Archive for the year 2014


A Fantastic 1984 Macintosh Built from LEGO Blocks Doubles as iPad Stand

Jan 24, 2014 - Leave a Comment
LEGO iPad Macintosh 128k

30 years ago today, Steve Jobs unveiled the very first Macintosh, and the rest, as they say, is history. If you’re looking for a unique way to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the beloved Mac, why not grab a pile of LEGO bricks and build your very own Macintosh 128k that happens to double as … Read More

Two New iPhone Models to Have Screens Bigger Than 4.5″ and 5″

Jan 23, 2014 - 12 Comments
New iPhones with bigger screens mockup

Apple is planning to launch two new iPhone models this year, both with substantially larger screen sizes than what is currently offered by the company. The news comes from the consistently reliable and well sourced Wall Street Journal.

How to Enable a Passcode for iPhone / iPad

Jan 22, 2014 - 15 Comments
The Enter Passcode iPhone Screen

Virtually all iPhone and iPad users should set an iOS passcode for their individual devices. This forces anyone attempting to use the device to enter a password before being able to unlock it or gain access to anything on the device, and it also requires the same passcode before any user is able to make … Read More

Stop Auto-Playing Videos on Facebook for iOS to Conserve Cellular Data

Jan 22, 2014 - 3 Comments
Facebook app icon

Facebook recently began to auto-play videos that are contained within the news feed of the Facebook app for iOS (and presumably Android). Though the videos play without sound, that auto-play behavior can still greatly increase the iPhones cellular data usage due to the large size of video files as they are streamed to the device. … Read More

Apple Runs 2 New iPad Air TV Ads: “Light Verse” and “Sound Verse”

Jan 22, 2014 - Leave a Comment
Verse Apple iPad commercials

Apple has crafted two new iPad Air ads based upon the original “Your Verse Anthem” TV commercial that started running recently. The new commercials are 30 second spots, with different imagery that centers around a theme of either light or sound, both of which feature shorter voice narration from the 80’s movie Dead Poet’s Society.

How to Get an App-Free Blank Home Screen in iOS

Jan 21, 2014 - 18 Comments
Creating a new blank home screen page in iTunes

The iPhone Home Screen has room for 20 app icons on the front page and four Dock icons across the bottom, with even more app spots available for the iPad. If that seems like 20 icons too many for you, using a little trick lets users create a completely blank home screen page in iOS, … Read More

Change the Subtitle Font Size for iTunes Video Playback in Mac OS X

Jan 20, 2014 - 2 Comments
Change the font size of subtitles in Mac OS X video

The default subtitle text size for video playback can be fairly small in Mac OS X, and while it may be tolerable on a smaller screened device, once you send the Macs display it to a larger screen like a TV, it can be difficult to read. Fortunately, Mac OS X provides a lot of … Read More

iOS 7.1 Beta 4 Released for Developers

Jan 20, 2014 - Leave a Comment
iOS 7.1 beta 4

Apple has released the 4th beta version of iOS 7.1 to those registered with the iOS Developer program. As usual with these updates, the release focuses on improving performance and refining features, resolving bugs, and making other adjustments to system functionality.

Get a Space Vortex Screen Saver from Time Machine Animation in Mac OS X

Jan 20, 2014 - 5 Comments
Green vortex Time Machine screen saver

Do you remember the original Time Machine backup animation of the slowly spinning green galaxy vortex? Triggered when a user entered Time Machine for backups, backup file management, or restoring files, the original animation was a snazzy space rendering that sort of looked like entering into a spinning black hole, shooting out stars and space … Read More

How to Use iPhone for Turn-By-Turn Voice Navigation Directions with Siri

Jan 19, 2014 - 29 Comments
Turn By Turn Voice Directions with Siri on iPhone

Voice turn by turn navigation and directions are incredibly convenient and easily one of the best features of Apple Maps, but rather than fumbling around with your iPhone while driving, you can rely entirely on Siri. This makes turn-by-turn almost entirely hands free; you give Siri a voice command to start the directions, and then … Read More

Mac Setups: The Desk of an IT Services Manager

Jan 18, 2014 - 18 Comments
Full setup of the IT Services Manager Mac setup

It’s the weekend again, which means it’s time for another featured sweet Mac desk setup! This time we’re showing off the awesome workstation of Joey N., an IT Services Manager who uses plenty of Apple, Mac, and iOS gear for both professional and personal pursuits. Let’s get right to it and learn a bit more … Read More

See What Browser Window or Tab is Playing Audio / Video in Chrome Quickly

Jan 17, 2014 - 8 Comments
Chrome browser tab with an audio playing indicator

The newest versions of Google Chrome have a fantastic feature addition that allow you to instantly see what open web browser tab or window is playing audio. That may seem ho-hum, but if you’ve ever gone on a wild goose chase trying to figure out which tab out of 50 million tabs is playing some … Read More

How to Block Cookies in Safari for iPhone or iPad

Jan 17, 2014 - 4 Comments

The Safari web browser for iOS provides for tremendous user control over how web cookies are handled on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, allowing users to choose to block all cookies, allow all cookies, or selectively block only third party tracking and advertiser cookies.

Access an iCloud Contacts List from Mail Composer in Mac OS X

Jan 15, 2014 - Leave a Comment
Quick Address Panel in Mail app for OS X

The Mail compose window has long had an auto-complete function that lets you start typing a name or email address to see a list of suggestions for completing the contacts email. That list is based upon who you’ve email and also what contacts you have in your address book, but now with the newest versions … Read More

Get Song Lyrics with Siri from the iPhone or iPad

Jan 15, 2014 - 4 Comments

Everyones favorite digital friend Siri can improve your music experience and song recollection by retrieving song lyrics for you. Whether you’re aiming for some spontaneous iPhone based Karaoke, looking to settle a dispute over what an artist is saying, wanting to add some lyrics to a song that is missing them, or just wondering what … Read More

Get a Gorgeous iOS 7 Lock Screen Inspired Screen Saver for Mac OS X

Jan 14, 2014 - 16 Comments

Though some of iOS 7’s appearance has become a matter of controversy, the one portion of the iOS facelift that is practically universally adored is the new, simplified, image-focused lock screen, which displays nothing but a clock and the date in minimally thin text overlaid against the devices wallpaper. It’s beautiful, and now thanks to … Read More

View Extended Weather Details in Weather App for iPhone

Jan 14, 2014 - 4 Comments
Get more specific weather details from the iPhone

Obviously the Weather app on iPhone will tell you temperatures and a five-day forecast, but the revised default iPhone Weather app can also provide additional weather information without having to ask Siri. This includes much more specific data, like humidity, the chance of rain, the wind speed and direction, and the current heat index. You’d … Read More

Defragmenting a Mac Hard Drive: Is It Necessary?

Jan 13, 2014 - 36 Comments
Defrag a Mac drive

Many Mac users who come to the platform from the world of Windows have become accustomed to defragging their PC hard drives from time to time, and thus the inevitable question arrises: do you need to defragment a Macs hard drive? The answer is usually no, you don’t need to defrag a Mac as part … Read More

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