Quickly find the largest files in a directory

Oct 26, 2009 - 4 Comments

From the Terminal, if you want to quickly find out what the largest files are in a directory, try this variation of the ls command:

ls -lShr

the l flag will display the items in a list, the S flag sorts by size, and h makes it readable in MB/GB (human readable), with r reversing the report order so that the largest file is the last on the list and thus right above the returned command prompt.

If you want the largest file in a directory of a certain type, simply specify the file type with a wildcard to show all files fitting that description:

ls -lShr *.zip

Try it out with any filetype *.mp3 *.mov *.wmv *.psd , etc

Change File Associations in Mac OS X

Oct 25, 2009 - 31 Comments

Finder It really drives me nuts when files can be of the same kind but different type open different apps, I want to open all my images in Preview and all my video files in VLC. You can make Mac OS X open every file of a certain format type with a certain application by changing the file association from the Finder. We’ll show you how to change the file type association in Mac OS X so that you can set file kinds to open all in one application.

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Get Detailed Wireless Information from the Airport Menu by Holding Down the Option Key

Oct 24, 2009 - 2 Comments

wireless info airport menu

Users can get detailed wireless information from the Airport menu by holding down the “Option” key when clicking the menu icon. The ability to pull the Security type and Channel directly out of the menu is a big plus for me, but the other information should certainly be useful when troubleshooting a WiFi problem too.

This is a Snow Leopard only tip, and I thought we had covered it here at OS X Daily but apparently not… so thanks to TheGraphicMac‘s post on the matter to remind me to share it with you all (note the image attached to this post is from TheGraphicMac too).

By David Mendez - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 2 Comments

Lenovo S10 running Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard – Hackintosh

Oct 23, 2009 - 29 Comments

hackintosh lenovo s10 The Lenovo S10 may just be the easiest hackintosh netbook option to run Mac OS X, according to a guide on the site Tech-Chimp. The guide is so short and so simple, it’s almost hard to believe, this is basically what it says:

* Upgrade the Lenovo s10 firmware
* Using this tool, prepare an 8gb USB key to be the install device
* Boot the Lenovo off of the aforementioned USB key
* Install Mac OS X Snow Leopard, as if on a Mac, but on the Lenovo
* Boot Mac OS X on your Lenovo S10

What?? That’s it? I don’t have a Lenovo S10 to test this on, but if this is true, that is a truly amazingly easy install. They even say that sleep works on some of the models. Here at OS X Daily we usually opt for the turning the Dell Mini 10v into a Hackintosh Netbook because it’s so cheap ($199 refurbed on the Dell Outlet just last week) and it also is pretty easy to install on… but the downside to the Dell Mini 10v hackintosh is that Ram is very obnoxious to install. If we had the ability to test the Lenovo S10 guide from Tech-Chimp for Hackintoshing, it very well may get our hackintosh recommendation, even though it comes at a heftier price tag ($300 according to Tech-Chimp). Read more at Tech-Chimp.com:

Tech-Chimp: $300 Turns a Lenovo S10 into a Mac NetBook Running Snow Leopard

By William Pearson - Hackintosh, How to - 29 Comments

Quickly tell if a file has been modified by looking at the red Close window button

Oct 23, 2009 - Leave a Comment


Here’s a nifty Mac trick: Do you see the little black dot inside the red ‘close’ window button in that screenshot? That means the file has been modified!

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Quickly turn off your Mac’s displays with Shift-Control-Eject

Oct 22, 2009 - 9 Comments

Want to quickly turn off all of your Mac’s displays? Hit Shift+Ctrl+Eject and all screens will go black instantly. Nice huh?

By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 9 Comments

Remove DRM from iTunes

Oct 22, 2009 - 11 Comments


Some iTunes music comes with DRM, but you can use an iTunes trick to remove DRM. Note this should only be used if you own the actual rights to the music, or if you are allowed to remove DRM by the rights-owner.

DRM iTunes songs usually have an .m4p file extension. But this trick basically allows you to convert .m4p to .m4a.

