system preferences

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Fix “Confirm Mac Password” to Keep Using iCloud in System Settings

Dec 29, 2022 - 28 Comments
Confirm Mac Password message in System Settings

Some Mac users have discovered a “Confirm Mac Password” message in System Settings or System Preferences on their Mac, and while it can appear at random, it often shows up soon after installing a system software update. For example, perhaps you recently installed macOS Ventura 13.1 onto a Mac and now you see the “Confirm … Read More

Finding System Preferences & Using System Settings in MacOS Sonoma & Ventura

Nov 29, 2022 - 62 Comments

System Preferences has been replaced by System Settings in MacOS Sonoma & MacOS Ventura, and it’s quite a change not only in name but in how the system control panels are navigated, and also where many preferences, settings, and toggles are located. You can access the new System Settings from the  Apple menu just … Read More

How to Use Energy Saver Settings on Mac for Better Battery & Power Management

May 31, 2020 - 2 Comments
MacBook 2016 models

If you’re using a desktop Mac, like an iMac or Mac Pro, you’re probably less concerned about power management than someone using something like a MacBook. But there are still chances to reduce your home electricity bill, too. You’d be surprised the difference tweaking a few macOS settings can make, especially if you’re someone who … Read More

How to Control What Apps Can Access Files & Folders in macOS Big Sur & Catalina

May 18, 2020 - 8 Comments
Mac Finder, where you can copy the path of a file name easily

You can control which apps have access to files and folders on the Mac. This article will walk you through how to manage what apps can access files and folders in macOS.

How to Disable Red Badge Circle on System Preferences in MacOS

May 12, 2020 - 36 Comments
How to hide the red badge icon from MacOS System Preferences

System Preferences in MacOS shows a red badge circle icon when there is an available software update for the Mac. This can be helpful for users who want to be notified of software updates, but it can be annoying to other Mac users who are specifically avoiding a particular software update. For example, many Mac … Read More

How to Access iCloud Settings & Apple ID in macOS Catalina

Feb 14, 2020 - 6 Comments
iCloud settings and Apple ID on MacOS

Wondering how to access your Apple ID and iCloud settings in the latest MacOS releases? Your Apple ID is the key to all of your data and it’s where all of the iCloud syncing magic starts. Without your Apple ID you can’t access iCloud data including your email, contacts, calendar, and more. You’ll also need … Read More

How to Search System Preferences in Mac OS X for Settings & Adjustments

Oct 23, 2015 - 3 Comments
Search System Preferences in mac OS X for a specific setting

Though many preferences and settings in Mac OS are easy to find, some aren’t always located in the most obvious locations within System Preferences, and it’s also just easy to forget which panel is going to adjust what you’re looking for on the Mac. Fortunately, the Mac System Preference control panel has a universal search … Read More

Find Specific System Preference Panels & Options in OS X Quickly with Search

Nov 28, 2012 - Leave a Comment
Search System Preferences in Mac OS X

Whether you’re new to the Mac or just can’t figure out where a specific preference option is buried, you’ll love the convenience of the built-in search function in OS X System Preferences. This is an often overlooked feature that can prevent a lot of frustration when looking for some less-than-obvious settings panels, and it’s very … Read More

Easily Edit Hosts File in Mac OS X from a Preference Pane

Jul 30, 2012 - 6 Comments
Edit hosts file easily from a preference panel in Mac OS X

The hosts file maps hostnames to IP addresses, it’s present in virtually every OS in some form or another and in Mac OS X it’s stored at /etc/hosts, which requires administrative privileges to modify and generally a jump to the command line. Editing the hosts file allows you to do a variety of things like … Read More

Set a System Preferences Keyboard Shortcut in Mac OS X

May 13, 2012 - 6 Comments
System Preferences Hotkey

If you find yourself adjusting things in System Preferences often enough, it’s helpful to create a universal keyboard shortcut to quickly launch into the control panels on the Mac. Here is how to do that in Mac OS X:

Change the Desktop Wallpaper Automatically in Mac OS X

Dec 15, 2011 - 15 Comments
Change desktop picture wallpaper randomly in Mac OS X

Can’t decide which wallpaper to use as your desktop background? Me neither. Fortunately there’s a setting in Mac OS X that causes the desktop picture to change itself automatically at a user selected time interval, ranging from every 5 seconds to once a day or upon system wake. Essentially this means your wallpaper will change … Read More

How to Hide System Preference Panels in Mac OS X

Nov 21, 2011 - 1 Comment
Hide System Preferences Mac OS X

You can hide unwanted System Preferences from appearing in the control panel without actually removing them. This is a helpful distinction for setting up other user accounts or just for hiding System Prefs you never access and no longer need:

Show All System Preferences from a Quick Menu in Mac OS

Nov 16, 2011 - 8 Comments
Pull Down System Preferences list

Rather than rearranging all of the System Preferences to be sorted alphabetically, you can access a quick pull-down menu of all the panels that is sorted by name. Try it yourself, access System Preferences from the  Apple menu, then click and hold on “Show All” to see the full list of preference panes available sorted by … Read More

Find System Preferences Easier in Mac OS X by Sorting Alphabetically

Nov 12, 2011 - 8 Comments
System Preferences

Mac System Preferences are grouped by categories by default, basically into Personal / iCloud, Software, and Hardware. For most of us this is intuitive and easy enough to navigate, but with modern versions of macOS they’ve been condensed down from more category separation, from Personal, Hardware, Internet & Wireless, System, and Other, to just the … Read More

How to Tile Desktop Background Wallpaper in Mac OS X

Oct 26, 2011 - 9 Comments
set a background image to tile in Mac OS X Lion

Want to tile a wallpaper on the Mac? A tiling wallpaper will repeat all over the desktop background, just like a tile is repeated in flooring or a wall. Well, you’re in luck because modern Mac OS X versions can do tile a wallpaper image, just like you could do way back in ancient Mac … Read More

Enable Remote Login to Start SSH Server in Mac OS X

Sep 30, 2011 - 18 Comments
Remote Login enables SSH and SFTP

Remote Login is a feature in Mac OS X’s Sharing preferences that allow remote users to connect to a Mac in a secure fashion by using the OpenSSH protocols. Essentially, Remote Login starts an SSH server on a Mac, which includes the ability to accept incoming SSH connections, and is the secure replacement for telnet. … Read More

Quickly Access System Preferences Using Option & Function Keys

Jan 11, 2011 - 6 Comments

If you want to quickly access the Mac OS X System Preferences, you can do so with an indirect keyboard shortcut trick by holding down the Option key and then hitting various function keys. This jumps directly to the System Preference panel corresponding to the function key. For example, Option+Brightness pulls up the Display preference … Read More

Fine Tune Archive Behavior with the Secret Archives Preference Pane

Dec 3, 2010 - 2 Comments

You can fine tune how Mac OS X handles archives with a secret preference pane. There’s quite a few features tucked away in the Archives preference pane, including the ability to delete the archive after it’s expanded, reveal the expanded items in the Finder, and of course the same features for compressing files too. These … Read More

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