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chronod on Mac – High CPU Use & Network Access Requests Explained

Jul 25, 2024 - Leave a Comment
The chronod process using high CPU on a Mac

Some Mac users occasionally discover the ‘chronod’ process in MacOS is either consuming a large amount of system resources, or is requesting access to network connections. Sometimes chronod is flagged by overly zealous anti-virus apps as well. While there are plenty of people who ignore this kind of thing, another curious type of Mac user … Read More

Why Are iPhone Videos Low Quality & Blurry When Sent to Android Users?

Jul 10, 2024 - 2 Comments
Amusingly bad quality video sent from iPhone to Android

Many iPhone users have noticed that when they record a high definition video on their iPhone, and then send it to an Android user through text message, that the video arrives to the Android user very blurry and in impressively low resolution, with the quality of the video degraded considerably. The fuzzy pixelated image at … Read More

Fix “A software update is required to install macOS in a virtual machine” Error on Mac

Jun 20, 2024 - Leave a Comment
Fix the Software update required to install macOS in virtual machine error

Some Mac users who are attempting to install MacOS Sequoia beta into a virtual machine may run into an error message that states “A software update is required to install macOS in a virtual machine.”

How to Fix iPhone “Charging on Hold” Message

Jun 15, 2024 - Leave a Comment
iPhone Charging on Hold temperature warning

The iPhone has an interesting feature that will temporarily prevent the iPhone battery from charging if the iPhone temperature is not at an appropriate level to safely charge. When this happens, you will see a notification on the iPhone screen stating “Charging on Hold – Charging will resume when iPhone returns to normal temperature.” Most … Read More

sysmond on Mac Using High CPU? Here’s the Likely Reason & How to Fix It

Jun 1, 2024 - 1 Comment
Understanding why sysmond using high CPU

sysmond, which as you may have surmised from the process name, is short for System Monitor Daemon, is part of Activity Monitor. Thus, if you use Activity Monitor to keep a watch on your Mac system resources, processes, CPU usage, Energy use, Disk, Network, and critical to our discussion here – Memory usage, you may … Read More

How to Factory Reset Mac (MacOS Sonoma & Ventura)

May 16, 2024 - 5 Comments
Factory resetting a Mac begins in System Settings

If you are going to sell, return, or give away a Mac, you almost certainly want to factory reset the computer first. Performing a factory reset on a Mac will erase all data on the Mac, and return it to a clean slate as if the computer were brand new, without any data or personal … Read More

How to Fix the Apple Watch Squiggly Line Screen

May 8, 2024 - Leave a Comment
Fix the Apple Watch squiggly line screen with a lightning bolt

Apple Watch users may occasionally see a black screen with a squiggly line that looks like a charging cable and lightning bolt, and when this screen is active you will find Apple Watch is not usable. You may run into this screen after an Apple Watch has not been in use for a while, and … Read More

What Does the Number Badge Mean on Microsoft Edge Icon?

May 5, 2024 - 4 Comments
Mysterious badge number on Edge icon in MacOS Dock

Using Microsoft Edge as the default browser on MacOS has been a mostly positive experience, for speed, utility, access to GPT-4, and other neat features. But it’s also not without some degree of confusion, like wondering what on earth the number badge icon on the Edge icon in the Mac Dock means. One key component … Read More

How to Hide iPhone Keyboard When It’s Covering Buttons & Won’t Go Away

May 1, 2024 - 2 Comments
How to fix a stuck iPhone keyboard

Some iPhone users may find that the onscreen keyboard occasionally gets stuck on screen and covers buttons or other elements on the the screen, preventing interaction with the iPhone and preventing the dismissal of the iPhone keyboard. This can happen for a variety of reasons, whether in Messages, Whatsapp, Instagram, FaceBook, Mail, and basically any … Read More

What’s a PXM File & How Do You Open It?

Apr 27, 2024 - 2 Comments
A PXM file as seen on a Mac

File types and file formats can be a bit of a mystery, especially when you stumble into a file that you don’t necessarily recognize. One such case that you may come across is a file that has a .pxm file extension, and if you haven’t heard of a PXM file before you understandably might be … Read More

Fixing Apple Watch False Touch & Ghost Touch Issues

Apr 26, 2024 - Leave a Comment
Fix the false touch issue on Apple Watch

Some Apple Watch users have experienced a situation where their Apple Watch seems to respond to phantom touches, which some users have come to call ghost touches. These false touches can happen in a variety of different situations, from the Apple Watch simply being on your wrist and doing nothing out of the ordinary, to … Read More

What Does the Bell with Line Through It Mean in Messages? Bell Icon on iPhone, iPad, & Mac Explained

Apr 5, 2024 - Leave a Comment
What the bell icon with a line through it means in Messages on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch

You may occasionally see a Messages thread or a conversation in Messages app that shows a bell with a line through it next to the persons name. If you’re wondering what the bell with a line through it means in Messages app, which is the mute symbol, you’re certainly not alone, because not everyone activates … Read More

Fix a Repeating “Trust This Computer” Alert on iPhone & iPad

Apr 1, 2024 - 6 Comments
Trust This Computer alert on iPhone or iPad when connecting to a computer

When you connect an iPhone or iPad to a Mac or Windows PC, you will see a request on the device to “Trust this computer?” with an option to ‘Trust’ or “Don’t Trust’. This is a security feature that is part of iOS and iPadOS to ensure that you approve of a device connection to … Read More

Fix “warning: unable to access /Users/Name/.config/git/attributes Permission Denied” Errors

Mar 30, 2024 - Leave a Comment
See permissions of the git config directory which is the cause of the error message

If you’re at the command line and perhaps interacting with Homebrew, Git, or similar, you may run into an error message that says something like the following “warning: unable to access /Users/Name/.config/git/attributes” : Permission denied”. This error message sounds more alarming than it is in most cases, but regardless, you likely want to fix the … Read More

How to Fix the Apple Watch Squiggly Charging Cable Screen

Mar 29, 2024 - 1 Comment
Fix the Apple Watch squiggly line screen with a lightning bolt

If you have an Apple Watch, or you just bought an Apple Watch, you may occasionally run into a situation where the Apple Watch displays a squiggly line charging cable on the screen, sometimes with a little lightning bolt icon as well. Some people have even referred to this screen as the ‘green snake screen’ … Read More

NewsToday2: What it is & How to Disable NewsToday2 on Mac

Mar 27, 2024 - 3 Comments
Kill the NewsToday2 process on Mac

Some Mac users have discovered a process named “NewsToday2” running on their Mac, typically found after they’ve noticed a slowdown on their machine, or if they’re browsing through active processes running in MacOS. We’re going to dive into the NewsToday2 process in MacOS, discuss what it is, and show you how to stop it from … Read More

What is fileproviderd on Mac & Why Does it Use High CPU?

Mar 16, 2024 - Leave a Comment
The fileprovidered process on Mac

A process named fileproviderd may be discovered by some Mac users, usually seen in Activity Monitor when someone has discovered that their Mac feels like it’s running slower than usual. There, fileproviverd may be using high amounts of CPU, and by using heavy system resources, the Mac slows down.

How to Find Universal Control Settings on MacOS Sonoma & Ventura?

Mar 15, 2024 - 3 Comments
Universal Control settings as found in System Settings

Universal Control is one of the most useful features available for Mac users who have multiple Macs and iPads that they’d like to control with a single mouse and keyboard, it works really well and offers a great experience once it’s setup and working. But, like so many other recent changes to the Mac that … Read More

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