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By David Mendez - iTunes, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 11 Comments

Convert WMA to MP3 on a Mac for Free

Oct 21, 2009 - 27 Comments

convert wma to mp3 On a Windows PC recently I ripped a CD only to find out that it was converted as WMA rather than MP3. In Windows this isn’t a big deal, you just open the files in iTunes as usual, but I wanted them on my Mac, easy right? Well for some reason Apple doesn’t allow Mac iTunes to convert WMA files to MP3 audio so I was a bit frustrated, to make matters worse a typical google search will net you a ton of ancient apps that like to crash a lot, or ones that try to charge you some-odd dollars to convert an audio file… forget that!

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iPhone is the fastest growing consumer electronic product in history. Wow.

Oct 21, 2009 - 3 Comments

iphone growth

Yes you read the right. The iPhone is the fastest growing consumer electronic product in history. TechCrunch states:

Its adoption ramp is even steeper than videogame consoles including the Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, and Sony PSP. The original iPod and Blackberry aren’t even in the same league.

If you’re in the US and have AT&T as your iPhone provider, you may frequently hear complaints about the speed of the AT&T data network, well that’s because it is 50x – FIFTY times! more than it was 3 years ago Wow again. I included two charts from TechCrunch that really show the explosiveness of the iPhone growth and it’s strain on the AT&T network, I’m just blown away by this.


[ Images and data from TechCrunch ]

By Manish Patel - Apple.com, iPhone, News - 3 Comments

Force Safari to Open Target Links in New Tab Rather Than Window in Mac OS X

Oct 21, 2009 - 5 Comments

Safari icon

Mac users can issue a defaults command string to force Safari to open targeted new window links into new tabs instead of those new windows. This is handy if you open a lot of links that would usually launch a new window but would rather send them into easily managed tabs instead.

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By David Mendez - How to, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 5 Comments

MMS on the iPhone 2G First Gen

Oct 20, 2009 - 1 Comment

mms iphone 2g

You can enable MMS on the first gen iPhone 2G (you know, that metal one), but it requires a little bit of hacking. This is pretty great news if you have one of the first iPhones but you feel left out by the MMS intro passing you by. Here are the instructions reposted from Lifehacker.com who reposted it from Hackint0sh.org (blog regurgitation at it’s finest!):

1. Backup original CommCenter (goes without saying…)
2. Replace CommCenter in: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/ with a patched one.
3. Chmod the new CommCenter to 755
4. Open /System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/M68AP.plist and insert a true boolean value for “mms” under capabilities

It goes without saying that you should backup your phone, and also you should probably be pretty tech-savvy to go digging around your first gen iPhone’s MMS software guts. Read the full guide on the hackint0sh.org forums before diving in, it looks like it’s largely untested which should cause it to warrant even more due diligence than usual. BTW when did the first gen iPhone start being known as the iPhone 2G?

[ hackint0sh via LifeHacker, the screenshot is from LifeHacker too ]

By David Mendez - How to, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 1 Comment

Get the iTunes Mini Player back in iTunes 9

Oct 20, 2009 - 4 Comments

itunes 9 mini player

I always put iTunes into mini-player mode to conserve screen real estate, so I was pretty annoyed when iTunes 9 took away this feature when clicking the green resize button in the iTunes window. Thankfully getting it back is very easy but it’s an extra step, option-click the green maximize button to enter into the iTunes 9 mini player mode.

Note: as one of our readers points out below, the behavior of the green button was changed in iTunes 9.0.1 update, you no longer need to option-click if you upgrade to the latest version.

So, that’s iTunes 9, but it’s different again in iTunes 10, iTunes 11, and iTunes 12. Apple likes to keep everyone on their toes! When iTunes 13 and iTunes 14 comes out, it will surely be different again too…. maybe!

By David Mendez - iTunes, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 4 Comments

Share your Mouse & Keyboard across Multiple Mac’s with Teleport

Oct 20, 2009 - 4 Comments

teleport mac Teleport is undoubtedly one of the single most useful utilities available to anyone that owns more than one Mac. Using Teleport, you can share a single mouse and keyboard across multiple Mac’s, seamlessly! Setup is an absolute breeze, you need to install Teleport on all Mac’s that you want to use, and once it’s all up and running you can do some pretty amazing things, and accessing another Mac with your mouse & keyboard is as simple as if the other Mac was just an external monitor! Simply awesome.

