Check Download Speed from iTunes & the App Store

Sep 28, 2011 - 5 Comments

Check download speed from iTunes App Store

Want to check the download speed of something you’re getting from iTunes or the iOS App Store? No sweat, you can check not only the progress of the download, but also see the transfer speed of what is being downloaded from iTunes.

  • From the sidebar of iTunes, click on Store, then go to “Downloads”
  • This shows a list of whatever items are currently downloading, now all you need to do is click on the progress bar to show the transfer rate

Super simple, right? This offers an easy way to determine how fast any iOS good or media file is downloading to your Mac from within iTunes. Keep in mind that this may not be reflective of your overall bandwidth or internet connection speed, because latency with Apple servers also impacts the speed of transfers.

This works similar for the Mac App Store as well if you want to check how your OS X app downloads are going too.

By Paul Horowitz - iTunes, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 5 Comments

Use Firefox? Download Firefox 7, it Reduces Memory Use & Increases Speed

Sep 27, 2011 - 21 Comments

Firefox 7

Firefox 7 is now available to download for all supported platforms, the new release has an emphasis on improved memory management and speed, and it does provide a noticeable difference in snappiness when loading pages or browsing the web.

The benefits are best seen if you keep Firefox open for a long time (who ever closes their web browser anyway?), use a lot of tabs, and view pages with a lot of images or text, and in my usage I can confirm it feels more responsive and has a lower memory footprint in OS X. The Mozilla dev team suggests that version 7 will use as much as 50% less memory, but I haven’t seen that dramatic of a difference. If you use Firefox for any browsing purposes or rely on it for plugins like Firebug, it’s well worth downloading.

You can grab Firefox 7 directly from here

As usual, Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux are available concurrently. If you have plugins installed, expect a few to nag about compatibility, but they all worked for me anyway.

By William Pearson - News - 21 Comments

Official: iPhone Event on October 4th, Apple Confirms

Sep 27, 2011 - 6 Comments

official iPhone event invite for October 4th

Apple has confirmed the expected October 4th iPhone media event by sending out invites to a small group of press. The image above, sent to AllThingsD, ThisIsMyNext, SlashGear, and LoopInsight shows the invite to a 10:00AM PST event on their Cupertino campus, which only says “Let’s talk iPhone.”

There is increasing evidence that the release date of iPhone 5 will be a week after the event on Friday, October 14th, despite nobody knowing what the iPhone 5 will look like, or whether Apple will only release an “iPhone 4S” hardware update. Stay tuned.

By Matt Chan - iPhone, News - 6 Comments

Control What Apps Restore Windows in OS X Lion with RestoreMeNot

Sep 27, 2011 - 7 Comments

RestoreMeNot controls specific apps to restore or not in OS X Lion

OS X Lion’s Restore function is what causes app windows to re-open after you’ve relaunched an app, and people seem to either love it or hate it. Sure you can turn it off completely, but that’s a bit overkill if you only don’t want certain apps to restore their windows, and still want resume to work in others.

That is exactly what RestoreMeNot allows you to do; control which apps use window restore, and which don’t. This is easily done through RestoreMeNot’s preference panel list, where anything added to it will disable the feature when you relaunch the app.

Download RestoreMeNot now (direct link) or visit the dev site

Apps like this are probably the best solution to use if you’re not comfortable with using defaults write commands to disable Resume on a per application basis, and you don’t want to disable the feature completely via System Preferences.

Quick note: If you get a message telling you to launch an app first, that’s because it relies on the saved state folders existing. This is much in the same way of manually blocking restore works when you lock down the individual saved state directories, but of course if they don’t exist, they can’t be locked.

[ via @viticci ]

By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 7 Comments

What Will iPhone 5 Look Like? Contradictory Reports Show Nobody Knows

Sep 26, 2011 - 8 Comments

iPhone 5 concept

Two vastly different analyst reports do a great job of indicating the immense confusion surrounding the next-gen iPhone launch, which is due next week on October 4th. While some analysts are continuing to predict an all new redesigned iPhone 5 released alongside a low-end iPhone 4S, other reports suggest only one new iPhone is going to be pushed out by Apple this year, and that it’s just an incremental hardware update to the iPhone 4.

iPhone 5 is Aluminum Unibody, iPhone 4S is iPod touch Replacement

The first report from Deutsch Bank, as relayed to AppleInsider, suggests that iPhone 5 is expected to be a “completely redesigned handset” featuring “an aluminum unibody construction to replace the current glass back of the iPhone 4” and that it will have a slightly larger screen.

