comments

white iphone 4

The release date of the White iPhone 4 model has been pushed back again, as Apple continues to face difficulties manufacturing the device. The following statement was issued today regarding the matter:

White models of Apple’s new iPhone® 4 have continued to be more challenging to manufacture than we originally expected, and as a result they will not be available until later this year. The availability of the more popular iPhone 4 black models is not affected.

There is no word on what ‘later this year’ means in terms of a definitive release date, but this is the second production delay that the White iPhone 4 model has encountered. This comes at a time when even black iPhone 4 availability is already strictly constrained due to huge demand for the device.

White iPhone 4 Popularity

Perhaps most interesting about the white iPhone delays is that the inability to get the device seems to be driving up it’s popularity. The following chart is from Google Trends, showing the search volume of ‘White iPhone 4’ vs ‘Black iPhone 4’ – as you can see the device deemed more popular by Apple (the black iPhone) is significantly less searched for than the unavailable white model.
white iphone 4 popularity
Although it’s unlikely to be Apple’s intention, it would seem the production challenges with the white model are actually driving up the devices desirability. In the past, the Black iPhone has been more popular than the White iPhone, but perhaps that will be changing?

By Manish Patel - iPhone, News - 3 Comments

Set Up Text Substitution in Mac OS X

Jul 23, 2010 - 14 Comments

Using Text Substitution in Mac OS X

Using Text Substitution, you can easily write any special character or symbol like ™ or ® just by typing something like TM or (r). It can also be used to expand long phrases or particular words by typing shorter abbreviations, for example you could type “myeml” to instantly type out an email address, and it can also be used to quickly type out emoji rather than digging around in Character menus.

Everything is automated and the options are unlimited, in that you can have as many text replacement substitutes as you want setup. Getting this working is quite simple, but you’ll find that some apps in past versions of Mac OS also need the ability to use the substitutions enabled individually, not to worry, we’ll cover that as well.

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By Manish Patel - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 14 Comments

Apple developing ad supported Operating System?

Jul 22, 2010 - 6 Comments

ads in mac os

A report based on patent findings shows the continued interest of an ad supported operating system that may be in the works at Apple. AppleInsider shows several of the patents mockups demonstrating a desktop operating system that looks very much like Mac OS X, except there are advertisement features included in it. Perhaps the most interesting part of the patent filing is the idea that the ads will disable functionality of the OS while you view them:

“The operating system can disable one or more functions while the advertisement is being presented… At the end of the advertisement, the operating system can again enable the function(s). The advertisement can be visual or audible. The presentation of the advertisement(s) can be made as part of an approach where the user obtains a good or service, such as the operating system, for free or at reduced cost.”

The last part about the ads subsidizing the cost of the operating system is fascinating too. Will any of these ‘features’ be mandatory in Mac OS X 10.7? I hope not. I don’t know about anyone else but I’d much rather just pay for an OS than have ads as part of my core desktop experience. Of course, Apple has many patents filed and not every idea that is patented is actually used, so take this information with a grain of salt for now.
ads in mac os desktop

By Manish Patel - Mac OS, Rumor - 6 Comments

iPhone on T-Mobile

Jul 22, 2010 - 1 Comment

iphone tmobile

Rumors of the iPhone jumping to a US provider outside of AT&T continue to swirl as Apple’s exclusivity contract with AT&T looks to expire this year. First it was iPhone + Verizon and now it’s iPhone + T-Mobile.

The report on CultOfMac says the expansion of iPhone into T-Mobile USA is 80% certain to occur in Q3 this year. The addition of T-Mobile would undoubtedly boost iPhone market share as the device would be available to a potential 33 million customers.

Other than the exclusive contract inked between AT&T and Apple, the other hurdle to bring iPhone to other networks is technology. Verizon is based on CDMA which would require a redesign of the iPhone. Moving the iPhone to T-Mobile would be relatively easy from a technological standpoint since both AT&T and T-Mobile use the same GSM technology which the iPhone is built for. The report notes that T-Mobile already has thousands of iPhone’s on it’s US network, thanks to carrier unlocks.

In the USA, whether you buy iPhone with or without contract, it is locked onto AT&T’s network. The only way to use it with another cell provider is to use a jailbreak and carrier unlock.