Features of Teleport include:
* Share your Mouse and Keyboard across many Mac’s
* Share Clipboard / Copy & Paste across multiple Mac’s!
* Drag and Drop files between Mac’s!

Teleport is an absolute must-have for anyone who owns more than one Mac, it makes your life so much easier and will dramatically increase your productivity! I have Teleport setup on my iMac, and anytime my MacBook is at home I just place it on the desk next to my iMac and I can then access my MacBook through my iMac’s keyboard and mouse flawlessly!

Need help setting up Teleport? Here’s how to use Teleport to share a keyboard, mouse, and clipboard between different Macs.

Developer home
Download now

Another alternative called Synergy lets you share a mouse and keyboard between Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux

BeOS Reborn as Haiku Operating System, Run BeOS!

Oct 19, 2009 - 3 Comments

haiku screenshot

Remember BeOS? If you don’t that’s ok, it was an operating system that came out around 1995 and even though its performance was leaps and bounds above Mac OS System 8 and Windows 95 at the time, it never quite caught on, so it died off and seemingly disappeared.

Until now, that is. Now BeOS is reborn as Haiku, an open source lightweight operating system that you can easily run on a modern computer, whether it’s a Mac or PC.

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By David Mendez - Fun, Retro - 3 Comments

Bypass Mac Firmware Password

Oct 19, 2009 - 150 Comments

bypass firmware password

Need to get around the boot level Mac firmware password? You can bypass a firmware password by doing a little bit of a hardware hack. There’s many reasons you’d want to get around firmware protection, but here’s why we got the instructions from an anonymous submitter:

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Snow Leopard outperforms Windows 7 in speed tests

Oct 19, 2009 - 2 Comments

mac benchmarks

The Operating System wars are still raging, and Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard has bested the new Windows 7 operating system in several speed tests, and a crucial battery life test, according to CNet. Windows 7 did outperform Snow Leopard in some other tests, such as gaming, where Call of Duty 4 had five extra FPS (21fps vs 26fps) in Windows 7, but that’s not too surprising considering that most game developers spend far more time optimizing performance for Windows due to it’s greater gaming market share.

If you haven’t upgraded to Snow Leopard yet, you really should. You can upgrade from Tiger (Unofficially) or Leopard flawlessly and you can buy Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard for $25 at Amazon which includes free shipping. It’s well worth the $25.

[ CNet via AppleInsider ]

By David Mendez - Mac OS, News - 2 Comments

Get a Battery Discharge Reminder for Maximum Mac Laptop Battery Performance

Oct 19, 2009 - Leave a Comment


I use my MacBook almost exclusively at home and so I frequently forget to discharge and recharge the battery, which is a recommended procedure to have your notebook battery last as long as possible.

For people like me who often run with the powercharger attached to their Mac laptop, Apple.com offers a nice simple reminder via Calendar application. There’s not much to it, just add the reminder to your Calendar and it pops up once a month and reminds you to run your battery down so that it can recharge again, thus helping to maintain maximum performance.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - Leave a Comment

MacBook Chewed up by Dog… oops!

Oct 18, 2009 - 7 Comments

dog chewed ibook

Sunday funday again! Maybe dogs love Mac’s a little too much… at least in the case of this iBook which was somehow turned into a chew toy!

The amount of damage is pretty amazing, it looks like a pooch had his mouth on this thing for hours on end before someone finally found it. Virtually nothing is unscathed, it’s even missing keys and the screen has been chewed to oblivion, that can’t be healthy for a dogs diet.

Yikes. [ images via SmallDog (kind of a pun, get it? SmallDog electronics, dog chewed a macBook? Get it?? Ok I’ll see myself out of here) and Flickr ]

ibook chew toy

Wow. Bad dog! But dogs are great and so are Macs, so you know, compromise.

dog chewed mac screen

By Paul Horowitz - Fun - 7 Comments

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