Additionally, Deutsche Banks Chris Whitmore suspects that the so called iPhone 4S is basically an iPod touch replacement, providing a cheaper high margin device that Apple can aim at emerging markets.

The anticipated iPhone 4S is viewed as essentially an 8GB iPod touch with an added cellular antenna

The idea of two phones released simultaneously, one of which will replace the iPod touch, is an appealing theory, but there are other reports that indicate that’s not what is happening.

iPhone 5 said to look like iPhone 4

iPhone 5 Looks Like iPhone 4, No iPhone 4S

Meanwhile, an apparent confirmation from the frequently reliable All Things Digital branch of the Wall Street Journal suggests that a dramatically redesigned iPhone is not going to be released this year. Furthermore, they seem to agree with the idea that Apple is not going to release two different iPhone models at all, throwing water on the dual iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 theories.

Citing a report that circulated last week from yet another analyst, AllThingsD seems to confirm two main points about iPhone 5: that Apple will release only one new iPhone this year, and that the device will look practically identical to the existing iPhone 4:

[According to Wedge Partners analyst Brian Blair] Apple’s fifth-generation iPhone will be an incremental update to the current iPhone 4, not a major redesign.

This is followed by specific quotes from analyst Brian Blair that seem to discredit the dual-release iPhone 4S & 5 rumors:

“We don’t expect a second, dramatically different iPhone to accompany this as we don’t think Apple needs to have 3 models in the market to address the high end, mid-tier and low end since the iPhone 4 (with memory lowered to 8 GB) will drop to $99 and effectively attack those markets.”

“Why would Apple bump up only the processor specs of the iPhone 4 in addition to a newly designed iPhone 5 if the goal is to sell it into the pre-paid market at a lower cost,” Blair asks. “A 4S would simply cost more and a 4S itself wouldn’t create a mid-tier market unless it was priced at $99 and the iPhone 4 went to $49 with the new iPhone at $199. We see this scenario as unlikely.”

AllThingsD John Paczkowski responds to this simply with “Agreed”.

In terms of hardware specs, other than the “[possibility of] a larger screen”, the report echos what has long been expected by the rumor mill: A5 CPU borrowed from the iPad 2, 1GB RAM, 8MP camera, and a ‘worldphone’ baseband that brings GSM and CDMA compatibility onto a single chip.

iPhone 5 Specific iOS 5 Features a Big Selling Point?

Finally, Mark Gurman of 9to5mac provides information about an next-gen-iPhone-only iOS 5 feature called “Assistant” that will be “the new device’s biggest selling point”, which lets you speak commands to the iPhone through an intelligent voice command system. 9to5mac has a detailed summary of the Assistant feature that is well worth a read, and their report also reaffirms the aforementioned hardware specs from other rumors.

The most glaringly obvious aspect to all these reports is that nobody knows exactly what’s coming out of Cupertino next week from Apple. About the only thing anyone can agree on is the devices availability, where a mid-month release date looks like October 14, if for no other reason that it being in the middle of the month, with iOS 5 coming slightly earlier.

By Matt Chan - iPhone, News, Rumor - 8 Comments

Reverse Horizontal Scrolling in Mac OS X

Sep 26, 2011 - 9 Comments

Reverse Horizontal Scrolling to be Natural in Mac OS X

Reverse scrolling, better known as ‘natural scrolling’ for OS X Lion users, is when the content on screen follows your finger movements, just like iOS. This is activated by default for vertical scrolling, but what about horizontal?

Oddly enough, scrolling left and right maintains the old style scrolling behavior, moving the content away from your fingers instead, but with a free utility called Scroll Reverser we can change this.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 9 Comments

“Show Package Contents” Unavailable? Extract .pkg Files Without Installing Them

Sep 26, 2011 - 6 Comments

Extract Package (.pkg) file contents without installing them in Mac OS X

Have you ever wanted to get a look at the contents of a package file on the Mac, but without installing it? You can do that with the help of an excellent command line. This continues on with our series of inspecting the contents of app installers, and in this case we’ll demonstrate how to extract package files and sort through their contents without actually installing them onto Mac OS X.