By Manish Patel - iPhone, News - 1 Comment

Rediscover your old music with iTunes Smart Playlists

Jul 22, 2010 - 1 Comment

itunes logo icon iTunes Smart Playlists are a widely underused feature in iTunes, which is a shame because it’s a powerful way to create custom playlists based on a variety of parameters, including artists, genres, dates, ratings, play counts, and more.

I’m often guilty of only listening to whatever is newest in my iTunes playlist since I’m usually pulling music from various new music blogs. But what about all the music that I was listening to a few months ago? Sure you can select shuffle, but why not take it a step further… create a smart playlist! Go to the File menu and down to “New Smart Playlist” and set your parameters and off you go.

itunes smart playlist

I got the idea for this a while ago after reading a nice article on The Apple Blog which walks us through the process of creating a smart playlist based on music age and skip count, allowing you to build a music playlist based on what you used to listen to and liked. Definitely a nice way to rediscover your older, and still enjoyable music.

By Paul Horowitz - iTunes - 1 Comment

Starcraft 2 Release Date for Mac: July 27

Jul 21, 2010 - 8 Comments

starcraft 2 release date mac

The countdown to the Starcraft 2 release date closes in, July 27 is less than a week away and it’ll be available for Mac and PC users. This is really exciting for RTS fans like myself, and I’m especially happy that Blizzard is going for a concurrent release for both Windows and Mac OS platforms. Be sure that you meet the Starcraft 2 system requirements for Mac so that you can enjoy the game, they’re pretty reasonable so most people who bought a Mac over the last couple of years should have no problem running the game.

You can pre-order Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty on Amazon for $60.

By Paul Horowitz - Games, Mac OS - 8 Comments

Apple posts record revenue and Mac sales

Jul 21, 2010 - 1 Comment

apple logo Apple is on fire, with record third quarter revenue of $15.7 billion. How does this translate into actual hardware sales? Here’s a breakdown:

  • 3.47 million Macs sold, a new sales record and an increase of 33% year over year
  • 8.4 million iPhones sold, 61% growth year over year
  • 9.41 million iPods sold, a 8% decline year over year
  • 3.27 million iPads sold since launch this year

That’s a lot of hardware. Other interesting facts pertain to the near relentless demand of new products, which has caused iPhone 4 availability to be constrained tightly as demand is still through the roof nearly a month after launch. Apple’s COO Tim Cook had the following to say about iPhone 4:

“Let me be very clear on this: We are selling every unit we can make… Demand for iPhone 4 is absolutely stunning.”

This is stating the obvious for anyone actually trying to buy iPhone 4, stores continue to sell out of the device the moment they’re in stock. It’s not just the iPhone that is dealing with tight supply lines though, the iPad is also struggling to find equilibrium as Apple continues to sell every model it makes. Very impressive.

You can see the full report on Apple’s third quarter results press release.

By Manish Patel - iPad, iPhone, Mac, News - 1 Comment

How to do Manual Backups with Time Machine for Mac

Jul 21, 2010 - 18 Comments

Start a Backup in Time Machine in Mac OS X Letting Time Machine run on a routine backup schedule is important for all Macs, but there also times where you’ll want to initiate a backup yourself, like before installing system updates or major Mac OS X upgrades. If you find yourself needing to initiate a manual Time Machine backup, you’ll be happy to know it is very easy to initiate. Let’s get to it.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 18 Comments

Starcraft 2 System Requirements for Mac

Jul 20, 2010 - 13 Comments

starcraft 2 mac system requirements

These are the Mac system requirements for running Starcraft 2:

Minimum Starcraft 2 System Requirements for Mac

These are the baseline specs that you’ll need to run the game, if you are near the lower end of the settings here you probably won’t have great performance.

  • Mac OS X 10.5.8, 10.6.2 or newer
  • Intel Processor
  • NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT or ATI Radeon X1600 or better
  • 12 GB available disk space
  • 1 GB RAM (2 GB highly recommended)
  • DVD drive
  • Broadband Internet connection
  • 1024X768 minimum screen display resolution

Recommended Starcraft 2 System Requirements for Mac

In addition to the system specs above like available disk space and an internet connection, to run Starcraft 2 the best on your Mac these are the recommended specifications:

  • Intel Core 2 Duo processor
  • 4 GB system RAM
  • NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT or ATI Radeon HD 4670 or better

Obviously the better and newer your Mac, the better Starcraft II will perform on it.

You can order Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty on
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By Paul Horowitz - Games, Mac, Mac OS - 13 Comments

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