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By William Pearson - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 6 Comments

iPhone 5 Release Date Could Be October 14

Sep 25, 2011 - 6 Comments

iPhone 5 release date?

A new report says that Apple is blacking out selected vacation days during the second week of October, strongly indicating that iOS 5, iCloud, and iPhone 5 are expected to be released that week. Specifically, AppleInsider learned that Apple “has in some locations blacked out vacation time for employees from October 9th through 12th and October 14th through 15th“.

More Evidence for an iPhone 5 Release on October 14 or 15
The October 15th date is particularly relevant because several weeks ago, French Telecom CEO Stephane Richard stated that the iPhone 5 would be “out October 15th”. Due to timezone differences, if the EU and US had corresponding release schedules, October 14 could also be the release date in the USA, which may explain why those dates are blacked out from the employees vacation calendar.

Building Evidence for an iOS 5 Release on October 10
Breaking down the blacked out dates of October 9th to 12th, AppleInsider cites three additional pieces of evidence that strongly suggest iOS 5 and iCloud will be made available on those dates:

  • AppleCare is expecting an increase in iOS related call volume on Monday, October 10th
  • Apple’s past release history shows an iOS update released several days prior to a new hardware launch
  • A corresponding Twitter developer event with specific focus on iOS 5 is scheduled between Oct 10 and Oct 12

Similarly, a tipster with a fairly accurate track record, including the specific OS X Lion release date, suggested to OSXDaily via Twitter that Monday October 10th would be a date that some new Apple product or software will become publicly available. Separately, OSXDaily has learned that Apple has been ramping up hiring in their Austin, Texas call center over the past month to prepare for an increase in iCloud and iOS related inquiries.

Apple has only said that iOS 5 would be released in the “Fall” of this year. While all of these specific dates remain officially unconfirmed and speculative, it’s widely accepted that the iPhone 5 will be announced on October 4th at an event led by CEO Tim Cook on Apple’s home campus, One Infinite Loop.

By Matt Chan - iPhone, News, Rumor - 6 Comments

iPhone 5 Event to be Held on Apple Campus

Sep 25, 2011 - 5 Comments

One Infinite Loop, the Apple Campus

Apple intends to host the October 4th media event on their own campus in Cupertino, California, according to a new report from WSJ’s AllThingsD. The event is expected to be headlined by the iPhone 5 (or iPhone 4S), in addition to introducing the next iPod touch, iOS 5, iCloud, and Mac OS X 10.7.2 update.

This is a break from Apple’s tradition of hosting a larger event at San Francisco’s Yerba Buena Center. Although AllThingsD isn’t sure as to why the events location is different, they propose a few theories:

Perhaps the release date was too much of a moving target to risk booking a large space like Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA), which has hosted a number of big product unveils in the past. Perhaps, the company felt a more intimate venue was best for newly installed CEO Tim Cook’s first media event. Perhaps YBCA was simply already booked. Whatever the reason, the world will get it’s first look at the next iPhone at Apple’s Town Hall Auditorium in early October.

The other side to not booking the YBCA is that it has kept the event date hidden from the public, something that was relatively easy to guess due to the public accessibility of the Yerba Buena Centers event calendar. If it wasn’t for AllThingsD’s sources inside Apple, the October 4th launch date would still be unknown.

Few details on any new hardware have surfaced, and there is an ongoing debate as to whether a true iPhone 5 will be revealed or if the iPhone 4S will be the next-gen iPhone. While there is plenty of speculation in the tech world as to the specifics of the next phone, it’s important to remember that Apple goes to incredible lengths to keep products secret, as demonstrated by the immense security precautions surrounding the iPad when it was in testing prior to public launch.

By Matt Chan - iPhone, News - 5 Comments

Mac Setups: Mac Pro Video Editing Workstation & a MacBook Pro Too

Sep 24, 2011 - 7 Comments

Mac Pro with Flip Clock Screensavers

This user submitted Mac setup comes from Chris K and is primarily used for video editing with Final Cut. The dual displays are powered by a Mac Pro sitting under the desk, while a MacBook Pro 15″ sits to the left and an iPad 2 rounds out the right. Great setup!

MacBook Pro, Mac Pro, and iPad 2

For those wondering, the screen saver is Fliqlo in the topmost picture.

Thanks for sending this in Chris

You can submit your own Mac & Apple hardware setups to us at

By William Pearson - Mac Setups - 7 Comments

Show What Files Are To Be Installed & Where Files Will Go in Mac OS X

Sep 23, 2011 - 8 Comments

Show Files and Locations of Files to be Installed in Mac OS X

In nearly all Installer and Package apps, you have the option to view exactly what files will be installed and where the installer wants to place them on the Mac. This is an often overlooked feature of the OS X Installer, and it you’ve ever wondered what and where on earth that random .pkg wants to throw its contents, this will show you exactly that.

This is useful for so many scenarios, from knowing what an app is going to do, to troubleshooting, and it works to check where and what is going to be installed or updated in all versions of Mac OS X.

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By William Pearson - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

Quad-Core ARM CPU Support Found in Xcode, Quickly Removed by Apple

Sep 23, 2011 - 9 Comments

Apple looks to be experimenting with quad-core ARM CPU’s, possibly for future iPhone, iPad, and even MacBook Airs, as references in Xcodes default compiler reveal. This was first discovered by ArsTechnica, who proposes three possible scenarios for why the CPU support exists:

  • Quad-core processor could be included in next-gen iOS devices like the iPad 3
  • The quad-core chip could be coming to the MacBook Air (earlier rumors suggest a move away from Intel is possible)
  • The CPU is being used for iOS and OS X prototypes

Ars concludes the third option is most likely, suggesting that Apple is using the CPU for prototypes:

“most probable in our opinion, is that Apple is using the Marvell chip in prototypes of future iOS device designs (or even an ARM-based MacBook Air that is rumored to exist somewhere inside One Infinite Loop) for testing purposes. An Armada XP-powered prototype logic board would allow iOS or Mac OS X software engineers to experiment with performance tuning and other optimizations”

Since the discovery, Apple has been quick to remove the source, the original page no longer exists although several references are still found on this page.

page removed

Update: the references have since been removed from the second page as well.

By Matt Chan - News, Rumor - 9 Comments

iOS-Like Dark Menu Bar for Mac OS X Lion

Sep 23, 2011 - 25 Comments

Dark menu bar for Mac OS X

If you’ve been using Nocturne to get the black menubar in Mac OS X but don’t care for any of the features outside of the darker menu bar, check out MenuBarFilter. All it does is turn the Mac menu bar color into a dark black gradient, closely resembling iOS.

Download MenubarFilter now or head to the github page.

MenuBarFilter is extremely lightweight, just uncompress the app and double-click on the Panda icon to turn your menubar black. There are no configuration choices or menu items, so if you want to quit the app you’ll have to find it in Activity Monitor and kill the process, or type this into the Terminal:

killall Finder

Why would you want to stop running this gorgeous little add-on? Bugs of course. MenuBarFilter certainly works in Lion but it doesn’t play that well with Mission Control or full-screen apps, and you’ll see some display artifacts and mismatched colors here and there. I’ve been using it since last night and as long as you don’t expect a perfect fit quite yet, MenuBarFilter is a very nice looking customization to Mac OS X.

dark menu bar in Mac OS X

Speaking of bugs, if you’re crafty and want to try and troubleshoot the display oddities yourself, you can grab the source code through git with:

git clone git://

Thanks to TJ for the heads up in our comments

By William Pearson - Customize, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 25 Comments

How to View & Mount Hidden Partitions in Mac OS X with Debug Menu in Disk Utility

Sep 23, 2011 - 20 Comments

View and mount a hidden partition in Mac OS X

By enabling a hidden debug feature in Disk Utility, you are able to both view and mount hidden partitions on hard drives in Mac OS X. Hidden partitions include things like Linux swap, GUID partitions, a Windows Recovery drive, and the Mac OS X Recovery HD partition, and once they’re mounted they can be edited or formatted just like any other drive. There are many cases where you’ll want access to these hidden partitions, and we’ll show you exactly how to do that.

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Mac OS X 10.7.2 Update Coming October 12th?

Sep 22, 2011 - 11 Comments

Mac OS X 10.7.2 build 11C62 suggests release alongside iOS 5 and iCloud

Mac OS X 10.7.2 build 11C62 has been released to developers today with no known issues. The second update to OS X Lion primarily focuses on iCloud support, suggesting the software update will likely be released alongside iCloud, iOS 5, and whatever iPhone is announced at the October 4th event that Apple has planned.

Other than native iCloud support, OS X 10.7.2 includes a variety of bug fixes, as the apparent final release notes from MacRumors show:

The 10.7.2 update is recommended for all OS X Lion users and includes general operating system fixes that improve the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac. It also includes support for iCloud, a breakthrough set of free cloud services that automatically and wirelessly store your content on iCloud and push it to all of your devices. iCloud on OS X Lion includes the following features:

• iCloud stores your email, calendars, contacts, Safari bookmarks, and Safari Reading List and automatically pushes them to all your devices.
• Back to My Mac provides remote access to your Mac from another Mac anywhere on the Internet.
• Find My Mac helps find a missing Mac by locating it on a map and allows you to remotely lock the Mac or wipe all its data.

Getting started with iCloud is easy. After installing the update, OS X will automatically present an iCloud setup panel. Simply enter an existing Apple ID or create a new one and then follow the on screen instructions. To learn more about iCloud visit

The 10.7.2 update also includes Safari 5.1.1 as well as fixes that:

• Allow reordering of desktop spaces and full screen apps in Mission Control.
• Enable dragging files between desktop spaces and full screen apps.
• Address an issue that causes the menu bar to not appear in full screen apps.
• Improve the compatibility of Google contact syncing in Address Book.
• Address an issue that causes Keynote to become temporarily unresponsive.
• Improve VoiceOver compatibility with Launchpad.
• Address an issue that causes a delay in accessing the network after waking from sleep.
• Enable booting in to Lion Recovery from a locally attached Time Machine backup drive.
• Resolve an issue that causes screen zoom to stop working.
• Improve Active Directory integration.

Not mentioned in the the release notes are the variety of persistent Wi-Fi issues that are effecting some Lion users, although independent reports from those using the update suggest wireless connectivity is improved in the release.

By Matt Chan - Mac OS, News, Rumor - 11 Comments

iPhone 4S Case Solidifies Name, Shows Volume Buttons Moved to Right Side

Sep 22, 2011 - 6 Comments

iPhone 4S Otterbox case

At least one of the devices to be launched by Apple on October 4th looks to be named ‘iPhone 4S’ after all. The proof comes in the form of several pictures of an Otterbox case, clearly showing the iPhone 4S monicker printed on the packaging, which were discovered and posted to Twitter by jailbreaker @chronic.

Perhaps more interesting is that the volume buttons appear to have switched places to the right side of the iPhone, matching the iPad, which is seen clearly in this picture:

iPhone 4S case showing volume buttons on opposite side

Moving the volume button to the right side is compelling because:

  • It gives credence to several iPhone 5 cases which show the volume buttons on the right side
  • This breaks from the long established norm of existing iPhone and iPod touches

Chronic suggested the move is simply related to the volume button shutter features in iOS 5, but it’s also likely that Apple intends s to make all iOS devices consistent with their button locations.

By Matt Chan - iPhone, News - 6 Comments

Keyboard Illumination Locked? It’s the Light Sensor

Sep 22, 2011 - 66 Comments

Keyboard Illumination Lock icon

Can’t turn on your MacBook Pro or Air’s keyboard backlighting? No it’s probably not broken, it’s most likely the light sensor. If the ambient light sensor on MacBook Pro and MacBook Air models detects too much light, the keyboard illumination will disable itself and refuse to turn on, showing the above locked image instead.

You can force the keyboard illumination to turn back on by covering up this ambient light sensor, which is located directly to the left of the iSight/FaceTime camera on MacBook Pro and MacBook Air models:

MacBook Air Light Sensor Location

If you look carefully at that area on the screens border, you’ll see tiny perforations where light is detected. Covering the sensor will enable the backlit keys to turn on, usually instantly, and you can then adjust the backlight as usual with the F5 and F6 keys.
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iPad Vending Machines?!

Sep 22, 2011 - 11 Comments

iPad vending machine

Would you buy an iPad from a vending machine? Never thought about it? Me neither, but pushing aside the old iPod vending machines that have been around a while comes an all new iProduct vending machine, this time including iPad 2. Of course there are also iPod touches, shuffles, AppleCare, and assorted other tech products, but the iPad is what makes this notable.

This was noticed by the Consumerist at a Macy’s mens department, I wonder if these will catch on?

By Paul Horowitz - Fun, iPad - 11 Comments

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